Alfred Maurstad
Alfred Maurstad (1896-1967) was a Norwegian actor.
He was married to Tordis Maurstad and the father of Toralv Maurstad.
(Objekt ID 16582)Object type | Person |
Born | July 26, 1896 (dead September 5, 1967) |
Functions | Author, Dramatist/Playwright |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Male |
Tilknyttet (1)
- Trøndelag Theatre - Theatre director (from 1948 to 1950)
Involved in productions (182)
Title | Premiere | Role |
Du grøne, glitrande tre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | December 26, 1991 | Actor (I ALLE rollene) |
Du grøne, glitrande tre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | December 24, 1974 | Actor (I ALLE rollene) |
Martin Chuzzlewit (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | June 4, 1967 | Actor (Seth Pecksniff, arkitekt) |
Brand (The National Theatre) | March 31, 1966 | Actor (Fogden) |
Når den ny vin blomstrer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | Navember 5, 1965 | Actor (Arvik) |
A Journey in the Night (The National Theatre) | October 14, 1965 | Direction |
Hustruskolen (The National Theatre) | March 23, 1965 | Actor (Chrysalde, Arnolphes venn) |
Elektra (The National Theatre) | December 3, 1964 | Actor (Oppdrageren) |
Driftekaren (The National Stage) | Navember 5, 1963 | Actor (Vraal Litveit - Gjest) |
Ah, Wilderness! (The National Theatre) | May 23, 1963 | Direction |
Den gale fra Chaillot (The National Theatre) | February 28, 1963 | Actor (Fillesamleren) |
Herr Brotonneau (The National Theatre) | January 4, 1963 | Direction |
Desire under the Elms (The National Theatre) | October 10, 1962 | Actor (Efraim Cabot) |
Svart mandag (The National Theatre) | April 27, 1962 | Actor (Dennison, senator og advokat) |
Erik XIV (The National Theatre) | March 3, 1962 | Actor (Måns Knekt) |
Long Day's Journey into Night (The Norwegian Theatre) | October 26, 1961 | Actor (James Tyrone) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) | September 6, 1961 | Direction |
The Soldier's Tale (The National Theatre) | June 6, 1961 | Actor |
Ghosts (The National Theatre) | March 18, 1961 | Actor (Snekker Engstrand) |
Romulus den store (The National Theatre) | February 22, 1961 | Actor (Cæsar Rupf, buksefabrikant) |
Den som vil seire (The National Theatre) | February 9, 1961 | Actor (Nicolaos) |
Den som vil seire (The National Theatre) | September 20, 1960 | Actor (Nicolaos) |
Brand (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | September 13, 1960 | Actor (Fogden) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 2. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | July 30, 1960 | Actor (Overbetjenten) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 2. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | July 23, 1960 | Actor (Overbetjenten) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 2. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | July 16, 1960 | Actor (Overbetjenten) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 2. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | July 9, 1960 | Actor (Overbetjenten) |
Sigurd The Bad (The National Theatre) | April 26, 1960 | Actor (Tjostulv Aaleson, lendermann) |
The Two-Family House (The National Theatre) | February 3, 1960 | Actor (Carl) |
Ghosts (The National Theatre) | 1960 | Actor (Snekker Engstrand) |
In the Grip of Life (The National Theatre) | Navember 18, 1959 | Actor (Per Bast) |
He Who Said No (The National Theatre) | October 1, 1959 | Direction |
Ghosts (The National Theatre) | September 3, 1959 | Actor (Snekker Engstrand) |
Ghosts (The National Theatre) | June 10, 1959 | Actor (Snekker Engstrand) |
Kirsebærhaven (The National Theatre) | March 17, 1959 | Actor (Jermolai Lopakhin) |
Finn veien, engel (The National Theatre) | December 4, 1958 | Actor (Oliver Gant) |
The Pretenders (The National Theatre) | October 18, 1958 | Actor (Jatgeir Skald) |
Det hemmelige regnskapet* (The Secret Reckoning) (The National Theatre) | February 21, 1957 | Actor (Oliver Jansen) |
Marius (The National Theatre) | January 10, 1957 | Direction |
Kun for medlemmer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | December 18, 1956 | Actor (Advokat Jameson, Templemores forsvarer) |
Helligtrekongers aften (The National Theatre) | September 27, 1956 | Actor (En Narr) |
When the New Wine Blooms (The National Theatre) | December 6, 1955 | Actor (Prosten Hall) |
The Lord and His Servants (The National Theatre) | September 28, 1955 | Direction |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1955 | Direction, Actor (Peer Gynt (den eldre)) |
The Injustice (The National Theatre) | January 13, 1955 | Actor (Ulf Gram) |
Etienne (The National Theatre) | October 21, 1954 | Actor (Ferdinand Lebarmécide) |
The Shot and Wounded (The National Theatre) | August 28, 1954 | Actor (Gabriel Utbø) |
The Shot and Wounded (The National Theatre) | April 26, 1954 | Actor (Gabriel Utbø) |
Måne for livets stebarn (The National Theatre) | February 25, 1954 | Actor (Phil Hogan) |
Smeltedigelen (The National Theatre) | October 18, 1953 | Actor (John Proctor) |
Maria Stuart (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1953 | Actor (Amias Paulet) |
Kaptein Brassbounds forvandling (The National Theatre) | March 28, 1953 | Actor (Kaptein Hamlin Kearney) |
He Who Loves His Father (The National Theatre) | February 10, 1953 | Actor (Statsministeren) |
Skole for fedre (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1952 | Actor (Monsieur Orlas) |
Medea (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1952 | Actor (Jason) |
Du grøne, glitrande tre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | December 23, 1952 | Actor (I ALLE rollene) |
Himmelsk dilemma (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | Navember 20, 1952 | Direction |
Sheppey (The National Theatre) | August 22, 1952 | Direction |
The Bankrupt (The National Theatre) | March 7, 1952 | Actor (Sannæs, Tjældes fullmektig) |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) | January 20, 1951 | Direction |
Harvey (Trøndelag Theatre) | April 4, 1950 | Direction |
Death of a Salesman (Trøndelag Theatre) | March 7, 1950 | Direction |
A Streetcar Named Desire (Trøndelag Theatre) | December 6, 1949 | Actor (Stanley Kowalski ) |
Det lykkelige valg (Trøndelag Theatre) | September 28, 1949 | Direction |
Pen eldre herre (Trøndelag Theatre) | September 1, 1949 | Direction |
Dr. Knock eller Medisinens triumf (Trøndelag Theatre) | February 15, 1949 | Actor (Dr. Knock ) |
Skitne hender (Trøndelag Theatre) | Navember 16, 1948 | Actor (Hoederer) |
Mascarade (Trøndelag Theatre) | October 2, 1948 | Actor (Arv), Direction |
VI MØTES KLOKKEN 20 - Verdens søteste mennesker - Kort møte - Pepper & Pepper (The National Theatre) | June 3, 1948 | Direction |
The fussy man (The National Theatre) | March 10, 1948 | Direction |
Revisoren (The National Theatre) | January 15, 1948 | Actor (Ossip, Clestakoffs tjener ) |
The Play about Lead-Petter (The National Theatre) | December 10, 1947 | Actor (Benedikt, soldat) |
Julius Caesar (The National Theatre) | September 5, 1947 | Actor (Marcus Antonius) |
Raskolnikov or Crime and Punishment (Trøndelag Theatre) | May 13, 1947 | Direction |
Peer Gynt (Trøndelag Theatre) | February 5, 1947 | Direction, Actor (Peer Gynt, Aases sønn ) |
The Defeat (The National Theatre) | December 29, 1946 | Actor (Rigault, medisiner) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | April 4, 1946 | Actor (David Rizzio i 1946) |
There is Hope for the Tree (The National Theatre) | March 12, 1946 | Direction |
Mascarade (The National Theatre) | Navember 25, 1945 | Actor (Arv) |
Rid i natt (The National Theatre) | October 3, 1945 | Direction |
Gi mig ditt hjerte* (Give me your heart) (The National Theatre) | September 5, 1945 | Actor (Janson, direktør) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | January 9, 1945 | Actor (Peer Gynt) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | September 20, 1942 | Actor (David Rizzio i 1946) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | April 26, 1940 | Actor (Peer Gynt) |
The Mother (The National Theatre) | April 8, 1940 | Actor (Sønn) |
Den fattige fra Assisi* (The poor of Assisi) (The National Theatre) | February 14, 1940 | Actor (Elias di Bombarone) |
Mot vår (The National Theatre) | October 3, 1939 | Actor (Trock) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1939 | Actor (Erasmus Montanus) |
The Drover (The National Theatre) | March 10, 1939 | Actor (Vraal) |
Peer Gynt (Trøndelag Theatre) | September 1, 1938 | Actor (Peer Gynt), Direction |
Alle har rett (The National Theatre) | May 3, 1938 | Actor (Ponza, Frolas svigersønn) |
Don Juan (The National Theatre) | February 11, 1938 | Actor (Laurits) |
King Lear (The National Theatre) | October 28, 1937 | Actor (Narren) |
Agnete (The National Theatre) | October 3, 1937 | Actor (Svend Ulfsen) |
Break-up (The National Theatre) | March 6, 1937 | Actor (Ketil) |
På fruktene skal de kjennes (The National Theatre) | January 20, 1937 | Actor (Paul) |
Gøsta Berlings saga (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1936 | Actor (Liljecrona, kavaler) |
Den vægelsindede (The National Theatre) | December 3, 1936 | Actor (Henrik) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (The National Theatre) | September 11, 1936 | Actor (En junker) |
Familien Turbin (The National Theatre) | August 20, 1936 | Actor (Victor V. Mishlayevsky) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | April 3, 1936 | Actor (Peer Gynt) |
Attentat (The National Theatre) | January 23, 1936 | Actor (Gustav) |
Kong Baldvines armring* (The Bracelet of King Baldwin) (The National Theatre) | December 17, 1935 | Actor (Bror Bengt / Mustafa, en tyrk) |
Som det kunne ha gått (The National Theatre) | Navember 22, 1935 | Actor (Sønnen) |
Cirkus Juris - De siamesiske tvillinger (The National Theatre) | October 24, 1935 | Actor (Dikteren Snorre Malmstrøm / Hip, Haps tvillingbror) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Theatre) | September 21, 1935 | Actor (Malvin, matros / Sacha Erdman, fiolinist) |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) | August 14, 1935 | Actor (Kandidat Holt) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1935 | Actor (Gyldenstjerne) |
Fedja (Det levende lik) (The National Theatre) | April 25, 1935 | Actor (Verten på vertshuset) |
Bøddelen (The National Theatre) | March 5, 1935 | Actor (Galge Lasse / En krigsinvalid) |
Tovaritsch (The National Theatre) | February 14, 1935 | Actor (Jimmy) |
Hyklere (The National Theatre) | January 8, 1935 | Actor (Andreas Solem) |
Pers reise til månen* (Per's Journey to the Moon) (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1934 | Actor (Mannen i månen) |
Jomfruburet (The National Theatre) | December 8, 1934 | Actor (Kupelweiser, tegner) |
The Happy Capsize (The National Theatre) | Navember 21, 1934 | Actor (En skolemester) |
Middag kl. 8 (The National Theatre) | September 7, 1934 | Actor (Hatfield) |
Love's Comedy (The National Theatre) | August 21, 1934 | Actor (Lind) |
Czardasfyrstinnen (The National Theatre) | April 14, 1934 | Actor (En sigøynerprimas) |
Skjønne ungdom (The National Theatre) | March 15, 1934 | Actor (Barkeeperen) |
Et vintereventyr (The National Theatre) | February 4, 1934 | Actor (En tjenestegutt) |
Per og Lisa på flygeeventyr (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 26, 1933 | Playwright |
Kjerringa med staven* (The Old Wife with the Stick) (The National Theatre) | December 23, 1933 | Actor (Espen Askeladd) |
The Hairy Ape (The National Theatre) | December 4, 1933 | Actor (En fyrbøter) |
Lysistrata (The National Theatre) | Navember 15, 1933 | Actor (Manes) |
Triad (The National Theatre) | September 28, 1933 | Actor (Per i Skål for Agnete) |
Den skjønne Helene (The National Theatre) | March 7, 1933 | Actor (Ajax den første) |
Diktator* (Dictator) (The National Theatre) | February 8, 1933 | Actor (Baricelli) |
Kongebrødrene* (The Brother Kings) (The National Theatre) | December 7, 1932 | Actor (Kåre fra Nidarosen) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | October 27, 1932 | Actor (Gardekaptein Erskin) |
Dydens have (The National Theatre) | October 5, 1932 | Actor (Pirner) |
Pickwick-klubben (The National Theatre) | May 13, 1932 | Actor (Job Trotter, tjener) |
Elisabeth av England (The National Theatre) | April 8, 1932 | Actor (Southampton) |
Hans nådes testamente (Oslo Kringkastingsselskap) | March 26, 1932 | Actor (Jakob, Fru Endbergs sønn) |
Storm i et vannglass (The National Theatre) | February 27, 1932 | Actor (Statsadvokaten) |
The Atlantic (The National Theatre) | January 23, 1932 | Actor (Bugge) |
The Heart of the King (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1931 | Actor (Hjertetyven) |
Faderen (The National Theatre) | Navember 25, 1931 | Actor (Njøjd) |
A Journey in the Night (The National Theatre) | October 8, 1931 | Actor (Erik Wadler) |
Marius (Det Nye Teater) | May 20, 1931 | Actor (Fyrbøteren) |
Cesar Borgia (Det Nye Teater) | April 11, 1931 | Actor (Giorgio, Catarinas bror) |
Første Violin (Det Nye Teater) | March 13, 1931 | Actor (Hansen, musiker) |
En glad giver (Det Nye Teater) | December 26, 1930 | Actor (Bernt Listerud) |
Askeladden* (The Ash Lad) (The National Theatre) | December 23, 1930 | Playwright |
Askeladden (The National Stage) | December 21, 1930 | Playwright |
Don Juan (Det Nye Teater) | Navember 14, 1930 | Actor (Laurits) |
Murder on the Second Floor (Det Nye Teater) | September 29, 1930 | Actor (Jam Singh) |
Gustav III (Det Nye Teater) | April 21, 1930 | Actor (Thorild) |
Brutus (Det Nye Teater) | April 1, 1930 | Actor (4de borger) |
Den lille dame i rødt (Det Nye Teater) | March 4, 1930 | Actor (Muzot) |
The Dictator (Det Nye Teater) | December 27, 1929 | Actor (Luzac) |
East of the Sun and West of the Moon (Det Nye Teater) | December 20, 1929 | Actor (En haugkall) |
The Trial of Mary Dugan (Det Nye Teater) | October 18, 1929 | Actor (Sakfører Dugan) |
Fanatikere (Det Nye Teater) | May 31, 1929 | Actor (John, deres sønn) |
Flukten (Det Nye Teater) | May 12, 1929 | Actor (En fange) |
Maya (Det Nye Teater) | April 17, 1929 | Actor (Guitarspilleren) |
Ungen (The Norwegian Theatre) | April 1, 1929 | Actor (En fakbrikkgutt - i 1922) |
The Game of Life (Det Nye Teater) | February 27, 1929 | Actor (Ingeniør Brede) |
Tømmerfløytarane (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 10, 1928 | Actor (Svein fløytar) |
Arven (The Norwegian Theatre) | February 11, 1928 | Actor (Herman, Hansines sønn ) |
Det nye riket (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 2, 1928 | Actor (Hugo Meinick) |
Gullfjellet (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 26, 1927 | Actor (Sjur Geit) |
Friarar (The Norwegian Theatre) | Navember 21, 1927 | Actor (Per Stubbhaug ) |
Læraren (The Norwegian Theatre) | Navember 1, 1927 | Actor (Gudleik) |
Peer Gynt (Bjørneviks Teater) | September 5, 1927 | Actor (Peer Gynt) |
Godvakker-Maren* (Good Pretty Maren) (The Norwegian Theatre) | August 13, 1927 | Actor (Aksel, tenestgutt ) |
I giftetankar (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 30, 1927 | Actor (Dick Coaker, brorson til Henry) |
Fossegrimen (The National Stage) | March 22, 1927 | Actor (Torgeir - Gjest) |
Fossegrimen (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 26, 1926 | Actor (Torgeir) |
Dalen er min (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 3, 1926 | Actor (Murdo MacKay) |
Sportsdilla (The Norwegian Theatre) | Navember 27, 1926 | Actor (Stud. jur.) |
The Merchant of Venice (The National Theatre) | September 16, 1926 | Actor (Leonardo) |
Våren (The Norwegian Theatre) | April 10, 1926 | Actor (Lars, dreng, tjener på Breim) |
Ei Friarferd (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 18, 1926 | Actor (Baptiste, friar) |
Trollebotn (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 5, 1925 | Actor (Lage Bottolvsson, politimand) |
Prosten (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 1, 1925 | Actor (Kal, postmann) |
Bøverpelsen (The Norwegian Theatre) | Navember 24, 1925 | Actor (Fillip, sønnen til Doktor Fleischer) |
Erasmus Montanus (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 26, 1925 | Actor (Jakob, bror til Erasmus) |
Hu Dagmar (The Norwegian Theatre) | August 14, 1925 | Actor (Sjur, son til Ola og Marte-Marja) |
Den lukkelege Sonkin (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 25, 1925 | Actor (Pusis) |
Bygdefiff (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 20, 1924 | Actor (Kavallerisergent Sebastian Hagalien (overtagelse)) |
Halte-Lena og Blinkse-Per (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 10, 1923 | Actor (Victor, dreng) |
Rosa (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 9, 1923 | Actor |
Straumen (Spele um Else Linborg) (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 13, 1922 | Actor (Bjørgulv) |
Hakon Jarl (The Norwegian Theatre) | Navember 22, 1922 | Actor (Sendebodet) |
Himmeluret (The Norwegian Theatre) | October 23, 1922 | Actor (En åndsveik mann) |
Ungen (The Norwegian Theatre) | September 27, 1922 | Actor (En fakbrikkgutt - i 1922) |
Susanne vil gifta seg (The Norwegian Theatre) | April 14, 1922 | Writer |
Jord (The Norwegian Theatre) | April 5, 1922 | Actor (Yngstedrengen, kalla Vesledrengen) |
Ljugar-Lars (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 14, 1922 | Actor (Gustav, sonen til Mor Katrina) |
Til Sæters (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 17, 1921 | Actor (Halvor) |
Eventyrlandet (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 6, 1921 | Actor (Olav Fossheim, ung bonde, seinare insjeniø) |
Stålboraren (The Norwegian Theatre) | Navember 15, 1921 | Actor (Tredje arbeidar / Konduktøren) |
Brudlaupet på Soløy (The Norwegian Theatre) | October 4, 1921 | Actor (Torstein, Westermans fostersønn) |
Magdalena (The Norwegian Theatre) | March 22, 1921 | Actor (Martin, son til lensmannen) |
Læraren (The Norwegian Theatre) | January 25, 1921 | Actor (Gudleik) |
Syndflodi (The Norwegian Theatre) | December 28, 1920 | Actor (1ste gjest) |
Artworks (2)
Title | Publiseringsdato | Role |
Askeladden* (The Ash Lad) | Script, Fairytale | – Author |
Per og Lisa på flygeeventyr | 1933, Script, Children and youth | – Author |