Title (3) | File type | Publiseringsdato | Download |
Flygeblad for Grusomhetens Teaters produksjon I is another - Rimbaud i Afrika (2017) | 2016 | Download | |
Program for Grusomhetens Teaters produksjon Vegen til himmelen (1995) | June 1, 1996 | Download | |
Program til Kongens hjerte (1983) Sommerteater i Frognerparken | 1983 | Download |
Lars Øyno
Lars Øyno is the artistic director of The Theatre of Cruelty. Øyno also works freelance as an actor and director.
(Objekt ID 1987)Object type | Person |
Functions | Artistic director, Director, Actor, Auteur |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Male |
Member of | The Norwegian Association of Performing Arts/NAPA |
larsoyno@online.no | |
Adresse | Peter Aas’ vei 4 a, 0667 Oslo, Norway |
Website | Grusomhetens Teater |
Lars Øyno was educated as an actor at The National Academy of Theatre. He has been employed as an actor at Trøndelag Theatre, and has been hired by The Norwegian Touring Theatre, Verdensteatret and Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's Drama division.
From 1992 he has been a director and the head of The Theatre of Cruelty, whose 16 productions include Peer Gynt and The Gospel According to Thomas.
His production The Mountain Bird was nominated for The Hedda Award 2009 in the category of theatre event of the year.
Øyno also has had assignments as an actor and performer in a diversity of theatre productions and movies.
The National Academy of Theatre, acting study
- The Theatre of Cruelty - Artistic director
Title | Premiere | Role |
Rød Høst (The Theatre of Cruelty) | Navember 20, 2024 | Direction |
Jegeren Gracchus (The Theatre of CrueltyISSHI-ZA The Marionette Troupe of Japan) | October 20, 2023 | Direction, Dramatised by |
Jegeren Gracchus (The Theatre of CrueltyISSHI-ZA The Marionette Troupe of Japan) | October 5, 2023 | Direction, Dramatised by |
MOR COURAGE OG BARNA HENNES (The Theatre of Cruelty) | March 8, 2023 | Direction |
LAMENT III (The Theatre of Cruelty) | September 8, 2022 | Concept/Idea |
Røde Emma (The Theatre of Cruelty) | April 21, 2022 | Direction |
The Raven (The Theatre of Cruelty) | March 16, 2022 | Direction, Script |
Røde Emma (The Theatre of Cruelty) | September 9, 2021 | Direction |
The Raven (The Theatre of Cruelty) | September 11, 2020 | Direction, Script |
Madama Butterfly (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) | January 11, 2020 | Actor (2012) |
A Streetcar Named Desire (The Theatre of Cruelty) | October 24, 2019 | Direction |
Skrik fra Nordhue (Topp3) | August 4, 2019 | Direction, Actor (Zenon, Dagny Juels og Stanislaw Przybyszewskis sønn) |
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (The Theatre of Cruelty) | October 25, 2018 | Direction |
Lament II (The Theatre of Cruelty) | February 20, 2018 | Idea, Direction |
Venus & Mars (The Theatre of Cruelty) | December 14, 2017 | Direction |
I is another (The Theatre of Cruelty) | January 26, 2017 | Direction, Script, Stage design |
Madama Butterfly (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) | October 8, 2016 | Actor (2012) |
Proud Cloud (The Theatre of CrueltyHopscotch-Ensemble ) | April 27, 2016 | Direction |
What a Glorious Day! (The Theatre of Cruelty) | March 10, 2016 | Idea, Direction |
Lament (The Theatre of Cruelty) | October 9, 2015 | Idea, Direction |
What a Glorious Day! (The Theatre of Cruelty) | December 18, 2014 | Idea, Direction |
Madama Butterfly (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) | August 15, 2014 | Actor (2012) |
Svanhild (The Theatre of Cruelty) | March 14, 2014 | Direction |
Kongeblod (Stiftelsen Akershus festning for Kunst og Kultur (SAKK)) | 2014 | Actor (Nils Ravaldsson, adelsmann) |
Madama Butterfly (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) | October 25, 2013 | Actor (2012) |
Antonin Artauds Revolusjonære Budskap (The Theatre of Cruelty) | March 8, 2013 | Script, Concept/Idea, Direction |
Madama Butterfly (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) | September 3, 2012 | Actor (2012) |
Hedda Gabler (Visjoner Teater) | August 29, 2012 | Actor (Jørgen Tesman) |
Kongeblod (Stiftelsen Akershus festning for Kunst og Kultur (SAKK)) | August 18, 2012 | Actor (Nils Ravaldsson, adelsmann) |
What a Glorious Day! (The Theatre of Cruelty) | March 21, 2012 | Idea, Direction |
Amazonas (The Theatre of Cruelty) | October 21, 2011 | Direction, Concept/Idea |
Amazonas (The Theatre of Cruelty) | October 15, 2011 | Direction, Concept/Idea |
Hedda Gabler (Visjoner Teater) | May 12, 2011 | Actor (Jørgen Tesman) |
What a Glorious Day! (The Theatre of Cruelty) | March 18, 2011 | Idea, Direction |
The Malady of Death (Visjoner Teater) | April 22, 2010 | Actor |
Last Song (The Theatre of Cruelty) | December 4, 2009 | Direction, Idea, Stage design |
The Mountain Bird (The Theatre of Cruelty) | April 18, 2009 | Direction |
Theatre & Science (The Theatre of Cruelty) | Navember 16, 2007 | Direction, Script, Stage design, Costume design |
Independent ACT 6 (The Norwegian Theatre Academy) | March 9, 2007 | Consultant |
Independent ACT 6 (The Norwegian Theatre Academy) | March 8, 2007 | Consultant |
Søstrene Andrews presenterer: Faen, verden brenner* (Andrew Sisters present: Fuck, the world is burning!) (Kristinnsdottir/Sponnich/Ramvi) | 2007 | Consultant |
The Ugly Duckling (The Theatre of Cruelty) | Navember 11, 2006 | Stage design, Costume design, Script, Direction |
A Doll's House (Visjoner Teater) | May 18, 2006 | Actor (Thorvald ) |
The Fountain of Blood (The Theatre of Cruelty) | February 15, 2005 | Direction, Idea |
The Gospel According to Thomas (The Theatre of Cruelty) | October 28, 2004 | Direction, Concept/Idea |
Concert for Greenland (Verdensteatret) | March 4, 2004 | Co-creator |
The Dollhouse (The Theatre of Cruelty) | April 5, 2003 | Direction |
Peer Gynt (The Theatre of Cruelty) | October 25, 2002 | Adapted by, Direction |
Tsalal (Verdensteatret) | January 15, 2002 | Co-creator |
Alaska (The Theatre of Cruelty) | January 22, 2001 | Direction |
Poetics (The Theatre of Cruelty) | September 15, 2000 | Direction, Idea |
Frankenstein (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) | January 24, 2000 | Puppeteer |
RÉGLA (Verdensteatret) | Navember 3, 1999 | Co-creator |
Black Sun (The Theatre of Cruelty) | April 8, 1999 | Direction |
Jesu siste dagar (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) | February 27, 1998 | Actor |
The Philosophers' Stone (The Theatre of Cruelty) | May 1, 1997 | Direction |
Woyzeck (The Theatre of Cruelty) | September 4, 1996 | Direction |
Julie - en forkledd ung mann* (Juliet - a young man in disguise) (Det Motsatte Prosjekt) | April 17, 1996 | Actor (Regissøren) |
Storyteller (The Theatre of CrueltyBlack Box TeaterStella Polaris) | October 20, 1995 | Direction |
A Peaceful Man (Teater Figur) | August 15, 1995 | Voiceover |
The Road to Heaven (The Theatre of Cruelty) | June 1, 1995 | Script, Direction |
The Foreigner (Teater Vestland) | October 21, 1994 | Actor |
Cuba og teddybjørnen hans (Acanthus-Teatret) | April 16, 1994 | Actor (Che) |
The World of Jotner (The Theatre of Cruelty) | 1994 | Direction |
To Have Done with the Judgement of God (The Theatre of Cruelty) | Navember 26, 1993 | Idea, Direction |
Forglemmegei (The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater)) | March 23, 1993 | Actor (Nat) |
A Peaceful Man (Teater Figur) | February 9, 1993 | Voiceover |
Overflaten (Boreas Teater) | Navember 25, 1992 | Actor |
Peace (The Theatre of Cruelty) | October 20, 1992 | Script, Direction |
Gudenes redningsmann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | October 3, 1992 | Actor (Dverg 1) |
Lady Inger (Trøndelag Theatre) | May 15, 1992 | Actor (Olaf Skaktavl, en fredløs norsk adelsmann) |
Little Eyolf (Trøndelag Theatre) | March 7, 1992 | Actor (Alfred Allmers, eiendomsbesidder, literat, forhenværende timelærer) |
Little Eyolf () | September 4, 1991 | Actor (Alfred Allmers, eiendomsbesitter, litterat, fhv. timelærer 1990) |
På vinterveier (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) | Navember 27, 1990 | Actor |
Klassefiende (Statens teaterhøgskole) | October 17, 1990 | Actor (Læreren (gjest)) |
Little Eyolf () | September 7, 1990 | Actor (Alfred Allmers, eiendomsbesitter, litterat, fhv. timelærer 1990) |
Freudipus (Statens teaterhøgskole) | April 5, 1990 | Actor |
Summer Nights (Trøndelag Theatre) | Navember 29, 1989 | Actor (Tomas, samboer med Ulrikke) |
De tre musketerer (Trøndelag Theatre) | September 12, 1989 | Actor (Kong Ludvig XIII av Frankrike) |
An-Magritt (Trøndelag Theatre) | May 22, 1989 | Actor (Jürgen Smelteknekt) |
Heliogabalus (Trøndelag Theatre) | May 11, 1989 | Script, Direction |
A Dream Play (Trøndelag Theatre) | March 4, 1989 | Actor (Dekanus / Karantenemesteren) |
An-Magritt (Trøndelag Theatre) | August 27, 1988 | Actor (Jürgen Smelteknekt) |
Svarte okser (Trøndelag Theatre) | January 30, 1988 | Actor (Iversen) |
Mowgli (Trøndelag Theatre) | Navember 10, 1987 | Actor (Bagheera) |
Pillars of Society (Trøndelag Theatre) | October 14, 1987 | Actor (Skipsbygger Aune) |
The Crucible (Trøndelag Theatre) | February 27, 1987 | Actor (Pastor John Hale) |
Camille (Trøndelag Theatre) | Navember 22, 1986 | Actor (Prins Bela Mirkassian) |
Brand (Trøndelag Theatre) | August 30, 1986 | Actor (Mannen) |
Uncle Vanya (Trøndelag Theatre) | March 1, 1986 | Actor (En gårdsgutt) |
Peer Gynt (Trøndelag Theatre) | Navember 30, 1985 | Actor (Knappestøperen / Spillemann / Begriffenfeldt / Den fremmede) |
The Wizard of Oz (Trøndelag Theatre) | August 29, 1985 | Actor (Blikktømmerhuggeren) |
Blood Brothers (Trøndelag Theatre) | May 8, 1985 | Actor (Sammy / Politimann) |
Lulu (Trøndelag Theatre) | February 23, 1985 | Actor (Alwa, Schöns sønn) |
Mannen i mitt liv (Trøndelag Theatre) | December 15, 1984 | Actor (Alan) |
Hedda Gabler (Trøndelag Theatre) | August 31, 1984 | Actor (Ejlert Løvborg) |
Victor - eller barna tar makten (Statens teaterskole) | December 2, 1983 | Actor (Victor, 9 år) |
En sporvogn til begjær (Statens teaterskole) | September 30, 1983 | Actor (Mitch) |
Kongens hjerte (Statens teaterskole) | 1983 | Actor (Kongen/Hjertemakeren/katt) |
Molière (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 20, 1980 | Actor (Marquis de Laissac / Tryllekunstnaren med cembalo) |
Killingane og ulven (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 14, 1979 | Actor (Bjørnn Brumle) |
Onkel Vanja (Statens teaterhøgskole) | Actor (Serebrjakov .- gjest) |
Title | Publiseringsdato | Role |
Elagabal | 1989, Script | – Author |
Vegen til himmelen | 1995, Script | – Author |