Kate Pendry

Kate Pendry is a British born actress, performance artist and playwright living in Norway. Pendry has lived in Oslo since 1995 and works within different media. She has made her mark with controversial works, with personal and political content.


(Objekt ID 1965)
Object type Person
Born October 19, 1965
Functions Director, Actor, Producer, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality British
Gender Female
Member of Writers’ Guild of Norway/WGN, The Norwegian Actors’ Equity Association/NAEA
Email katependry@gmail.com
Adresse Tverrabkken 4a, 0475 Oslo, Norway

Kate Pendry is an experienced actress visualising the stories she tells using sarcasm and black humour – which she demonstrated in the performance Sex in the Warzone among others. In this play, alone onstage, she told the story of her journey to Balkan in 2002, seven years after the end of the war: From London to Sarajevo, Dubrovnik, Montenegro and finally to Kosovo.

Kate Pendry is considered a controversial artist and she has met strong reactions to many of her projects. In Tales From A Wicked Child she used images of dead children in the performance and in The Wall of Fame and Shame she hung images of a well-known Norwegian children’s killer along with photos of George W. Bush and Anne Frank. Due to threats she has from time to time needed protection to be able to perform.

She participated at the performance festivals of Kunstbanken Hedmark Kunstsenter in 2003, 2004 and 2008. The latter festival was devoted in full to her artistic work, featuring guest contributions by Sons of Liberty and Kim Atle Hansen.

Kate Pendry is also a program host in the Norwegian radio channel radiOrakel. In 2009 she was nominated for The Norwegian Ibsen Award AKA The Ibsen Prize for her play Pornography, playing in Det Åpne Teater (The Open Theatre) during the summer of 2009.

Kate Pendrywon The Ibsen Prize AKA The Norwegian Ibsen Award 2010 for her play Erasmus Tyrannus Rex.

The jury gave the following reason:

"The Norwegian theatre world often has, and with good reason, sought for plays written about and for youth. With Erasmus Tyrannus Rex Kate Pendry has provided a raw and direct answer to the challenge. The scene is a school yard, the performers are pupils and the characteristics are sharp portraits of harassers and followers, victims and alpha males.

Pendry has chosen an original form, not least linguistically. Contemporary slang and jargon, abuse and obscenities, incomplete sentences and pure shit talking have been nailed, and are served with intense ongoing energy. But the whole thing is set in a strict classical frame making the lines a rhythmic, poetic stream of words. Poetic, not as in poetry or verse, but as in a - literally - 'artificial' expression. Artistic without being affected or vain.

The classical frame is obvious in the dramaturgy too. The play carries clear traces from the ancient Greek drama, with a chorus and a narrator, and groups of antagonists and protagonists, with heroes and villains, and with a fateful inevitability. The sombre background revealed in the shocking finale of the play, is the many bloody school massacres we have seen across the world.

The jury will regard Erasmus Tyrannus Rex an original contribution to Norwegian drama."


Ibsen Awards, www.ibsenawards.com, 26.11.2013, http://www.ibsenawards.com/ia/vinnere/kate-pendry/

Norwegian Wikipedia, http://no.wikipedia.org, 21.08.2010, http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Pendry

Tilknyttet (1)
Artworks (5)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Pornography Script – Author
Points of pain Script – Author
Erasmus Tyrannus Rex Script – Author
Jeg kan også synge blues 1998, Script, Musical theatre – Author
Soft Eyes Script – Author