Per Oddvar Johansen


(Objekt ID 30986)
Object type Person
Functions Musician
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (9)
Title Premiere Role
Spor - Svalbard Movements (Visjoner Teater) June 10, 2020 Composer, Musician
Drøm (Cecilie Bertrán de Lis) February 14, 2020 Music, Music
Dødens elv (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) March 28, 2018 Musician
The Child (The National Theatre) January 12, 2017 Musician
Congress of Dreams (Krakk Noir) Navember 25, 2015 Composition, Musician
Coelacanth (winter guests) May 23, 2013 Musician
The Angel of Corruption (Krakk Noir) September 7, 2012 Musician
Chet spiller ikke her* (Chet doesn't play here) (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) Navember 8, 2011 Musician
Chet spiller ikke her* (Chet doesn't play here) (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) September 2, 2009 Musician