Rune Belsvik

Rune Belsvik (born 1956) is a Norwegian writer and playwright. In particular he has written for children and youth.

Belsvik was nominated for Nordic Drama Award 1994 for the play Stryk meg, stryk meg* (Stroke me, Stroke me).

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 29483)
Object type Person
Born April 14, 1956
Functions Author, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (17)
Title Premiere Role
Heimanifrå – på høge hæle i Junaiten (Kilden Theatre) 2022 Playwright
STORMEN – forteljinga om Mirana og Ferdinand (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) October 22, 2017 Libretto
Verdas Søtaste Turist (Grenland Friteater) June 13, 2017 Author
Verdas Mest Forelska Par (Haugesund Theatre) October 15, 2015 Playwright
Snøkvit - ein barneopera (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) May 15, 2015 Libretto
STORMEN – forteljinga om Mirana og Ferdinand (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) July 12, 2014 Libretto
Verdas mest forelska par* (The Couple in the World Who is the Most in Love) (The Norwegian Theatre) September 7, 2006 Playwright
Dustefjerten og andungen* (The Dork Fart and the Duck Chick) (The Norwegian Theatre) January 31, 2003 Playwright
Bollefisen og Dustefjerten (Teater Vestland) April 22, 2002 Author
Jan og Aud fortel om egga sine (The National StageKilden Theatre) September 5, 1998 Playwright
Kjærleiken er eit filmtriks (The National Stage) May 21, 1997 Playwright
Stryk meg, stryk meg (The National Stage) January 13, 1996 Playwright
Stryk meg, stryk meg (The National Stage) Navember 18, 1993 Playwright
Sverdet i steinen (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) September 18, 1990 Dramatised by
Mann overbord (The National StageStageway) September 29, 1989 Text
Den gode timen (The National Stage) May 28, 1989 Playwright
Erling Andersen og halve kongeriket (The National Stage) December 3, 1987 Playwright
Det regner ikke mer, eller Hjertet er en pil i øyet - Dialog kring ein deig - Hos logoterapyton - Suite med døden andante - Vegen fram - Var jeg en hopper (The National Stage) Navember 6, 1987 Playwright
Mitt første kyss (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) February 16, 1984 Playwright
Artworks (11)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Stryk meg, stryk meg* (Stroke me, Stroke me) 1994, Script – Author
Dialog kring ein deig Script – Author
Erling Andersen og halve kongeriket Script – Author
Jan og Aud fortel om egga sine Script – Author
Kjærleiken er eit filmtriks Script – Author
Prinsessesongen - se Erling Andersen og halve kongeriket Script – Author
Prisessesongen Script – Author
Dustefjerten og Andungen 2003, Script, Children and youth – Author
Verdas mest forelska par* (The Couple in the World Who is the Most in Love) 2006, Script – Author
Mitt første kyss 1984, Script, Children and youth – Author
Dustefjerten 2006, Music – Author