Den stundesløse (The National Stage) |
January 25, 2025 |
Actor (Leonard) |
Gitarmannen (Det Vestnorske Teateret) |
December 8, 2023 |
Actor |
Namnet (Det Vestnorske Teateret) |
December 8, 2023 |
Actor (Faren) |
Kjøkkenet er hjemmets hjerte (The National Stage) |
Navember 18, 2023 |
Actor |
1984? (The National Stage) |
September 20, 2023 |
Actor |
Lazarus (The National Stage) |
April 22, 2022 |
Actor (Newton) |
Assassins (The National Stage) |
February 5, 2022 |
Actor (Samuel Byck) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National StageBergen International FestivalAarhus Theatre) |
May 27, 2021 |
Actor (Per Degn) |
Madame Bovary (The National Stage) |
March 24, 2021 |
Actor (Homais) |
Alle tiders Bergen* (Bergen of all time) (The National Stage) |
September 11, 2020 |
Actor |
The Name (The National Stage) |
June 16, 2020 |
Actor |
The Name (The National Stage) |
January 31, 2020 |
Actor |
PeerGynt DUB (The National Stage) |
Navember 22, 2019 |
Performer |
Skipet de Zee Ploeg* (The Ship de Zee Ploeg) (The National Stage) |
April 11, 2019 |
Actor (Manzelmann) |
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (The National Stage) |
February 6, 2019 |
Actor (George) |
The Guitarists (The National Stage) |
September 22, 2018 |
Actor |
Kristin Lavransdatter (The National Stage) |
February 10, 2018 |
Actor (Lavrans) |
Our Power/Our Glory (The National Stage) |
September 30, 2017 |
Actor |
Engler over Møhlenpris* (Angels above Møhlenpris) (The National Stage) |
April 28, 2017 |
Playwright, Composer, Actor (Vaktmester) |
Hamlet (The National Stage) |
February 4, 2017 |
Actor |
The Nether (The National Stage) |
April 16, 2016 |
Actor (Sims / Papa) |
Our Power/Our Glory (The National Stage) |
January 29, 2016 |
Actor |
The People of Hellemyr (The National Stage) |
Navember 5, 2015 |
Actor |
Sånne som oss* (People like us) (The National Stage) |
September 11, 2015 |
Actor (Frank Eriksen) |
The Witch (The National Stage) |
March 21, 2015 |
Actor (Biskop Jens Schjelderup) |
Og aldri skal vi skiljast (Nynorskens Hus, Oslo) |
December 14, 2014 |
Actor (Han) |
The People of Hellemyr (The National Stage) |
September 13, 2014 |
Actor |
Sånne som oss* (People like us) (The National Stage) |
May 10, 2014 |
Actor (Frank Eriksen) |
King Lear (The National Stage) |
January 17, 2014 |
Actor (Kong Lear) |
Dyveke (The National Stage) |
September 7, 2013 |
Actor (Hertug Fredrik / Hansen) |
The Seagull (The National Stage) |
May 24, 2013 |
Actor (Boris Trigorin) |
Calendar Girls (The National Stage) |
March 8, 2013 |
Actor (John) |
Fanny og Alexander (The National Stage) |
September 8, 2012 |
Actor (Carl Ekdahl) |
Blackbird (The National Stage) |
February 4, 2012 |
Actor (Ray) |
La Cage aux Folles (The National Stage) |
October 29, 2011 |
Actor (Pierre) |
Alt om min mor (The National Stage) |
May 3, 2011 |
Actor (Lola) |
Peder Påske (The National Stage) |
February 2, 2011 |
Actor |
La Cage aux Folles (The National Stage) |
Navember 6, 2010 |
Actor (Pierre) |
August: Osage County (The National Stage) |
September 4, 2010 |
Actor (Bill Fordham) |
Company (The National Stage) |
January 23, 2010 |
Actor (Harry) |
Art (The National Stage) |
2010 |
Actor |
Brødrene Løvehjerte (The National Stage) |
September 11, 2009 |
Actor (Orvar) |
Sjøfareren (The National Stage) |
March 20, 2009 |
Actor (Mr. Lockhart) |
Hedda Gabler (The National Stage) |
January 24, 2009 |
Actor (Eilert Løvborg) |
Netter i Beirut (The National Stage) |
September 5, 2008 |
Actor (Edward) |
Art (The National Stage) |
May 21, 2008 |
Actor |
The Cherry Orchard (The National Stage) |
May 23, 2007 |
Actor |
Tiden er vårt hjem* (Time is our home) (The National Stage) |
February 10, 2007 |
Actor (Harald, Annas kjæreste) |
Falne engler (The National Stage) |
October 28, 2006 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
På 'an igjen (The National Stage) |
Navember 11, 2005 |
Actor |
Dream of Autumn (The National Stage) |
May 26, 2005 |
Actor (Mann) |
Funny Girl (The National Stage) |
January 21, 2005 |
Actor (Nick Arnstein) |
Kameliadamen (The National Stage) |
Navember 6, 2004 |
Actor (Gaston Rieux) |
Don Ranudo, eller Hovmod står for fall (The National Stage) |
September 3, 2004 |
Actor (Don Ranudo De Colibrados) |
Sugar (The National Stage) |
March 6, 2004 |
Actor (Joey/Josephine) |
Bitre blomster (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 15, 2003 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
Jo, jo - bevares vel!! (The National Stage) |
September 9, 2002 |
Actor |
Kiss me Kate (The National Stage) |
March 9, 2002 |
Actor (Fred Graham/Petrucchio) |
LIVET x 3 (The National Stage) |
September 15, 2001 |
Actor (Henri) |
Easter (The National Stage) |
May 24, 2001 |
Actor (Elis) |
Seks personer søker en forfatter (The National Stage) |
February 9, 2001 |
Actor (Sønnen) |
Visits (The National Stage) |
May 25, 2000 |
Actor (Mannen) |
Glass - et requiem (The National Stage) |
March 11, 2000 |
Actor (Jørn) |
Journey to the World Under Ground (The National Stage) |
January 2, 2000 |
Actor (Jens Thorlaksen / Potua / Borgermesteren / Qua) |
Mirad - ein gut frå Jugoslavia (The National Stage) |
Navember 5, 1999 |
Actor |
Cinderella (The National Stage) |
September 11, 1999 |
Actor (Feen / 1. herold) |
Romeo and Juliet (The National Stage) |
March 6, 1999 |
Actor (Mercutio) |
Svarte får (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 3, 1998 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
Svarte får (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 26, 1998 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
Svarte får (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 19, 1998 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
Svarte får (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 12, 1998 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
Fiddler on the Roof (The National Stage) |
September 10, 1998 |
Actor (Motel Kamzoil, en skredder) |
Mefisto (The National Stage) |
January 17, 1998 |
Actor (Høfgren, Hendrik) |
Hvite djevler (The National Stage) |
September 13, 1997 |
Actor (Flaminio) |
Bakkantinnene (The National Stage) |
May 21, 1997 |
Actor (Korfører) |
Tro, håp og kjærlighet - en liten dødsdans (The National Stage) |
March 1, 1997 |
Actor (Overinspektøren) |
Suburbia (The National Stage) |
Navember 14, 1996 |
Actor (Pony), Music |
I morgen er jeg ikke her (The National Stage) |
September 14, 1996 |
Actor (Knut Kant / Overlegen) |
Tornerose sov i hundre år - Varg Veum (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 24, 1996 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
Oscar (The National Stage) |
February 23, 1996 |
Actor (Christian Martin, ung forretningsmann) |
Tornerose sov i hundre år - Varg Veum (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 17, 1996 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
Tornerose sov i hundre år - Varg Veum (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 10, 1996 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
Tornerose sov i hundre år - Varg Veum (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 3, 1996 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
The Wild Duck (The National Stage) |
January 10, 1996 |
Actor (Hjalmar Ekdal) |
Jean de France - eller Hans Frandsen (The National Stage) |
April 22, 1995 |
Actor (Pierre) |
Onkel Vanja (The National Stage) |
January 25, 1995 |
Actor (Mikail Lvovitsj Astrov) |
Sivert Skuteløs* (Sivert without Ship) (The National Stage) |
September 16, 1994 |
Actor (Sivert) |
Og aldri skal vi skiljast (The National Stage) |
February 24, 1994 |
Actor (Han) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
June 2, 1993 |
Actor (Knappestøperen) |
Victoria (The National StageTeatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) |
February 24, 1993 |
Actor (Johannes) |
Victoria (The National StageTeatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) |
January 20, 1993 |
Actor (Johannes) |
I mørket er alle ulver grå (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 16, 1993 |
Actor (Varg Veum) |
Kongens ring - Herøyspelet () |
1992 |
Actor (Fe den synske - 2001-2007 + 2015) |
Bruredansen (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1991 |
Actor (Lyder Lysholm) |
Noises Off (The National Stage) |
May 10, 1991 |
Actor (Frederick Fellowes) |
Gjest Bårdsen døyr åleine ved Nilens bredd (The National Stage) |
January 19, 1991 |
Actor (Gjest Bårdsen) |
The Witch (The National Stage) |
Navember 10, 1990 |
Actor (Martin, Absalons sønn fra første ekteskap) |
Prologos () |
August 1990 |
Actor (fra Den Nationale Scene) |
Nordahl i våre hjerter (The National Stage) |
March 16, 1990 |
Actor (Vingrisen) |
Karlsson on the Roof (The National Stage) |
September 16, 1989 |
Actor (Pelle / Fille) |
Mercedes () |
May 29, 1989 |
Actor (Sakko) |
Mascarade (The National Stage) |
May 24, 1989 |
Actor (Leander) |
Edel har fest (The National Stage) |
January 27, 1989 |
Costume, Stage design, Actor (Ruben) |
Edel har fest (The National Stage) |
January 7, 1989 |
Costume, Stage design, Actor (Ruben) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) |
October 22, 1988 |
Actor (Johan Tønnesen) |
Love me tender (The National Stage) |
August 26, 1988 |
Actor (Big Boss Man), Actor (Aron) |
Bedrag (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
May 8, 1988 |
Actor (Jerry) |
Det blir ikke til noe med reisen, det er bare å gå på veien her (1987) (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
1987 |
Actor (den oransjekledde, 2.klasse) |
Annie get your gun (The National Stage) |
April 20, 1985 |
Actor (Mac), Dancer |
Maria Stuart (The National Stage) |
Navember 2, 1984 |
Actor (Offiser) |
Hvor er Afrika? (Riss Dansekompani) |
1984 |
Performer |
Celluloid (Riss Dansekompani) |
1984 |
Dancer |
Askepott og Lillemus-Mei (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
Actor (Søren Klype) |