Katerina Bakkedal Bozic


(Objekt ID 18779)
Object type Person
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Involved in productions (19)
Title Premiere Role
O D E 2010 - Oslo Danse Ensemble (Oslo Dance Ensemble) Navember 19, 2010 Dancer (i Styx, Halo over me og Grosstadtsafari)
Chicago (Trøndelag Theatre) March 21, 2009 Dancer
Bygones (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) January 29, 2007 Costume, Mask design
Bygones (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) October 7, 2006 Costume, Mask design
Funny Girl (The National Stage) January 21, 2005 Dancer
Oslo Danse Ensemble 10 år - Illusion Addicts - Kvart - Ulike (en del av helheten) - (J)ázz we like it (Oslo Dance Ensemble) October 29, 2004 Dancer (Illusionaddict i Illusions Addicts / Kvart (til 20/11) / (J)ázz we like it)
West Side Story (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) March 16, 2004 Dancer (Teresita, en shark-jente / Velma, Riffs kjæreste)
Oslo Danse Ensemble 2002 - Kraak - Å akte og ære - Lullaby - Video - Chicken(s)wing (Oslo Dance Ensemble) October 9, 2002 Dancer (Kraak / Å akte og ære / Lullaby / Chicken(s)wing), Instruction
Chicago (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) January 18, 2002 Dancer (Liz)
O D E vinter 2001 (Oslo Dance Ensemble) Navember 28, 2001 Dancer (i Scattered sculptures, Swap, Chicken(s)wing)
Oslo Danse Ensemble 2000 / ODE 2000 (Oslo Dance Ensemble) Navember 21, 2000 Dancer (i Transitional Illumination, Kraak, Tryin´ Times)
Big time - Oslo Danse Ensemble på Riksteaterturné - Zap Zombie - Angel - Shake well - The Rich Man´s Frug - Fièvre/Slakt - Big Time (Oslo Dance Ensemble) March 12, 2000 Dancer (Zap Zombie / Shake well / The Rich Man´s Frug (solist) / Fièvre/Slakt / Big Time)
O D E 1999 (Oslo Dance Ensemble) 1999 Dancer (i Trying to fly, Shake well og Fièvre/Slakt)
Absolutt Dizzie (Thalia Teater ASJørg-Fr. Ellertsen) September 11, 1998 Dancer
Sexy (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) April 23, 1998 Actor (Annedukke / Posekvinne / James Bond pike / Stripper)
Oslo Danse Ensemble vår 97 (Oslo Dance Ensemble) 1997 Dancer (i Jazz? It´s like Butta, The Rich Man´s Frug og I May Be Wrong, But I Think You´re Wonderful)
Eter (Andanse Theatre) March 6, 1996 Dancer
Flere numre på én kveld? - Krystall - Savn II - Mens gresset gror ... - I mellom - Pytt Pytt Blues - Gåselever (Prosjekt Ungt Blod) December 2, 1994 Dancer (i Pytt pytt blues)
Danse - energi (Andanse Theatre) Navember 16, 1994 Dancer (Småfolk / Rapsodi / I barn til Kathinka / Norsk flørt / Støt / Haugtussa IV)
Norsk flørt (Andanse Theatre) 1991 Dancer