Jean-Baptiste Molière

Also known as: Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

Molière (born as Jean-Baptiste Poquelin in January 1622, baptised Januar 15 the same year in Paris, dead February 17 1673) was a French playwright, actor and theatre manager.


(Objekt ID 20995)
Object type Person
Also known as Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
Born 1622 (dead 1673)
Functions Actor, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality French
Gender Male

Molière is regarded among the most important comedy writers in the world. To quote Encyclopædia Britannica: "Comedy had a long history before Molière, who employed most of its traditional forms, but he succeeded in inventing a new style that was based on a double vision of normal and abnormal seen in relation to each other - the comedy of the true opposed to the specious, the intelligent seen alongside the pedantic."

As Jean-Baptiste Poquelin he got an expensive education, paid for by his father, who worked for the French royal court. He broke with his father in 1643, to pursue a career in the theatre, and his stage name, Molière, is first found in a document dated June 28, 1644. It is unknown when he started writing for the theatre.

The play The Imaginary Invalid became Molière's last. It had its world premiere in 1673, and in its first production, the playwright acted in the role of the hypochondriac Argan. He collapsed onstage February 17, during his fourth public performance of the role, and died in his home shortly later.


Encyclopædia Britannica,

Artworks (15)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
The Imaginary Invalid Script, Comedy – Author
The Learned Ladies Script – Author
Don Juan AKA The Feast with the Statue Script – Author
Forspillet i Versailles Script, Comedy – Author
Scapins skøierstreker Script – Author
The Doctor in Spite of Himself 1666, Script, Comedy – Author
Fruentimmerskolen Script – Author
The Miser Script, Comedy – Author
Kvinneskolen / Hustruskolen 1662, Script, Comedy – Author
Tartuffe AKA The Impostor AKA The Hypocrite 1664, Script, Comedy – Author
Den adelsgale borger / Forfengelighetens komedie 1670, Script, Comedy – Author
George Dandin 1668, Script – Author
Snerperne 1659, Script, Comedy, One-act Play – Author
Det tvungne Giftermaal 1664, Script, Comedy, One-act Play – Author
The Misanthrope 1666, Script, Comedy – Author