Martin Hagfors


(Objekt ID 28056)
Object type Person
Gender Male
Involved in productions (8)
Title Premiere Role
Fisle og halen som reddet verden (Norwegian Drama Festival) May 12, 2023 Playwright, Music
EMIL i Lønneberget (The Norwegian Theatre) September 3, 1999 Sound
Hustruskolen (The Norwegian Theatre) February 27, 1999 Sound
Juleevangeliet (The Norwegian Theatre) Navember 29, 1996 Sound
The Wizard of Oz (The Norwegian Theatre) October 28, 1995 Sound
The Road to Heaven (The Theatre of Cruelty) June 1, 1995 Sound
Den stundeslause (The Norwegian Theatre) March 27, 1993 Sound
Cabaret Bécaud (The Norwegian Theatre) Navember 9, 1989 Sound