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Thorbjørn Harr

Thorbjørn Harr is an actor with experience including The National Theatre, Jo Strømgren Kompani, the theatre sport group Teatersport Oslo plus movies and TV.

Thorbjørn Harr was born in 1974, and was "discovered in the school yard" when Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation was searching for actors for youth series.

He studied at The National Academy of Theatre (1997 – 2000), after which he started working for The National Theatre, where he has been since, interpreting roles as different as Figaro in The Marriage of Figaro, Tom in The Glass Menagerie, and Tommy in Pippi Longstocking.


(Objekt ID 2473)
Object type Person
Born May 24, 1974
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male

Thorbjørn Harr also has taken part in several Jo Strømgren productions, including the movie Destination Moscow for which he was nominated for the Amanda Award for best leading actor.

I 2005 he got the honorary award of Per Aabel, and in 2009/2010 he received Norwegian Critics' Award for theatre for his acting in Chet spiller ikke her* (Chet doesn't play here) by Lars Saabye Christiansen, which he directed with Sofia Jupither, and for which he also got the NRK radio theatre award Blå fugl (literally: Blue Bird).

Excerpt from speech by Mona Levin, held during the awards ceremony for Norwegian Critics' Award 2009/2010, September 30 2010 at The House of Literature in Oslo:

"With his obsession with Chet Baker as a backdrop, including the development of his own talent as a sax player, Thorbjørn Harr created a deeply moving Daniel, the musician who sacrifices everything for the music, for the few moments in the life of a musicians that are pure happiness - when the tone is the divinely pure, the perfect, the optimal and ultimate. He dies without knowing if he gets to experience it. And was it worth it? Was he good enough?

These are also as always the actor's questions to himself. And as a representative for what in the play is described as 'the rude and ungrateful predator who doesn't understand shit', I responded to the question like this in my review:

'Thorbjørn Harr tours the enormous text brilliantly - simply, directly, vocally well-phrased, ironically distanced - everything seemingly spontaneously, there and then. A technical tour de force, one he fills with intense unsentimental sensibility, in particular sincere in the songs, and with great humour. 'Quiet, slow and suitable', which is the playwright's definition of 'cool', and 'cool' is the very definition of Chet Baker'."

Read the speech in full (Norwegian only) here.

Thorbjørn Harr was nominated for The Hedda Award 2012 in the category of best leading actor for the role of Leon in Orphans, directed by Terje Strømdahl, National at Torshov.

The complete ensemble of Ti liv* (Ten lives) was also nominated for The Hedda Award 2011 in the category of special artistic achievement.Onstage were Mariann Hole, Jan Gunnar Røise, Thorbjørn Harr, Anders Mordal og Ket Lødemel.


The Hedda Awards, 29.05.2012, http://heddaprisen.no/pub/heddaprisen/main/?&mid=1031&aid=1030

Norwegian Critics' Association, kritikerlaget.no. 20.09.2011, http://www.kritikerlaget.no/pages/nor/538-teaterkritikerprisen_20092010_til_thorbjoern_harr

The National Theatre, www.nationaltheatret.no, 13.02.2013, http://fdb.nationaltheatret.no/S%C3%B8k/tabid/57/ctl/PlayView/mid/374/oppsetningId/0c804465-1281-4ff9-b03d-5fcd848dd56d/Default.aspx

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


1997-2000 BA Acting,The Faculty of Performing Arts,Oslo National Academy of the Arts

Tilknyttet (2)
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Jåtåkdag* (Yysplyseday) Script – Author