Duc Mai-The

Also known as: Duc Paul Mai-The

Duc Paul Mai-The (born 1968) is a Norwegian actor.


(Objekt ID 21211)
Object type Person
Also known as Duc Paul Mai-The
Born January 4, 1968
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Adresse Vestbyveien 24c, 0976 Oslo, Norway

Duc Mai-Thewas nominated for The Hedda Award 2014 in the best supporting actor category for the role of Pozzo in Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, directed by Bjørn Sundquist, produced by The Norwegian Touring Theatre and The Norwegian Theatre.


The Hedda Award, heddaprisen.no, 19.05.2014, http://www.heddaprisen.no/pub/heddaprisen/main/?aid=1215

Tilknyttet (1)
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Ingen tid for stolte skuter 2012, Script – Author