Michael Hallbäck Sciarrone

Michael Hallbäck Sciarrone is a stage manager, producer and has made theatre translations for Oslo International Theatre and Imploding Fictions.

Michael Hallbäck Sciarrone is educated within media production from Gjøvik University College and in project management of cultural projects atNordic Institute of Stage and Studio(NISS).

In 2009 he was among the founders of Oslo International Theatre.

Sciarrone is also behind the sole proprietorship Teatersirkus.


(Objekt ID 2488)
Object type Person
Functions Translator, Stage manager, Other
Gender Male
Email michael@teatersirkus.no

Media production, Gjøvik University College

Project management of cultural projects atNordic Institute of Stage and Studio(NISS)

Tilknyttet (4)
Involved in productions (14)
Title Premiere Role
Liv du lyver! (Unge Viken Teater) September 6, 2013 Tour manager
The Truth Will Out (Oslo International Theatre) October 13, 2011 Translation, Stage manager
The Mercy Seat (Oslo International Theatre) September 11, 2011 Translation, Stage manager
Headcase (Oslo International Theatre) June 14, 2011 Stage manager
Medealand (Oslo International Theatre) May 3, 2011 Stage manager
Nightblind (Oslo International Theatre) March 15, 2011 Stage manager
Porcelain (Oslo International Theatre) February 22, 2011 Translation, Stage manager
Monsters (Oslo International Theatre) Navember 25, 2010 Stage manager
Flap and Fear (Imploding Fictions) October 21, 2010 Stage manager
The title of the drama about Ante is written here (Oslo International Theatre) September 23, 2010 Stage manager
Black Beast (Oslo International Theatre) August 26, 2010 Stage manager
Flap and Fear (Imploding Fictions) May 3, 2010 Stage manager
The Fever (Oslo International Theatre) April 22, 2010 Producer
Forsøk på Livet (Oslo International Theatre) March 11, 2010 Producer
Now You See It, Now You Don’t (Imploding Fictions) July 15, 2007 Producer
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Porcelain Script – Translator