Erik Ehn

Erik Ehn is an American playwright, director, educator and theorist of contemporary theater. Currently Head of Playwriting and professor of Theatre Arts Performance Studies at Brown University.

”I believe strongly that the world needs to change radically in the next few years, and that theater will be a part of that change. I can feel it like a person with a broken leg can feel the rain coming, that this need for coalescing is in the air. Whatever causes that coalescence is going to be what we call theater next.” -Erik Ehn in a Times interview in 2006


(Objekt ID 17773)
Object type Person
Functions Director, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality American
Gender Male
Adresse Boston, United States

Erik Ehn is a recipient of several Rockefeller Grants, a McKnight
Fellowship, the Alpert Award in the Arts in 2001 and the
Whiting Writers Award in 1997, all significant recognitions
in the playwriting world.

Source: Brown University,, 19.09.2011,

Involved in productions (2)
Title Premiere Role
Ifigenia i Aulis (The Royal Dramatic Theatre) September 12, 2019 Actor (Menelaos)
turning into saints (Grith Ea JensenSusanne Irene Fjørtoft) October 19, 2011 Co-creator
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
The Saint Plays Script, One-act Play – Author