Gamle Brustad Kafé (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 22, 1990 |
Actor (Signe) |
Mørklegging (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 7, 1990 |
Actor (Frøken Riis) |
Aslaug Vaa - 100 år (Ibsen Theatre) |
Navember 3, 1989 |
Script, Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 27, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 20, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 13, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 6, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 30, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 23, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 16, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 9, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 2, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 25, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 18, 1988 |
Actor |
Tom Jones (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 11, 1988 |
Actor |
Peer Gynt (Teater Vestland) |
March 7, 1986 |
Actor |
Holberg 300 år - i kvinners lag (Teater Vestland) |
March 4, 1985 |
Actor |
Holberg 300 år - i kvinners lag (Teater Vestland) |
December 3, 1984 |
Actor |
Skjulte fiender (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 30, 1980 |
Actor |
Mord i Prestegården (Trøndelag Theatre) |
December 15, 1978 |
Actor (Mrs. Price Ridley ) |
The Magistrate (Trøndelag Theatre) |
September 6, 1978 |
Actor (Agatha Posket ) |
Til lykke med dagen (Trøndelag Theatre) |
May 29, 1978 |
Actor (Dame) |
Morn´a Gary (Trøndelag Theatre) |
April 22, 1977 |
Actor (Marta Pedersen, husmor) |
Press på by´n (Trøndelag Theatre) |
January 7, 1977 |
Actor |
Morn´a Gary (Trøndelag Theatre) |
1977 |
Actor (Marta Pedersen, husmor) |
Krinkelkroken (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 19, 1976 |
Actor |
Kierlighed uden Strømper (Trøndelag Theatre) |
September 7, 1976 |
Actor (Mette, Gretes fortrolige) |
Millionærdatter kidnappet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 21, 1975 |
Actor (Sonja Kristoffersen) |
Millionærdatter kidnappet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 14, 1975 |
Actor (Sonja Kristoffersen) |
Millionærdatter kidnappet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 7, 1975 |
Actor (Sonja Kristoffersen) |
Millionærdatter kidnappet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 28, 1975 |
Actor (Sonja Kristoffersen) |
Millionærdatter kidnappet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 21, 1975 |
Actor (Sonja Kristoffersen) |
Millionærdatter kidnappet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 14, 1975 |
Actor (Sonja Kristoffersen) |
Konflikt (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
February 5, 1974 |
Actor (Hilda Olsen) |
Mannen som skaut ein katt (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 11, 1973 |
Actor (Tyyne Kuutti, kona til Paavo) |
Klondike igjen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 5, 1973 |
Actor (En kvinne) |
Paul Temple og Milbourne-saken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 22, 1973 |
Actor |
Elektra (Statens teaterskole) |
Navember 6, 1972 |
Actor (Kvinnekor (gjest)) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 29, 1972 |
Actor (Emmi, værelsespike) |
Tolvskillingsoperaen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 14, 1972 |
Actor (Vixen) |
Hertugens memoarer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 23, 1972 |
Actor (Lærerinnen) |
Vennskapets frukter (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 18, 1972 |
Actor |
Hva bråker Ulla for? (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
February 8, 1970 |
Actor (Vesla), Tour manager |
Gressenkemannen (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 5, 1969 |
Actor (Elaine) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 28, 1969 |
Actor (Mary Brent) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 21, 1969 |
Actor (Mary Brent) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 14, 1969 |
Actor (Mary Brent) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 7, 1969 |
Actor (Mary Brent) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 28, 1969 |
Actor (Mary Brent) |
I trifidenes dager (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 21, 1969 |
Actor (Mary Brent) |
The Odd Couple (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 3, 1968 |
Actor (Cecily) |
Musikantene kommer til byen (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
January 30, 1968 |
Actor (Vertinne på gjestgiveriet / Trist dame i byen / Frøken Syversen i bystyret 1967) |
Flåten (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
January 30, 1968 |
Actor (Lilly) |
Musikantene kommer til byen (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 14, 1967 |
Actor (Vertinne på gjestgiveriet / Trist dame i byen / Frøken Syversen i bystyret 1967) |
Nils og Blåmann* (Nils and Blåmann) (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
June 5, 1967 |
Puppeteer |
Manøver mord (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 8, 1967 |
Actor (Rannveig, telefondame) |
Manøver mord (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 1, 1967 |
Actor (Rannveig, telefondame) |
Manøver mord (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 25, 1967 |
Actor (Rannveig, telefondame) |
Manøver mord (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 18, 1967 |
Actor (Rannveig, telefondame) |
Manøver mord (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 11, 1967 |
Actor (Rannveig, telefondame) |
Manøver mord (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 4, 1967 |
Actor (Rannveig, telefondame) |
The Journey to the Sun (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
Navember 20, 1966 |
Puppeteer |
Prologus fra Ulysses von Ithacia / Paris Dom (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
October 9, 1966 |
Puppeteer |
The Changed Bridegroom (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 9, 1966 |
Puppeteer |
Den magiske kalosje (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
December 3, 1965 |
Puppeteer |
Og reven var ute med rompa så lang (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
June 14, 1965 |
Puppeteer |
Det var en gang (Julian Strøms DukketeaterNRK ) |
1965 |
Puppeteer |
Hu Dagmar (Sommerteatret i Frognerparken) |
June 4, 1964 |
Actor (Ingeborg, kjæresten til Sjur) |
Froskekongen (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
February 3, 1964 |
Puppeteer |
Det var en gang (Julian Strøms DukketeaterNRK ) |
1964 |
Puppeteer |
Gullslottet (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
1964 |
Puppeteer |
Storken (Oslo ParkkvelderOslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
July 29, 1963 |
Actor (Frøken Anna Holm, senere fru Andrisen) |
Froskekongen (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
June 10, 1963 |
Puppeteer |
Det var en gang (Julian Strøms DukketeaterNRK ) |
1963 |
Puppeteer |
Gullslottet (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
October 5, 1962 |
Puppeteer |
Å, sånne bøljer! (Jens Book-Jensens turné) |
January 25, 1962 |
Actor |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1961 |
Actor (Sonja) |
Den store barnedåpen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
September 28, 1961 |
Actor (En pike) |
Skikk og bruk (Jens Book-Jensens turné) |
August 17, 1961 |
Actor |
Unnskyld, kan jeg få låne telefonen? (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 1, 1961 |
Actor |
Knickerbocker holiday (Trøndelag Theatre) |
May 30, 1960 |
Actor (Tina, borgermesterens datter) |
Huset i Montevideo (Trøndelag Theatre) |
January 29, 1960 |
Actor (Carmencita) |
Helligtrekongers aften (Trøndelag Theatre) |
December 12, 1959 |
Actor (Viola) |
Den store Kean (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 7, 1959 |
Actor (Gidsa, kammerpike hos grevinnen) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1957 |
Actor (Sonja) |