Pieter Ampe


(Objekt ID 16132)
Object type Person
Born January 1, 1982
Functions Choreographer, Dancer
Nationality Belgian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (5)
Title Premiere Role
Get Lost (Carte Blanche) March 6, 2018 Choreography
Get Lost (Carte Blanche) February 8, 2018 Choreography
We don't speak to be understood (Campo) October 28, 2016 Concept/Idea, Performer
So you can feel (Campo) October 15, 2015 Dancer
So you can feel (Campo) Navember 1, 2014 Dancer
Jake & Pete´s reconciliation attempt for the disputes from the past (Campo) October 1, 2013 Concept/Idea, Performer
Jake & Pete´s reconciliation attempt for the disputes from the past (Campo) June 2, 2012 Concept/Idea, Performer
Still Standing You (Campo) May 28, 2011 Choreography, Dancer, Co-creator
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Still Standing You 2010, Choreography, Dance – Choreographer