Thierry de Mey


(Objekt ID 25161)
Object type Person
Functions Composer
Nationality Belgian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (7)
Title Premiere Role
Stedsspesifikt musikkteater Oslo City (Ning) April 12, 2007 Composer
Counter Phrases () October 3, 2005 Direction, Music
4 (Ning) May 7, 2004 Composer
Table Music & Blood Showers (Ning) May 26, 2002 Composer
I believe that if I act upon the dimensions of time it will be difficult to find myself at the place where I am expected to be () September 7, 1993 Composer
What The Body Does Not Remember (Ultima Vez) August 31, 1988 Music
What The Body Does Not Remember (Ultima Vez) June 11, 1987 Music
Rosas Danst Rosas (RosasKaaitheater) May 6, 1983 Music, Musician
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Table Music Music, Contemporary music – Composer