Kari Ramnefjell

Kari Ramnefjell is educated as an actress at Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow/Scotland (1996-1999).

After graduating, Kari Ramnefjell worked for renowned The Arches Theatre in Glasgow for several years.


(Objekt ID 174)
Object type Person
Functions Actor, Producer, Theatre director
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Adresse Oslo, Norway
Website IMDb

In Norway Kari Ramnefjell is connected to Teater Joker as an actress and producer. As an actress Kari Ramnefjell has taken part in Hando Kjendo, A Hundred Rooms, Trillefolket* (The Rolling People, Baron von Munchhaussens elleville kanonkuleferd, sanseløse bønnestengelmåneklatring og andre halsbrekkende sannheter!* (Baron von Munchhausen's madcap cannon ball journey, senseless beanstalk moon climbing and other breakneck truths!) and Tutomaten* (The Toot-o-maton).

Kari Ramnefjell also has written and produced her own production, Farleg Leik* (Dangerous game), performed more than 150 times. She is one of the owners of the firm Idéinkubatørene.


Teater Joker, teaterjoker.no, 07.12.2010, http://www.teaterjoker.no/Teater_Joker/Om_oss.html

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow/Scotland (1996-1999).

Affiliations (3)