Anette Grønneberg


(Objekt ID 21350)
Object type Person
Born December 21, 1955
Functions Director, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Adresse Hamborgveien 17, 0860 OSLO
Involved in productions (20)
Title Premiere Role
Hjertepasienter (Kenneth Dean ProductionsNorwegian Drama Festival) June 2000 Playwright
Crime and Punishment (Dukkoppteatret) October 7, 1995 Direction
Funnet (Nordland Visual Theatre) June 18, 1995 Script, Direction
Ariadne av Kreta (Drama Gaia) March 8, 1995 Direction
Utslettelse (Norwegian Drama Festival) June 1994 Direction
Martin og Anna (Norwegian Drama Festival) June 1994 Playwright
Troilus and Cressida (Teater ad Libitum) 1994 Actor
When we dead awaken (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) September 12, 1991 Direction
Mor til David S. (Ibsen Theatre) February 8, 1991 Translation, Direction
Ventande kvinner () 1991 Direction
Dobbel nytelse (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) May 3, 1990 Direction
Kari Trestakk (Ibsen Theatre) February 23, 1989 Dramatised by, Actor
Åtte år* (Eight years) (The Arctic Theatre) 1989 Direction
Finnes det tigre i Kongo? (Ibsen Theatre) August 31, 1988 Direction
Kolbes reise (The National Theatre) September 19, 1986 Director’s assistant
En natt i februar (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) May 13, 1986 Translation
Mink (Norwegian Drama Festival) Navember 1985 Direction
Paradisets nøkler (Concerts Norway) 1985 Direction
Bare Vent! (Bikuben Musikkteater) March 1983 Direction
En natt i februar (Ibsen Theatre) 1982 Direction
Artworks (2)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Hjertepasienter 2000, Script, One-act Play – Author
Martin og Anna 1994, Script – Author