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Playbill for The Norwegian Theatre's production Come Back, Liza (1999) pdf 1999 Download

Eivind One Pedersen


(Objekt ID 17854)
Object type Person
Functions Musician
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (18)
Title Premiere Role
Come Back, Liza (The Norwegian Theatre) January 15, 1999 Musician, Composer
Come Back, Liza (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) 1997 Musician
Forglemmegei (The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater)) March 23, 1993 Music
Smit og Waallann, Grovt Kaliber (Nordland Theatre) May 20, 1989 Music
...Bare Engler (Scirocco Dansekompani) December 17, 1988 Musician
For fattig og rik (AS Nye Ord) August 31, 1988 Musician, Répétiteur
Skal det være noe mer før vi stenger? (Barkrakken cabaret og caféteater) July 1987 Music
Kappløp med tiden (Imago Dance Company) October 28, 1986 Music
Gjør det fort, kjære! (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) September 1, 1986 Musician
Smia (Aker Brygge 86) June 14, 1986 Musician, Musical direction, Music
Emil Olsen () 1984 Musician
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) September 9, 1983 Musician, Musical arrangement, Musical Instructor
Vil du være mitt sex-objekt i kveld? - en kabaret om kjærlighet (Barkrakken cabaret og caféteater) 1983 Musician
Historien om en hest (Rogaland Theatre) October 5, 1979 Musical direction
Guys and Dolls (Rogaland Theatre) May 1, 1979 Musical Instructor, Musician
Galileis liv (Rogaland Theatre) December 2, 1978 Musical arrangement, Musician, Musical direction
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Rogaland Theatre) October 26, 1973 Musical direction, Musician
Veien til slottet (The Children and Youth Theatre at Rogaland Theatre) March 29, 1973 Musical direction