Anne Bryhn

Anne Bryhn, originally from Otta in Gudbrandsdalen, is a choreographer and pedagogue educated at The National Academy of Ballet (KhiO) and Oslo College University, drama and theatre communication.


(Objekt ID 1885)
Object type Person
Functions Choreographer, Pedagog
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Adresse Oslo, Norway

Anne Bryhn coordinates the team of employees at the drama and theatre communication study at Oslo and Akershus College of Applied Sciences (HiOA), and is also responsible for the minor degrees shortened DTK 1 and TiU, the latter a study in pedagogic use of theatre. She also teaches movement for the students studying mask, storytelling, pedagogic use of theatre, direction and pedagogy.

Aside HiOA, Anne Bryhn has worked as a ballet and dance pedagogue for employers including The National Academy of Ballet (now KhiO), GDT (The Union of Norwegian Dance Artists) and at the dance studio Spin Off AS (1995 - 2008).

Bryhn has led an intensive evening study in dance (2002 – 2008), the one-year pre-study in dance at Spin Off, and she has worked for the upper secondary schools of Manglerud, Fagerborg and Hartvig Nissen plus at the foundation Tyrili-Stiftelsen and the association of culture schools in Eastern Norway (Norsk kulturskoleråd Region Øst).

Since 1988 Anne Bryhn has worked as a choreographer and director for small-scale and large-scale productions, including the spectacle Kristinspelet (2004 - 2008), Juv (2006-2008), the Ole Bull spectacle Fossegrimen på Valestrand* (The Waterfall Spirit of Valestrand) (2010), Ekstemjazz* (Extreme Jazz) at the festival Vossajazz, opening ceremony Oset, Brothers with Teater Joker and for Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (through the production company Fabelaktiv).

Bryhn also has worked as a dramaturge for Hjort Dance Company's ballet Borboleta (in collaboration with Carte Blanche) and contributed choreography to Teater Joker's Trillefolket* (The Rolling People) and A Hundred Rooms.


The archives of Anne Bryhn, donated by Anne Bryhn, 09.01.2012

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


The National Academy of Ballet (3 years).

Drama and theatre communication (1 year), Oslo College University.

Involved in productions (11)
Title Premiere Role
Omsorg - fortellinger om ubehag, ensomhet og en elefant () March 24, 2023 Direction, Choreography
The Brothers Lionheart (The Norwegian Theatre) October 3, 2014 Musician
Bivrfrost (Frikar) October 25, 2012 Direction
Peer på en pall* (Peer on a pallet) (Teater Joker) September 6, 2012 Consultant
Peer på en pall* (Peer on a pallet) (Teater Joker) August 31, 2012 Consultant
Ole Bull - Fossegrimen pâ Valestrand* (Ole Bull - The Waterfall Spirit of Valestrand) (Kulturdagnemnda i Osterøy) August 13, 2010 Choreography
NyNorsk (Carte Blanche) January 27, 2010 Dramaturge
Juv* (Canyon) (DansdesignThe Peer Gynt Festival) August 8, 2008 Choreography
Juv* (Canyon) (DansdesignThe Peer Gynt Festival) August 8, 2007 Choreography
Trillefolket* (The Rolling People) (Teater Joker) October 26, 2006 Consultant
Juv* (Canyon) (DansdesignThe Peer Gynt Festival) August 10, 2006 Choreography
Brothers (Teater Joker) Navember 8, 2005 Choreography
Brothers (Teater Joker) August 30, 2004 Choreography
Sexy (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) April 23, 1998 Choreography
Opening and Closing Ceremonies (Lillehammer OL) February 27, 1994 Dancer
Opening and Closing Ceremonies (Lillehammer OL) February 12, 1994 Dancer