Geir Langslet


(Objekt ID 30128)
Object type Person
Born 1956
Functions Musician
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (9)
Title Premiere Role
Lady Arbuthnott - Frua på Elverhøy (Jazzåteatret Produksjon ) June 15, 2006 Musical arrangement
Ronia, the Robber's Daughter (The Norwegian Theatre) Navember 10, 2000 Musician
The Jungle Book (The Norwegian Theatre) February 25, 2000 Musician, Musical arrangement
Typisk Norsk (ABC-teatret) 1995 Musical direction
Festrevy for Norge - i rødt, hvitt og blott til lyst (ABC-teatret) 1994 Musical direction
Dizzie og Damene (Jørg-Fr. EllertsenThalia Teater AS) September 15, 1993 Musician
Show til sjøs (Statens teaterhøgskole) March 12, 1992 Musical arrangement
Hair (HAIR AS) 1992 Musician, Musical direction
The Jungle Book (Bryggeteatret) February 12, 1991 Musical direction, Musical arrangement
The Jungle Book (Bryggeteatret) Navember 23, 1989 Musical direction, Musical arrangement