Andrine Sæther

Andrine Sæther (born 7th of September 1964) is a Norwegian actress, educated at The National Academy of Theatre (1992-95). From 1995, she has been steadily employed by The National Theatre.

She has interpreted central roles in plays such as GhostsThe Lady from the Sea, Hustyrannen* (The House Tyrant)Little Eyolf and The Fussy Man. In the time from 1998 to 2000, Sæther was part of The Torshov Theatre's artistic management. She has had roles in a number of Norwegian movies, including Only Clouds Move the Stars and Junk Mail. A significant TV audience also knows her from the TV series Berlin Poplars and Mammon.

Andrine Sæther was nominated for The Hedda Award 2017 in the best supporting actress category for the role of Friend in Let You Be, by Arne Lygre, directed by Johannes Holmen Dahl for The National Theatre.


(Objekt ID 312)
Object type Person
Born September 7, 1964
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


The Hedda Award,,