Hai Nguyen Dinh


(Objekt ID 2960)
Object type Person
Functions Actor, Musician
Gender Male
Affiliations (4)
Involved in productions (6)
Title Premiere Role
And All the Questionmarks Started to Sing (Verdensteatret) September 9, 2010 Co-creator
And All the Questionmarks Started to Sing (Verdensteatret) July 8, 2010 Co-creator
And All the Questionmarks Started to Sing (Verdensteatret) April 15, 2010 Co-creator
Next Life - concert (Next Life) March 21, 2010 Musician
louder (Verdensteatret) October 6, 2007 Co-creator
Auvirkomma veiklinga (Goro Tronsmo) March 28, 2006 Co-creator, Performer
Alice (Katrine Bølstad KompaniKikut) 2003 Animation, Graphic designer, Composition, Sound design