Liv Strømsted Dommersnes
Also known as: Liv Strømsted, Liv DommersnesLiv Strømsted Dommersnes (1922-2014) was a Norwegian actress.
(Objekt ID 20387)Object type | Person |
Also known as | Liv Strømsted, Liv Dommersnes |
Born | September 29, 1922 (dead April 6, 2014) |
Functions | Actor |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Female |
Member of | The Norwegian Actors’ Equity Association/NAEA |
Tilknyttet (1)
- Studioteatret - Manager (from 1945 to 1949)
Involved in productions (120)
Title | Premiere | Role |
Når vi døde vågner (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | March 25, 2006 | Actor (Fru Maja Rubek, Arnolds hustru) |
Holder du av mig, holder jeg av dig () | May 17, 2002 | Actor |
Henrykkelse* (Euphoria) (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) | March 9, 2002 | Actor (Diktleser/forteller) |
Den udødelige historie (The National Theatre) | Navember 22, 2001 | Direction |
Aniara (Imago Dance Company) | October 22, 2001 | Actor (Den blinde fra landet Rind / En av Xinombras brente armer) |
To fugler i flukt (Intimteateret) | March 8, 2000 | Actor, Script |
Per Aabel 90 år (The National Theatre) | April 25, 1992 | Actor |
Blå fugler (Intimteateret) | Navember 1, 1991 | Actor (Målfrid) |
A Trip to Venice (Intimteateret) | Navember 1, 1991 | Actor (Edith Tellmann) |
Aniara (Imago Dance Company) | October 20, 1990 | Actor (Den blinde fra landet Rind / En av Xinombras brente armer) |
Lettice and Lovage (The National Theatre) | March 30, 1990 | Actor (Miss Framer) |
Abiriels løve (The National Theatre) | Navember 2, 1989 | Actor (Sarina) |
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (The National Theatre) | October 22, 1988 | Actor (Storemamma) |
The Orchestra (The National Theatre) | December 12, 1987 | Actor (Madame Hortense, kontrabass og orkesterleder) |
Blomster og blod, blomster og blod (The National Theatre) | Navember 25, 1987 | Actor |
Stemmer (The National Theatre) | Navember 19, 1987 | Voiceover |
Dansetimen (The National Theatre) | March 10, 1987 | Actor (Anna) |
Gjengangere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | Navember 24, 1985 | Actor (Fru Helene Alving) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | September 7, 1985 | Actor (Aase, en bondemanns enke (2. versjon)) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | September 4, 1985 | Actor (Aase, en bondemanns enke (2. versjon)) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | August 31, 1985 | Actor (Aase, en bondemanns enke (2. versjon)) |
Talking With (The National Theatre) | December 5, 1984 | Actor (Lila i Lamper) |
Ung maa verden endnu være ! (Bergen International Festival) | June 17, 1980 | Actor |
Ordet; Claes Gill program (Bergen International Festival) | June 4, 1977 | Actor |
Ung maa verden endnu være ! (Bergen International Festival) | June 4, 1975 | Actor |
I all evighet - Haugtussa (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) | September 6, 1973 | Actor (Haugtusa) |
Junikveld (Rogaland Theatre) | June 2, 1973 | Actor |
I all evighet - Haugtussa (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) | October 19, 1972 | Actor (Haugtusa) |
I all evighet - Haugtussa (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) | May 1972 | Actor (Haugtusa) |
Sub-Rosa - Tranfjæderna (Bergen International Festival) | June 6, 1971 | Actor |
Veversken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) | Navember 19, 1968 | Actor (Veversken) |
Anna Karenina (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | February 17, 1966 | Actor (Anna Karenina) |
Saken J. Robert Oppenheimer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | May 14, 1965 | Actor (Fortelleren) |
Saken J. Robert Oppenheimer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | May 13, 1965 | Actor (Fortelleren) |
Dagen vender (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) | January 31, 1965 | Actor (Ysé) |
Kreutzersonaten (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | May 26, 1964 | Actor (Lisa, Andrejs kone) |
Boy Friend (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) | May 12, 1964 | Actor (Madame Dubonnet) |
The Balcony (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) | February 18, 1964 | Actor (Irm /dronningen) |
Oppbrudd (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) | February 13, 1964 | Actor (Vibeke) |
Teenagerlove (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) | October 22, 1963 | Actor (Maggi) |
Onkel Vanja (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) | September 26, 1963 | Actor (Elena) |
Mot strømmen (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) | January 23, 1963 | Actor (Diverse roller) |
På vingene (Boeing - Boeing) (Edderkoppen Teater) | 1963 | Actor (Judith) |
Vi spinner igjen (Edderkoppen Teater) | September 1962 | Actor |
Et drømspill (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | May 22, 1962 | Actor (Agnes, Indras datter) |
Erik XIV (The National Theatre) | March 3, 1962 | Actor (Karin Månsdatter) |
When we dead awaken (The National Theatre) | Navember 22, 1961 | Actor (Fru Maja Rubek) |
Spansk trekant (The National Theatre) | October 24, 1961 | Actor (Isabella, dronning av Spania) |
Napoleon i New Orleans (The National Theatre) | June 17, 1961 | Actor (Polly) |
Neshornet (The National Theatre) | April 27, 1961 | Actor (Daisy) |
Gull og grønne skoger (The National Theatre) | December 7, 1960 | Actor (Ulita Borisova, nøkkelpike) |
Skyggen av Mart (The National Theatre) | October 12, 1960 | Actor (Thérese) |
Brand (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | September 13, 1960 | Actor (Agnes) |
Den røde pimpernell (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | September 13, 1960 | Actor (Lady Blakeney, Marguerite St. Juste) |
Hedda Gabler (The National Theatre) | September 10, 1960 | Actor (Thea Elvsted) |
Hedda Gabler (The National Theatre) | June 9, 1960 | Actor (Thea Elvsted) |
Sigurd The Bad (The National Theatre) | April 26, 1960 | Actor (Audhild) |
Vær ikke redd for mørket (The National Theatre) | February 13, 1960 | Actor (Lottie Lacey) |
Journey to the Green Shadows (The National Theatre) | December 8, 1959 | Actor (Kvinnen) |
Egget (The National Theatre) | September 18, 1959 | Actor (Hortence Berthoullet) |
Kirsebærhaven (The National Theatre) | March 17, 1959 | Actor (Varja) |
On the Sunny Side (The National Theatre) | January 14, 1959 | Actor (Ester) |
I syden (The National Theatre) | Navember 8, 1958 | Actor (Regina) |
Det gode menneske fra Sezuan (The National Theatre) | September 18, 1958 | Actor (Shen Te, en gatepike) |
Regn i hår (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | June 10, 1958 | Actor (Valborg) |
Siste stasjon (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | May 20, 1958 | Actor (Ragna) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) | April 15, 1958 | Actor (Nora, Helmers hustru) |
På rødt pass* (With a Red Passport) (The National Theatre) | February 27, 1958 | Actor (Beatrice la Tour) |
Før solnedgang (The National Theatre) | January 16, 1958 | Actor (Inken Peters) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) | August 15, 1957 | Actor (Nora, Helmers hustru) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) | June 6, 1957 | Actor (Nora, Helmers hustru) |
Krig og fred (The National Theatre) | May 2, 1957 | Actor (Natasja, komtesse Rostova) |
Det hemmelige regnskapet* (The Secret Reckoning) (The National Theatre) | February 21, 1957 | Actor (Maria Velle) |
Victoria (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | Navember 20, 1956 | Actor (Victoria) |
A Doll's House (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) | October 14, 1956 | Actor (Nora, Helmers hustru) |
Love's Comedy (The National Theatre) | August 30, 1956 | Actor (Svanhild) |
Tre kvinner* (Three women) (The National Theatre) | March 16, 1956 | Actor (Vera) |
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (The National Theatre) | February 23, 1956 | Actor (Margaret) |
When the New Wine Blooms (The National Theatre) | December 6, 1955 | Actor (Helene) |
Emperor and Galilean (The National Theatre) | Navember 15, 1955 | Actor (Makrina, Basilios´ søster) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1955 | Actor (En grønnkledd kvinne) |
Når vi døde vågner (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | February 1, 1955 | Actor (Fru Maja Rubek, Arnolds hustru) |
The Injustice (The National Theatre) | January 13, 1955 | Actor (Helle Vendel) |
Lerken (Jeanne d'Arc) (The National Theatre) | September 18, 1954 | Actor (Jeanne) |
En tur i det grønne (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1954 | Actor (Magde) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Theatre) | January 28, 1954 | Actor (Ridefogdens kone) |
Eva and Johannes (The National Theatre) | Navember 8, 1953 | Actor (Eva Bråten) |
Pan (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | September 1, 1953 | Actor (Eva) |
Maria Stuart (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1953 | Actor (Margaret Kurl) |
Romeo and Juliet (The National Theatre) | May 13, 1952 | Actor (Julie) |
The Lady from the Sea (The National Theatre) | February 15, 1952 | Actor (Hilde) |
De røde dråber (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | Navember 22, 1951 | Actor (Lill, Odds assistent) |
Cæsar og Cleopatra (The National Theatre) | Navember 18, 1951 | Actor (Cleopatra) |
Byen vår (Rogaland Theatre) | Navember 14, 1951 | Actor (Emily ) |
Den tatoverte rosen (The National Theatre) | September 16, 1951 | Actor (Rosa delle Rose) |
Dans under stjernene (The National Theatre) | June 17, 1951 | Actor (Diana Messerschmann) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Theatre) | May 26, 1951 | Actor (Kvinnen) |
Peer Gynt (Rogaland Theatre) | March 1, 1951 | Actor (Solveig) |
Vi spøker bare (Rogaland Theatre) | January 16, 1951 | Actor (Elvira) |
Et dukkehjem (Rogaland Theatre) | 1951 | Actor (Nora Helmer) |
The Master Builder (The National Theatre) | September 20, 1950 | Actor (Frk. Hilde Wangel) |
Damen vil helst ikke brennes (The National Theatre) | September 12, 1950 | Actor (Jennet Jourdemaine) |
The Master Builder (The National Theatre) | June 2, 1950 | Actor (Frk. Hilde Wangel) |
Skitne hender (The National Theatre) | March 22, 1950 | Actor (Jessica) |
Fru Sylvia* (Madam Sylvia) (The National Theatre) | February 22, 1950 | Actor (Søster Else) |
Livet slår tilbake* (Life Strikes Back) (The National Theatre) | January 10, 1950 | Actor (Astri, Birgits søster) |
Beyond Human Power I (The National Theatre) | August 31, 1949 | Actor (Rachel) |
Manhattan (Studioteatret) | March 25, 1949 | Actor (2. jente / Indianer) |
Lille rislende kilde (Studioteatret) | February 19, 1949 | Actor (Prinsessens 2. "Pike") |
Stjernevognen (Studioteatret) | January 19, 1949 | Actor (Martha) |
Den lange julemiddag og Mary Allen (Studioteatret) | December 26, 1948 | Actor (Genevieve i Den lange julemiddagen ) |
Utenfor døren (Studioteatret) | December 8, 1948 | Actor (Elven Elben) |
Reisende uten bagasje (Studioteatret) | October 22, 1948 | Actor (Fru Renaud, kanskje Gastons mor) |
Vintersolhverv (Studioteatret) | September 11, 1948 | Actor (Miriamne) |
Stjernevognen (Studioteatret) | September 15, 1947 | Actor (Martha) |
The Threepenny Opera (Studioteatret) | January 31, 1947 | Actor (Polly Peachum) |
Familien Antrobus eller På et hengende hår (Studioteatret) | October 31, 1946 | Actor (Mammuten Fredrik) |
Love and Geography (The National Theatre) | August 22, 1946 | Actor (Helga) |
Byen vår (Studioteatret) | June 20, 1946 | Actor (Emily Webb) |
Byen vår (Studioteatret) | February 26, 1946 | Actor (Emily Webb) |
STOR STÅHEI - Bryllup - Jubileum - Frieri (Studioteatret) | January 6, 1946 | Actor (i Bryllup / Natalia, Stefans datter i Frieri) |
Creation, Man and the Messiah (The National Theatre) | December 7, 1945 | Actor (Ohebiel) |
Den lange julemiddag og Mary Allen (Studioteatret) | December 4, 1945 | Actor (Genevieve i Den lange julemiddagen ) |
Invasjon (Studioteatret) | October 15, 1945 | Actor (Dasja, husholderske hos Talanovs) |
Den lange julemiddag og Mary Allen (Studioteatret) | June 15, 1945 | Actor (Genevieve i Den lange julemiddagen ) |
Therese (The National Theatre) | May 25, 1945 | Actor (Astrid i 1944) |
At the Gate of the Kingdom (The National Theatre) | October 12, 1944 | Actor (Fru Elina Kareno) |
Therese (The National Theatre) | June 16, 1944 | Actor (Astrid i 1944) |
The Last Cry (The National Theatre) | December 16, 1943 | Actor (Thora Waage, Ernas brordatter) |
Synder og helgen (The National Theatre) | April 15, 1943 | Actor (Theresa, Ulloas datter) |
Før stormen* (Before the Storm) (The National Theatre) | December 8, 1942 | Actor (Lydia, hushjelp hos Hans) |
Ungdom (The National Theatre) | April 26, 1942 | Actor (Anna, Hoppes søsterdatter) |
The New System (The National Theatre) | March 6, 1942 | Actor (Anna) |
Nyårs-sjå (The Norwegian Theatre) | 1942 | Performer |
Lille prinsesse Solgull* (Little Princess Sungold) (The National Theatre) | December 18, 1941 | Actor (Nattsvermer) |
Pappas hvite hansker (The National Theatre) | December 7, 1941 | Actor (Helen, Fischers datter) |
Love and Geography (The National Theatre) | October 26, 1941 | Actor (Helga) |