Nyanser av gris* (Shades of Pig) (Antiteateret) |
April 27, 2018 |
Actor |
What Would Jesus Do (Antiteateret) |
2016 |
Actor (Lege, psykiater) |
De ti bud* (The Ten Commandments) (Ibsen Theatre) |
January 13, 2000 |
Actor (Hun i Kvinne og mann / Kvinna i Medan lyset går ned og alt blir svart / Wanda i Løgnens nødvendighet ... ) |
Til helvete heller (Ibsen Theatre) |
2000 |
Actor |
De ti bud* (The Ten Commandments) (Ibsen Theatre) |
September 25, 1999 |
Actor (Hun i Kvinne og mann / Kvinna i Medan lyset går ned og alt blir svart / Wanda i Løgnens nødvendighet ... ) |
Den store barnedåpen (Ibsen Theatre) |
1999 |
Actor |
Vera Wolfs siste ønske (The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater)) |
Navember 28, 1998 |
Actor |
Robin Hood (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 1998 |
Actor (Høstturnéen) |
Robin Hood (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
March 11, 1998 |
Actor (Høstturnéen) |
Telefonterroristen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 23, 1996 |
Actor (Andersen) |
Stjerneskipet Marco Polo - Prosjekt Dracos (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 5, 1996 |
Actor (Tasman) |
Brødrene Løvehjerte (Thalia Teater AS) |
Navember 20, 1995 |
Actor |
Rett i lomma (Thalia Teater AS) |
September 13, 1995 |
Actor |
Jakes kvinner (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
February 25, 1995 |
Actor (Julie) |
Macbeth (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) |
September 8, 1994 |
Actor (Lady Macbeth/kammerfrue/heks) |
Norgesreisen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 15, 1993 |
Actor |
Majken – det brenner! (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 4, 1993 |
Actor (Fortelleren) |
Majken – det brenner! (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 28, 1993 |
Actor (Fortelleren) |
Hemmeligheten på loftet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 29, 1993 |
Actor (Moren) |
Hemmeligheten på loftet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 22, 1993 |
Actor (Moren) |
Hemmeligheten på loftet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 15, 1993 |
Actor (Moren) |
Gudenes redningsmann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 3, 1992 |
Actor (Sigyn) |
Alvhild (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 24, 1992 |
Actor (Søster Gudrun) |
Affæren Anders Jahre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 11, 1991 |
Actor (Sekretær) |
Little Eyolf (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 17, 1991 |
Actor (Frøken Asta Allmers, Alfreds yngre halvsøster) |
Aksjemordet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 6, 1990 |
Actor (Sekretær i redaksjonen) |
Frøken Julie (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
December 1, 1989 |
Actor (Frøken Julie) |
Fødselsdagsgaven (Trøndelag Theatre) |
September 3, 1988 |
Actor (Margaret) |
Mannen fra Houston (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 17, 1988 |
Actor (Sonja) |
The Odd Couple (the female version) (Trøndelag Theatre) |
March 24, 1988 |
Actor (Olive) |
Mowgli (Trøndelag Theatre) |
Navember 10, 1987 |
Actor (Tabaqui) |
Pillars of Society (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 14, 1987 |
Actor (Marta Bernick, direktørens søster) |
Systuen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
April 7, 1987 |
Actor (Helène) |
Svermere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 7, 1987 |
Actor (Ragna) |
Svermere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 31, 1987 |
Actor (Ragna) |
Svermere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 24, 1987 |
Actor (Ragna) |
Svermere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 17, 1987 |
Actor (Ragna) |
En hage under snøen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
January 13, 1987 |
Actor (Mai Lill) |
Svermere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 10, 1987 |
Actor (Ragna) |
Hotel Ifigenia (The National Stage) |
October 20, 1986 |
Actor (Mademosielle L´Hospetalier - 29 År) |
Vaskerelvens Rose (The National Stage) |
October 4, 1986 |
Actor (Diana, en ung kvinne - overtok rollen) |
Alice i Eventyrland (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 27, 1986 |
Actor (Lakei 2) |
En måned på landet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
April 8, 1986 |
Actor (Natalja Petrovna, Islajevs kone) |
Rose (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 4, 1986 |
Actor (Malpass) |
Tre par (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 4, 1986 |
Actor (Fru Johanne Sandberg) |
Gulljenter (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
February 3, 1986 |
Actor (Muriel Farr) |
Ringer i mørkt vann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 1, 1986 |
Actor (Carine Skår) |
Ringer i mørkt vann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 25, 1986 |
Actor (Carine Skår) |
Ringer i mørkt vann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 18, 1986 |
Actor (Carine Skår) |
Ringer i mørkt vann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 11, 1986 |
Actor (Carine Skår) |
Ringer i mørkt vann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 4, 1986 |
Actor (Carine Skår) |
Kong Lear (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 12, 1985 |
Actor (Reagen) |
Kong Lear (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 5, 1985 |
Actor (Reagen) |
Du kan da ikke bare gå (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 22, 1985 |
Actor (Irmelin) |
Lystige Koner (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 19, 1985 |
Actor (Fru Wangensten) |
Agnes Cecilia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 9, 1985 |
Actor (Nora) |
Agnes Cecilia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 2, 1985 |
Actor (Nora) |
Agnes Cecilia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 26, 1985 |
Actor (Nora) |
Agnes Cecilia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 19, 1985 |
Actor (Nora) |
Agnes Cecilia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 12, 1985 |
Actor (Nora) |
Agnes Cecilia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 5, 1985 |
Actor (Nora) |
Den store søvnen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 29, 1984 |
Actor (Agnes) |
Agnes Cecilia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 29, 1984 |
Actor (Nora) |
Agnes Cecilia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 22, 1984 |
Actor (Nora) |
Agnes Cecilia (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 15, 1984 |
Actor (Nora) |
Rebeccas barn (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 3, 1984 |
Actor (Liv Strand, født Torvaldsen) |
Edvard er snart tilbake (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 24, 1984 |
Actor (Kamilla) |
Of Mice and Men (Nordland Theatre) |
March 4, 1983 |
Actor |
Amputasjon (Homansbyen Teaterselskap) |
1983 |
Actor (Operasjonssøster Lucrezia / Mamma) |
Kort opphold i Verona (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
April 13, 1982 |
Actor |
Helten på den grøne øya (Nordland Theatre) |
February 19, 1982 |
Actor (Pegeen Mike) |
Demolisjon (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 17, 1981 |
Actor |
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Nordland Theatre) |
October 1981 |
Actor (Enka / Konferansieren / Datteren til Den gamle kona) |
Ai, ai, for ein artig krig (Statens teaterskole) |
May 6, 1981 |
Actor |
Prosessen (Statens teaterskole) |
January 30, 1981 |
Actor (Josef K i 9.scene og flere andre roller) |
Hedda Gabler (Statens teaterskole) |
October 13, 1980 |
Actor (Thea Elvsted) |
Den som henger i en tråd (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 26, 1980 |
Actor (Ung jente) |
Folk æ'kke dyr (PiratteatretNorwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 18, 1979 |
Actor |
Riket er ditt (MusidraScene 7) |
June 1973 |
Actor |
Tilfellet Torgersen (Musidra) |
January 25, 1973 |
Actor |
Fugleskremsel (Musidra) |
1972 |
Actor |
Zorba (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 3, 1971 |
Actor (Afrodita) |
Taremareby (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 30, 1971 |
Actor (Flyndrefeit / 1. skjell) |
Vi kommer og vi går (Musidra) |
1971 |
Performer |
Våg å kjempe, våg å vinne (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Other |
Keystone (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Actor (Louise Brennan) |
Sjørøverne på Diamantøya () |
Actor (2.klasse) |