Lars Reynert Olsen

Lars Reynert Olsen is the project leader of Teater Radix.


(Objekt ID 1682)
Object type Person
Born 1969
Functions Artistic director, Actor, Producer, Pedagog
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Website Radix teater- og kulturformidling, Lars Reynert Olsen
Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (7)
Title Premiere Role
SS Donau () Navember 7, 2012 Actor, Coordinator
Nusse & Gluggen (Teater Radix) 1999 Direction, Actor
Bolla Pinnsvin..Hvor er du?* (Bolla the Hedgehog…Where are you?) (Teater Radix) July 8, 1997 Actor, Script, Direction
Full Klaff!* (Full Score) (Teater Radix) 1997 Script, Direction, Performer
I Bom Bom Rommet (Phoenix Teater) 1994 Actor (Ralphie)
Jenta mi (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) February 14, 1989 Actor (Peder Pilt - alternerte med Conradi)
Fryd Deg med Fryd!* (Enjoy with Joy!) (Teater Radix) Performer, Music, Direction, Script