Inger Kathrine Hansen


(Objekt ID 2198)
Object type Person
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Involved in productions (14)
Title Premiere Role
Jul på månetoppen* (Christmas at Moon Mountain) (The Arctic Theatre) Navember 5, 2008 Actor (Nissekusinen / Fjellmor)
Jul på månetoppen* (Christmas at Moon Mountain) (The Arctic Theatre) 2007 Actor (Nissekusinen / Fjellmor)
Three Sisters (The Arctic Theatre) February 14, 2002 Actor
Siste kveld med mamma* (Last Evening with Mother) (Totalteatret) 2001 Playwright, Direction, Actor
The Last Boat (Teater Vestland) September 30, 2000 Actor
Nokon kjem til å komme (Totalteatret) June 26, 1999 Actor (Ho)
Vendt the Monk (Totalteatret) May 2, 1998 Actor (Iselin / Prest / Rococco / Gamle Oline)
Ei forestilling om Læstadius* (A performance about Læstadius) (Totalteatret) 1998 Actor
Orkesternatt (Oslo Sinfonietta and Cikada) October 20, 1996 Performer
Ei forestilling om Læstadius* (A performance about Læstadius) (Totalteatret) 1996 Actor
Two Sisters (TotalteatretThe Arctic Theatre) June 30, 1995 Actor (Ragnhilds mor, Tyra)
Mother Courage (Tromsø DanseteaterStellaris Dance TheatreSampo TeaterThe Arctic TheatreTotalteatretThe National Sami Theatre) June 25, 1994 Actor (Kattrin)
Jessica (Sampo TeaterTotalteatret) October 27, 1993 Actor (Jessica)
Polarsirkus (Tromsø dukketeater - profesjonell del) July 27, 1992 Puppeteer
Salmo Salar (Sampo TeaterTotalteatretNordland TheatreTromsø Danseteater) October 18, 1991 Actor (Spådame / Veterinær)
Kunst for barn (Tromsø Danseteater) 1990 Dancer