Catherine Kahn

Catherine Kahn is a stage instructor and visual dramaturge.


(Objekt ID 2737)
Object type Person
Functions Director, Dramaturge, Stage designer
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female

Cathrine Kahn is educated within visual dramaturgy at Central St. Martin School of art and design, London (UK) and has a master's degree in stage instruction from Middlesex University (UK).

Cathrine Kahn was a visual dramaturge for Stiking Place Productions, London, plus a director’s assistant for Pete Brooks. Kahn is artistic manager for an aufbauproject. Her direction/production includes Pushing Pencil, Playing saying having, pleasure and Discovering the world with Wendy. Cathrine Kahn also works as a freelance stage director and dramaturge for theatre and dance.

Source: Performance program, BIT Teatergarasjen, Meteor 2005.

20.09.2010: -arkiv


Cathrine Kahn is educated within visual dramaturgy at Central St. Martin School of art and design, London (UK) and has a master's degree in stage instruction from Middlesex University (UK).

Affiliations (2)
Involved in productions (7)
Title Premiere Role
Verion () August 27, 2009 Other, Script, Voiceover
The Wedding Dress (Klovholt & Kahn) March 24, 2009 Stage design, Costume, Sound design, Video/Film
Ibsen Goes Brazil (Klovholt & Kahn) October 19, 2005 Concept/Idea, Direction
Ibsen Goes Brazil (Klovholt & Kahn) September 22, 2004 Concept/Idea, Direction
pushing pencil (an aufbauproject) January 30, 2004 Artistic director, Choreography, Stage design
Playing saying having pleasure (an aufbauproject) September 12, 2002 Stage design, Direction, Text, Lighting design, Costume
More (an aufbauprojectNorwegian Drama Festival) June 2002 Direction
womanschoolteacher (an aufbauproject) Concept/Idea