Over Ævne I (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 3, 2018 |
Actor (Blank) |
Over Ævne I (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 6, 2016 |
Actor (Blank) |
Over Ævne I (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 18, 2015 |
Actor (Blank) |
Mordet på Marat (The National Theatre) |
August 31, 1966 |
Actor (Coulmier) |
Keiseren av Amerika (The National Theatre) |
December 5, 1963 |
Actor (Balbus) |
27 VOGNLADNINGER MED BOMULL - Madame de Politur - Portrett av en madonna - Mitt aller siste ekte gullur - Huset skal rives (The National Theatre) |
October 5, 1963 |
Actor (Forfatteren i Madame de Politur / Vaktmesteren i Portrett av en madonna) |
Faust (The National Theatre) |
September 6, 1963 |
Actor (En gammel bonde) |
Ah, Wilderness! (The National Theatre) |
May 23, 1963 |
Actor (David McComber) |
Over Ævne I (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 14, 1963 |
Actor (Blank) |
Andorra (The National Theatre) |
March 27, 1963 |
Actor (Noen) |
Den gale fra Chaillot (The National Theatre) |
February 28, 1963 |
Actor (Den døvstumme) |
Svart mandag (The National Theatre) |
April 27, 1962 |
Actor (Dr. Edgar Plummer, pastor) |
Cant (The National Theatre) |
August 24, 1961 |
Actor (Hertugen Av Northumberland) |
Cant (The National Theatre) |
June 7, 1961 |
Actor (Hertugen Av Northumberland) |
Romulus den store (The National Theatre) |
February 22, 1961 |
Actor (Isaurieren Zeno, keiser) |
Nils Holgerssons forunderlige reise (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 19, 1960 |
Actor |
An-Magritt (The National Theatre) |
Navember 5, 1960 |
Actor (Lith, dommer) |
Vildanden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 1, 1960 |
Actor (Bokholder Gråberg) |
Clérambard (The National Theatre) |
October 16, 1960 |
Actor (Munken, Fraz av Assisi) |
Don Juan (The National Theatre) |
August 30, 1960 |
Actor (En fattig mann) |
Kameliadamen (The National Theatre) |
March 13, 1960 |
Actor (Doktoren) |
Veien til Agra (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 5, 1960 |
Actor (Guruen) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) |
February 18, 1960 |
Actor (Ramm i 1960), Actor (Stiftamtmannen i 1954) |
Gisselet (The National Theatre) |
Navember 5, 1959 |
Actor (Herr Mulleday) |
Egget (The National Theatre) |
September 18, 1959 |
Actor (Raffard) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
April 25, 1959 |
Actor (1. skuespiller) |
I syden (The National Theatre) |
Navember 8, 1958 |
Actor (Onkel John) |
Det gode menneske fra Sezuan (The National Theatre) |
September 18, 1958 |
Actor (1. gud) |
En ungkarspappa (The National Theatre) |
June 3, 1958 |
Actor (Larkin) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) |
October 27, 1957 |
Actor (Lord Ruthwen) |
Besøk av en gammel dame (The National Theatre) |
September 13, 1957 |
Actor (Butleren) |
Krig og fred (The National Theatre) |
May 2, 1957 |
Actor (Michael Kutuzov) |
Emperor and Galilean (The National Theatre) |
Navember 15, 1955 |
Actor (Keiser Konstanzios) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
May 1, 1955 |
Actor (En knappestøper), Actor (Innflytter) |
Macbeth (The National Theatre) |
February 24, 1955 |
Actor (En lege) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) |
Navember 17, 1954 |
Actor (Ramm i 1960), Actor (Stiftamtmannen i 1954) |
Lerken (Jeanne d'Arc) (The National Theatre) |
September 18, 1954 |
Actor (Erkebiskopen) |
Judith (The National Theatre) |
April 6, 1954 |
Actor (1. prest) |
Mayerlingdramaet (The National Theatre) |
August 7, 1953 |
Actor (Grev Taafe) |
Hjerter er meldt (The National Theatre) |
May 27, 1953 |
Actor (Sogneprest Margot) |
Maria Stuart (The National Theatre) |
May 1, 1953 |
Actor (William Davidson) |
Kaptein Brassbounds forvandling (The National Theatre) |
March 28, 1953 |
Actor (Sidi el Assif) |
Sheppey (The National Theatre) |
August 22, 1952 |
Actor (En annen kunde) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) |
June 12, 1952 |
Actor (Markis de Langelier) |
Romeo and Juliet (The National Theatre) |
May 13, 1952 |
Actor (Escalus, fyrste av Verona) |
En liten manns bryllup (The National Theatre) |
April 3, 1952 |
Actor (Kapteinen) |
The Bankrupt (The National Theatre) |
March 7, 1952 |
Actor (Grosserer Holm) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Theatre) |
May 26, 1951 |
Actor (Presten) |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) |
January 20, 1951 |
Actor (Oldermannen for hattemakerne) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1950 |
Actor (Greven) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) |
May 14, 1950 |
Actor (Verksforvalter Ringdal) |
Kjøpmannen i Venedig (The National Theatre) |
April 23, 1950 |
Actor (Dogen) |
Fru Sylvia* (Madam Sylvia) (The National Theatre) |
February 22, 1950 |
Actor (Leiv Velle, katolsk prest) |
Barrabas (The National Theatre) |
October 6, 1949 |
Actor (2. fariseer) |
En idealist (The National Theatre) |
June 9, 1949 |
Actor (Quirinius, feltherre) |
Den pantsatte bondegutten (The National Theatre) |
April 1, 1949 |
Actor (1. rådsherre) |
The Wild Duck (The National Theatre) |
January 27, 1949 |
Actor (En nærsynt herre), Actor (En tynnhåret herre) |
The Heart of the King (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1948 |
Actor (Ministeren) |
Tartuffe (The National Theatre) |
December 3, 1948 |
Actor (En politikommisær) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1947 |
Actor (Greven) |
The Play about Lead-Petter (The National Theatre) |
December 10, 1947 |
Actor (Slottspresten) |
While We Wait (The National Theatre) |
September 24, 1947 |
Actor (Predikanten) |
Major Barbara (The National Theatre) |
May 6, 1947 |
Actor (Morisson) |
Alexander Pavlovich (The National Theatre) |
March 20, 1947 |
Actor (Dr. Tarassov) |
Much Ado about Nothing (The National Theatre) |
December 6, 1946 |
Actor (Don Juan) |
Commemoration (The National Theatre) |
Navember 13, 1946 |
Actor (Biskopen) |
Key Largo (The National Theatre) |
October 24, 1946 |
Actor (John Horn) |
Silkeborg (The National Theatre) |
October 4, 1946 |
Actor (1. offiser) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
May 10, 1946 |
Actor (1. skuespiller) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) |
April 4, 1946 |
Actor (Lord Lindsay i 1946) |
Månen er nede (The National Theatre) |
October 31, 1945 |
Actor (Georg Correl) |
Rid i natt (The National Theatre) |
October 3, 1945 |
Actor (Matts Elling) |
Båten (The National Theatre) |
January 17, 1945 |
Actor (Politimesteren fra Klaksvik) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
January 9, 1945 |
Actor (Brudgommens far ), Actor (En knappestøper) |
At the Gate of the Kingdom (The National Theatre) |
October 12, 1944 |
Actor (Dr.phil. Carsten Jerven) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Theatre) |
June 8, 1944 |
Actor (Tollinspektøren) |
Høyenhall (The National Theatre) |
February 8, 1944 |
Actor (Lars Hamre, direktør) |
Synder og helgen (The National Theatre) |
April 15, 1943 |
Actor (Don Gonzalo de Ulloa) |
En folkefiende (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 17, 1943 |
Actor (Peter Stovkmann) |
Augurerne* (The Augurs) (The National Theatre) |
February 14, 1943 |
Actor (Fylkesmannen) |
Før stormen* (Before the Storm) (The National Theatre) |
December 8, 1942 |
Actor (Sakarias Homann, professor) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) |
Navember 12, 1942 |
Actor (Peter Stockmann) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) |
September 20, 1942 |
Actor (Lord Lindsay i 1946) |
Ungdom (The National Theatre) |
April 26, 1942 |
Actor (Kapellan Gregor von Schigorski) |
Brand (The National Theatre) |
April 2, 1942 |
Actor (Mann av almuen) |
Fossegrimen* (The Waterfall Spirit) (The National Theatre) |
February 11, 1942 |
Actor (Faren) |
Little Eyolf (The National Theatre) |
October 10, 1941 |
Actor (Alfred Allmers) |
The Witch (The National Theatre) |
February 9, 1941 |
Actor (Mester Laurentius) |
Yrkeskvinner* (Working Women) (The National Theatre) |
September 14, 1940 |
Actor (Revisor Knaph) |
Pillars of Society (The National Theatre) |
May 21, 1940 |
Actor (Kjøpmann Sandstad) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
April 26, 1940 |
Actor (Brudgommens far ), Actor (En knappestøper) |
Den fattige fra Assisi* (The poor of Assisi) (The National Theatre) |
February 14, 1940 |
Actor (Leone, håndverker) |
Seier i mørke (The National Theatre) |
October 17, 1939 |
Actor (Tjeneren) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) |
September 4, 1939 |
Actor (Bang) |
The Drover (The National Theatre) |
March 10, 1939 |
Actor (Pastor Hyse) |
Diktatorinnen (The National Theatre) |
January 17, 1939 |
Actor (Von Herberten) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1938 |
Actor (Greven) |
While We Wait (The National Theatre) |
Navember 22, 1938 |
Actor (Predikanten) |
The Pretenders (The National Theatre) |
October 6, 1938 |
Actor (Ivar Bodde) |
Den glade enke (The National Theatre) |
May 11, 1938 |
Actor (Bogdanowitsch, konsul) |
Kvinnene på Niskavuori (The National Theatre) |
January 9, 1938 |
Actor (Forvalter Antila) |
King Lear (The National Theatre) |
October 28, 1937 |
Actor (Kongen av Frankrike) |
I moralens navn* (In the name of morals) (The National Theatre) |
September 22, 1937 |
Actor (Konsul Helm) |
The King (The National Theatre) |
September 10, 1937 |
Actor (Kammerherre Falbe) |
Den spanske flue (The National Theatre) |
June 3, 1937 |
Actor (Gottlieb Meisel) |
Kvartetten som ble sprengt (The National Theatre) |
May 14, 1937 |
Actor (Organisten) |
The Bankrupt (The National Theatre) |
April 17, 1937 |
Actor (Holm) |
The Defeat (The National Theatre) |
March 25, 1937 |
Actor (Debrune, minister / Erkebiskopen) |
Begrav de døde (The National Theatre) |
February 24, 1937 |
Actor (Morgan) |
Gøsta Berlings saga (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1936 |
Actor (Farbror Eberhard, kavaler) |
Mannen uten sjel (The National Theatre) |
Navember 10, 1936 |
Actor (En lege) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (The National Theatre) |
September 11, 1936 |
Actor (Marki de Brisaille) |
Familien Turbin (The National Theatre) |
August 20, 1936 |
Actor (Alexander B. Studzinsky) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
April 3, 1936 |
Actor (Brudgommens far ), Actor (En knappestøper) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) |
February 26, 1936 |
Actor (Markis de Langelier) |
Coriolanus (The National Theatre) |
February 8, 1936 |
Actor (En senator) |
Dronning for en dag (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1935 |
Actor (Barjac, apoteker) |
Kong Baldvines armring* (The Bracelet of King Baldwin) (The National Theatre) |
December 17, 1935 |
Actor (Torarin, tjener) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Theatre) |
September 21, 1935 |
Actor (Ingolf, fyrbøter / Presten) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
May 1, 1935 |
Actor (Francisco / Fjerde skuespiller) |
Bøddelen (The National Theatre) |
March 5, 1935 |
Actor (Jazzkapellets dirigent) |
Min søster og jeg () |
December 26, 1934 |
Direction, Actor (Grev Lacy) |
Damenes Max (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
March 11, 1933 |
Actor (Walter Riemann) |
Skandalen på Savoy (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
April 23, 1932 |
Actor (Professoren) |
Det blå Hawaii (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
March 1932 |
Actor (Filatelisten) |
Min søster og jeg (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
December 26, 1931 |
Actor (Dommeren) |
The Cousin from Nowhere (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
October 5, 1931 |
Actor (Hans, tjener) |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (The National Theatre) |
October 23, 1930 |
Actor (Theseus) |
Helligtrekongers-aften (The National Theatre) |
March 20, 1930 |
Actor (En annen skipper) |
The Dictator (Det Nye Teater) |
December 27, 1929 |
Actor (Bischof / Kammerherren) |
East of the Sun and West of the Moon (Det Nye Teater) |
December 20, 1929 |
Actor (Vestenvinnen) |
Volpone (The National Theatre) |
May 15, 1929 |
Actor (Dommeren) |
Strange Interlude (The National Theatre) |
April 9, 1929 |
Actor (Charles Marsden) |
Baktalelsens skole (The National Theatre) |
January 27, 1929 |
Actor (Sir Harry Bumper) |
Sleeping Beauty (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1928 |
Actor (Kongen) |
Stormen (The National Theatre) |
December 8, 1928 |
Actor (Alonso) |
Dybbuk (Balkongen) |
April 27, 1928 |
Actor (Rabbien) |
De røde dråber (Balkongen) |
March 27, 1928 |
Actor (Odd Berg) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) |
March 16, 1928 |
Actor (Kandidat Helle) |
Toni (Balkongen) |
January 24, 1928 |
Actor (Michael) |
Snobben (Balkongen) |
December 3, 1927 |
Actor (Grev Aleysius Palen ) |
Periferi (Balkongen) |
October 13, 1927 |
Actor (Politifullmektigen / En iaktager) |
The God of Vengeance (Balkongen) |
September 9, 1927 |
Actor (Schlome, Hindls forlovede) |
The Bankrupt (The National Theatre) |
August 27, 1927 |
Actor (Knutzon) |
Tartuffe (The National Theatre) |
May 26, 1927 |
Actor (Damis, Orgons sønn) |
The Princess and the Fiddler (The National Theatre) |
December 23, 1926 |
Actor (Fangen) |
Jeanne d'Arc (The National Theatre) |
Navember 10, 1926 |
Actor (Ladvenu) |
Haabet (The National Stage) |
Navember 3, 1926 |
Actor (Barend) |
The Merchant of Venice (The National Theatre) |
September 16, 1926 |
Actor (Dogen av Venedig) |
I kjole og hvitt (The National Theatre) |
June 1, 1926 |
Actor (André de Londal) |
Gentlemen (The National Theatre) |
May 12, 1926 |
Actor (Major Colford) |
Seks personer søker en forfatter (The National Theatre) |
March 25, 1926 |
Actor (Skuespiller) |
Edmund Jahr (The National Theatre) |
March 6, 1926 |
Actor (Gabriel) |
Til Sæters (The National Theatre) |
October 11, 1925 |
Actor (Asmund) |
Til ukjendt havn (The National Theatre) |
September 24, 1925 |
Actor (Pastor Willian Duke) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) |
September 5, 1925 |
Actor (Kandidat Helle) |
Vendetta (The National Theatre) |
August 13, 1925 |
Actor (Gabriello Chiaramantesi) |
Bajaderen (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
May 15, 1925 |
Actor (Grev Armand - 1923) |
When the New Wine Blooms (The National Theatre) |
February 11, 1925 |
Actor (Karl Tonning) |
Piken* (The Maid) (The National Theatre) |
January 29, 1925 |
Actor (Vilhelm Veneli) |
The Popular Assembly AKA The People's Council (The National Theatre) |
Navember 18, 1924 |
Actor (Dikteren) |
Kronbruden (The National Theatre) |
October 14, 1924 |
Actor (Mats) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
September 17, 1924 |
Actor (Horatio) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
March 1, 1924 |
Actor (Greven av Guiche) |
Dunungen (The National Stage) |
February 4, 1924 |
Actor (Inspektør Nyberg) |
Musikk (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
January 3, 1924 |
Actor (Josef Reiszner) |
Jorden rundt i 80 dage (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
December 7, 1923 |
Actor (Phileas Fogg) |
Professor Storizyn (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
October 3, 1923 |
Actor (Valentin Nikolajevitsch Storizyn) |
Da vi var enogtyve (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 1, 1923 |
Actor (Richard Carew, retslærd, kaldet "Dick") |
Bajaderen (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
June 10, 1923 |
Actor (Grev Armand - 1923) |
Den glade enke (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
May 16, 1923 |
Actor |
Mrs. Dot (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
April 25, 1923 |
Actor (Gerald Halstone) |
Ønsket (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
February 21, 1923 |
Actor (Loftur) |
McIntyre og hans hustru (Vi Mordere) (The National Stage) |
January 23, 1923 |
Actor |
Landmandsliv (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
December 26, 1922 |
Actor (Aksel von Rambow) |
Anne Pedersdotter (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
Navember 29, 1922 |
Actor (Martin) |
Jeppe på Bjerget (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
Navember 20, 1922 |
Actor (Baronens sekretær) |
Den kyske levemann (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
Navember 5, 1922 |
Actor (Walter Riemann) |
Den politiske kandestøber (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 26, 1922 |
Actor (Antonius) |
The Political Tinker (The National Stage) |
September 26, 1922 |
Actor |
Rosmersholm (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 16, 1922 |
Actor (Johannes Rosmer) |
Vaarbrytning (Intimteatret) |
August 12, 1922 |
Actor (Rentier Stiefel / Overlære Fliegentod / En maskeret herre ) |
Vaarbrytning (Intimteatret) |
April 20, 1922 |
Actor (Rentier Stiefel / Overlære Fliegentod / En maskeret herre ) |
Interieur (Intimteatret) |
Navember 20, 1921 |
Actor (Den fremmede) |
Brevet til Amal (Intimteatret) |
Navember 11, 1921 |
Actor (Kongens livlæge) |
Mary Rose (Intimteatret) |
October 28, 1921 |
Actor (Cameron) |
Skyskraperen (Intimteatret) |
September 16, 1921 |
Actor |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
April 22, 1921 |
Actor (En tyv / Hussein, en østerlandsk minister) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
March 15, 1921 |
Actor (Horatio) |
Dunungen (The National Stage) |
December 17, 1920 |
Actor (Inspektør Nyberg) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
December 3, 1920 |
Actor (Baron Nilus/Dommeren) |
Haabet (The National Stage) |
Navember 16, 1920 |
Actor (Barend) |
Pygmalion (The National Stage) |
Navember 2, 1920 |
Actor |
Syndefald (The National Stage) |
October 15, 1920 |
Actor (Den unge mann) |
McIntyre og hans hustru (Vi Mordere) (The National Stage) |
May 14, 1920 |
Actor |
Leonarda (The National Stage) |
April 23, 1920 |
Actor (Hagbart, biskopens brorsønn) |
Milepæle (The National Stage) |
February 25, 1920 |
Actor (1920) |
Indenfor murene (The National Stage) |
January 23, 1920 |
Actor (Dr. Jørgen Herming) |
Stormangrebet (The National Stage) |
Navember 28, 1919 |
Actor |
Min hustru Hofskuespillerinden (The National Stage) |
Navember 11, 1919 |
Actor |
The Political Tinker (The National Stage) |
October 7, 1919 |
Actor |
Halte-Hulda (The National Stage) |
September 23, 1919 |
Actor (Eyolf Finson) |
Den kyske Susanne (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
August 20, 1919 |
Actor (Vivarelle) |
Czardasfyrstinden (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
May 3, 1919 |
Actor (Von Mero ) |
Det levende lik (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
February 10, 1919 |
Actor (En zigøiner) |
Hausse (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
January 15, 1919 |
Actor (Johan Brink, cand.jur., forlovet med Else) |
Jeppe paa Bjerget (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
October 16, 1918 |
Actor (Kammertjeneren / En bevæbnet mand) |
Indenfor murene (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
September 29, 1918 |
Actor (Dr. Jørgen Herming) |
Forretning er forretning (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
September 3, 1918 |
Actor (Forlikskommisæren) |
Milepæle (The National Stage) |
January 28, 1913 |
Actor (1920) |