Inger Bakke


(Objekt ID 2541)
Object type Person
Born January 1, 1974
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Member of The Norwegian Actors’ Equity Association/NAEA
Website Happy Monks
Affiliations (2)
Involved in productions (10)
Title Premiere Role
Just a Stone's Throw away (The Samovar Theatre) March 15, 2007 Actor
Kaspara og kveita (Nordland Visual Theatre) February 14, 2004 Actor
Biomechanics (Teater NOR) June 2001 Actor
Three Sisters (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) March 5, 1994 Actor (Tjener)
Delete Delight (Teater NOR) Music, Video/Film, Actor
Hallo, er jeg noen her? () Actor
En mørk hemmelighet () Actor
Bårghild (Happy Monks Productions) Actor
Jugendfeber (Happy Monks Productions) Actor
Himmelske høytrykk () Actor