Marianne Van Kerkhoven

Marianne Van Kerkhoven (born 1946, dead 4th of Septembre 2013) was a dramaturge at Kaaitheater in Brussels. She teached drama and was also a theatre researcher and writer.


(Objekt ID 3237)
Object type Person
Born 1946 (dead September 4, 2013)
Functions Dramaturge, Writer, Researcher, Pedagog
Nationality Belgian
Gender Female
Adresse Brussel, Belgium
Website Nekrolog på Facebook

Marianne Van Kerkhoven was employed at Kaaitheater in Brussels from 1985, working with several choreographers and companies. She was considered an important writer and theatre researcher and she was the editor of the journal Theaterschrift in the period from 1992 to 1998.


BIT Teatergarasjen, Oktoberdans 2006. 19.07.2010: BIT Teatergarasjen -arkiv

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