Guri Glans

Guri Glans is an actress, educated at Oslo College University, Écôle Jacques Lecoq and at Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute in New York. Guri Glans works as a producer and actress in Teater Joker. She has worked as an actress and administrative manager for Jo Strømgren Kompani. Guri Glans is on the boards of Performing Arts Hub Norway and Black Box Teater.


(Objekt ID 175)
Object type Person
Born April 9, 1975
Functions Actor, Producer, Administrative head
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Adresse Oslo, Norway

Ecole Jacques Lecoq 1995-96.

A minor degree (a year and a half) in drama/theatre communication at Oslo College University, with the subjects of dramaturgy and storytelling.

The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute, NYC 2003

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