Gjengangere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 13, 2019 |
Actor (Pastor Manders) |
Mester Olof (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 21, 2018 |
Actor (Gustav Eriksson Vasa) |
Gjengangere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 16, 2017 |
Actor (Pastor Manders) |
En fallit (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 12, 2017 |
Actor (Advokat Berent) |
Mester Olof (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 26, 2016 |
Actor (Gustav Eriksson Vasa) |
Gjengangere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 2, 2016 |
Actor (Pastor Manders) |
En fallit (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 25, 2015 |
Actor (Advokat Berent) |
Mester Olof (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 22, 2014 |
Actor (Gustav Eriksson Vasa) |
Mester Olof (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 15, 2014 |
Actor (Gustav Eriksson Vasa) |
En folkefiende (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 25, 2006 |
Actor (Byfogd Peter Stockmann, Tomas´ eldre bror) |
Gjengangere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 25, 2006 |
Actor (Pastor Manders) |
Gjengangere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 27, 1981 |
Actor (Pastor Manders) |
Gjengangere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 23, 1978 |
Actor (Pastor Manders) |
Den medskyldige (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 5, 1974 |
Actor (Gamle Jack) |
Faulknersaken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 23, 1973 |
Actor (Dommer William Heath) |
Faulknersaken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 16, 1973 |
Actor (Dommer William Heath) |
Faulknersaken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 9, 1973 |
Actor (Dommer William Heath) |
Faulknersaken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 2, 1973 |
Actor (Dommer William Heath) |
Verdens minste kjærlighet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 18, 1973 |
Actor (Professoren) |
Hertugens memoarer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 23, 1972 |
Actor (Pastor lord Henry d'Ascoyne) |
Kong Oidipus (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 29, 1972 |
Actor (Teiresias, spåmann) |
Sadako vil leve (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 7, 1972 |
Actor (Hata) |
De elendige (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 22, 1971 |
Actor (Herr Gillenormand ) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 18, 1970 |
Actor (Antoine Levevre) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 11, 1970 |
Actor (Antoine Levevre) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 4, 1970 |
Actor (Antoine Levevre) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 27, 1970 |
Actor (Antoine Levevre) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 20, 1970 |
Actor (Antoine Levevre) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 13, 1970 |
Actor (Antoine Levevre) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 6, 1970 |
Actor (Antoine Levevre) |
Det blå rommet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 19, 1968 |
Actor (Diem, forhørsdommer) |
Malkersaken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 13, 1968 |
Actor (Mahjoub Malker) |
Til ild og bål (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 2, 1968 |
Actor (Lagmann Schønnebøl) |
Den lille heksen - God aften, mitt navn er Cox", 3. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 5, 1968 |
Actor (Christopher Malone) |
Martin Chuzzlewit (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 4, 1967 |
Actor (Martin Chuzzlewit d.e.) |
Don Carlos (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 7, 1967 |
Actor (Kong Filip II, konge av Spania) |
The Defeat (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 21, 1966 |
Actor (Marki de Ploeuc, sjef for Frankrikes Bank) |
Unnskyld, kan jeg få låne kassabeholdningen? (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 25, 1965 |
Actor (Banksjef Waldemar Stabell) |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Theatre) |
April 22, 1965 |
Actor (John Gabriel Borkman) |
Saint Joan (The National Theatre) |
January 28, 1965 |
Actor (Pierre Cauchon, biskop) |
Maria Stuart (The National Theatre) |
February 13, 1964 |
Actor (William Cecil, baron av Burleigh) |
The Dance of Death (The National Theatre) |
Navember 19, 1963 |
Actor (Edgar, kaptein) |
Sherlock Holmes - Den prominente klienten (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 9, 1963 |
Actor (Sir James Damery) |
Å finne seg selv (The National Theatre) |
October 1, 1963 |
Actor (Grev Gianfranco Mola) |
Faust (The National Theatre) |
September 6, 1963 |
Actor (Vårherre) |
Rosmersholm (The National Theatre) |
April 30, 1963 |
Actor (Ulrik Brendel) |
Menneskeeterne (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 25, 1963 |
Actor (Mr. Body, grunnlegger av Body's detektivbyrå) |
Menneskeeterne (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 24, 1963 |
Actor (Mr. Body, grunnlegger av Body's detektivbyrå) |
Den gale fra Chaillot (The National Theatre) |
February 28, 1963 |
Actor (Baronen) |
De gamles julaften (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
December 25, 1962 |
Actor (Sorenskriver Fredrik Mariboe) |
Iguananatten (The National Theatre) |
Navember 9, 1962 |
Actor (Nonno, Hannahs bestefar) |
Fysikerne (The National Theatre) |
September 20, 1962 |
Actor (Ernst Ernesti (Einstein)) |
Mester Olof (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 8, 1962 |
Actor (Gustav Eriksson Vasa) |
Den grønne snippkjolen (The National Theatre) |
January 16, 1962 |
Actor (Hertugen av Maulevrier) |
Cant (The National Theatre) |
August 24, 1961 |
Actor (Kardinal Thomas Wolsey) |
Cant (The National Theatre) |
June 7, 1961 |
Actor (Kardinal Thomas Wolsey) |
Romulus den store (The National Theatre) |
February 22, 1961 |
Actor (Romulus Augustus, keiser) |
An-Magritt (The National Theatre) |
Navember 5, 1960 |
Actor (Jens Andersen Berhoft, pastor) |
Vildanden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 1, 1960 |
Actor (Grosserer Werle) |
Don Juan (The National Theatre) |
August 30, 1960 |
Actor (Don Luis, Don Juans far) |
Sigurd The Bad (The National Theatre) |
April 26, 1960 |
Actor (Koll Sæbjørnson, lendermann) |
Kameliadamen (The National Theatre) |
March 13, 1960 |
Actor (Gamle Duval) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) |
February 18, 1960 |
Actor (Piene ) |
In the Grip of Life (The National Theatre) |
Navember 18, 1959 |
Actor (Gamle Gihle) |
He Who Said No (The National Theatre) |
October 1, 1959 |
Actor (Guvernør Warren) |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) |
September 1, 1959 |
Actor (Adjunkt Paalsbo) |
Helter (The National Theatre) |
May 14, 1959 |
Actor (Major Paul Petkov) |
Kirsebærhaven (The National Theatre) |
March 17, 1959 |
Actor (Firs, en gammel tjener) |
Don Ranudo de Colibrados (The National Theatre) |
February 17, 1959 |
Actor (Don Ranudo de Colibrados) |
The Pretenders (The National Theatre) |
October 18, 1958 |
Actor (Bisp Nikolas Arnessøn) |
Look Back in Anger (The National Theatre) |
August 26, 1958 |
Actor (Oberst Redfern) |
Opphold underveis (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 22, 1958 |
Actor (Statsadvokaten) |
På rødt pass* (With a Red Passport) (The National Theatre) |
February 27, 1958 |
Actor (Fernadel, grensevakten) |
Jeg vil vite hvem jeg er (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 8, 1958 |
Actor (Benedictus Seiersberg, direktørens bror) |
Før solnedgang (The National Theatre) |
January 16, 1958 |
Actor (Geiger) |
Aunt Ulrikke (The National Theatre) |
Navember 18, 1957 |
Actor (Statsråd Stabel) |
Drivhuset (The National Theatre) |
October 3, 1957 |
Actor (William Callifer) |
Besøk av en gammel dame (The National Theatre) |
September 13, 1957 |
Actor (Ill) |
Krig og fred (The National Theatre) |
May 2, 1957 |
Actor (Den gamle fyrsten, Andreis far) |
Chéri (The National Theatre) |
March 14, 1957 |
Actor (Masseau) |
Anna Sophie Hedvig (The National Theatre) |
January 31, 1957 |
Actor (Faren) |
Herren og hans tjenere (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 2, 1956 |
Actor (Biskop Sigurd Helmer - Gjest) |
Jean de France (The National Theatre) |
February 4, 1956 |
Actor (Frans ) |
De gamles julaften (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 24, 1955 |
Actor (Sorenskriver Fredrik Mariboe) |
Emperor and Galilean (The National Theatre) |
Navember 15, 1955 |
Actor (Libanios) |
The Lord and His Servants (The National Theatre) |
September 28, 1955 |
Actor (Forsvareren) |
Mannen og hans overmann (The National Theatre) |
August 16, 1955 |
Actor (Roebuck Ramsden) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
May 1, 1955 |
Actor (En knappestøper) |
Mørket er lyst nok (The National Theatre) |
March 31, 1955 |
Actor (Dr. Kassel) |
Macbeth (The National Theatre) |
February 24, 1955 |
Actor (Banquo) |
Gjengangere (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 18, 1955 |
Actor (Pastor Manders) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) |
Navember 17, 1954 |
Actor (Piene ) |
Lerken (Jeanne d'Arc) (The National Theatre) |
September 18, 1954 |
Actor (Cauchon) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) |
May 20, 1954 |
Actor (Doktor Rank i 1946 + 1954) |
Judith (The National Theatre) |
April 6, 1954 |
Actor (Samuel) |
Smeltedigelen (The National Theatre) |
October 18, 1953 |
Actor (Vise-guvernør Danforth) |
Mayerlingdramaet (The National Theatre) |
August 7, 1953 |
Actor (Keiser Franz Joseph) |
Kaptein Brassbounds forvandling (The National Theatre) |
March 28, 1953 |
Actor (Sir Howard Hallam) |
Det siste rommet (The National Theatre) |
January 21, 1953 |
Actor (Fader Browne) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) |
Navember 13, 1952 |
Actor (Peter Stockmann) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) |
June 12, 1952 |
Actor (Grev d´Eguzon) |
En folkefiende (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 29, 1952 |
Actor (Byfogd Peter Stockmann, Tomas´ eldre bror) |
En liten manns bryllup (The National Theatre) |
April 3, 1952 |
Actor (Nikiforov, Stepan) |
Hedda Gabler (The National Theatre) |
October 23, 1951 |
Actor (Jørgen Tesman) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Theatre) |
May 26, 1951 |
Actor (Mr. Cunningham) |
Death of a Salesman (The National Stage) |
Navember 28, 1950 |
Actor (Willy Loman) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) |
May 14, 1950 |
Actor (Daniel Hejre) |
Death of a Salesman (The National Theatre) |
February 1, 1950 |
Actor (Willy Loman) |
En fallit (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 12, 1950 |
Actor (Advokat Berent) |
Barrabas (The National Theatre) |
October 6, 1949 |
Actor (Nicodemus) |
Beyond Human Power I (The National Theatre) |
August 31, 1949 |
Actor (Bispen) |
En idealist (The National Theatre) |
June 9, 1949 |
Actor (Nicolaus Damascenus) |
The Wild Duck (The National Theatre) |
January 27, 1949 |
Actor (Grosserer Werle) |
For å skjule sin nakenhet (The National Theatre) |
Navember 18, 1948 |
Actor (Ludovico Nota, forfatter) |
Dr. Knock (eller medisinens triumf) (The National Theatre) |
August 28, 1948 |
Actor (Bernard, overlærer) |
The Iceman Cometh (The National Theatre) |
April 8, 1948 |
Actor (Larry Slade) |
The Play about Lead-Petter (The National Theatre) |
December 10, 1947 |
Actor (Kurfyrsten) |
Rosmersholm (The National Theatre) |
Navember 27, 1947 |
Actor (Rektor Kroll) |
Møte med lykken (The National Theatre) |
October 5, 1947 |
Actor (Delachaume) |
While We Wait (The National Theatre) |
September 24, 1947 |
Actor (Herren) |
Major Barbara (The National Theatre) |
May 6, 1947 |
Actor (Undershaft) |
Alexander Pavlovich (The National Theatre) |
March 20, 1947 |
Actor (Timofei) |
The Defeat (The National Theatre) |
December 29, 1946 |
Actor (Delescluze, journalist) |
Much Ado about Nothing (The National Theatre) |
December 6, 1946 |
Actor (Leonato, stattholder) |
Key Largo (The National Theatre) |
October 24, 1946 |
Actor (Sjeriff Gash) |
Silkeborg (The National Theatre) |
October 4, 1946 |
Actor (Martinsen-Smith) |
Beyond Human Power I (The National Theatre) |
September 11, 1946 |
Actor (Bispen) |
For lukkede dører (The National Theatre) |
August 29, 1946 |
Actor (Tjeneren) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) |
May 21, 1946 |
Actor (Doktor Rank i 1946 + 1954) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) |
April 4, 1946 |
Actor (John Knox) |
There is Hope for the Tree (The National Theatre) |
March 12, 1946 |
Actor (Vennen) |
Creation, Man and the Messiah (The National Theatre) |
December 7, 1945 |
Actor (Dikteren) |
Lykkelige ungdom* (Happy Youth) (The National Theatre) |
October 25, 1945 |
Actor (Severin Kambo) |
Rid i natt (The National Theatre) |
October 3, 1945 |
Actor (Jon Stånge, oldermann) |
Therese (The National Theatre) |
May 25, 1945 |
Actor (Albert Hvass, brukseier) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
January 9, 1945 |
Actor (Innflytter) |
Therese (The National Theatre) |
June 16, 1944 |
Actor (Albert Hvass, brukseier) |
Høyenhall (The National Theatre) |
February 8, 1944 |
Actor (Sofus Madsen, sogneprest) |
The Last Cry (The National Theatre) |
December 16, 1943 |
Actor (Jacob Varde, kunstmaler) |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) |
May 18, 1943 |
Actor (Celius. kemner og stortingsmann) |
Synder og helgen (The National Theatre) |
April 15, 1943 |
Actor (Don Quixote) |
En folkefiende (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 17, 1943 |
Actor (Hovstad) |
Før stormen* (Before the Storm) (The National Theatre) |
December 8, 1942 |
Actor (Helge Roald, fabrikkeier) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) |
Navember 12, 1942 |
Actor (Hovstad) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) |
September 20, 1942 |
Actor (John Knox) |
Brand (The National Theatre) |
April 2, 1942 |
Actor (Mann av almuen) |
The New System (The National Theatre) |
March 6, 1942 |
Actor (Frederik Ravn) |
Jean de France (The National Theatre) |
January 15, 1942 |
Actor (Frans) |
Hustruen* (The Wife) (The National Theatre) |
Navember 26, 1941 |
Actor (Knut Willberg, professor) |
The Witch (The National Theatre) |
February 9, 1941 |
Actor (Absalon Pederssøn Beier) |
Egelykke (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1940 |
Actor (Lensgreven) |
The Ferry Landing (The National Theatre) |
Navember 1, 1940 |
Actor (Lodsoldermannen) |
Henrik and Pernille (The National Theatre) |
October 16, 1940 |
Actor (Jeronimus) |
Pillars of Society (The National Theatre) |
May 21, 1940 |
Actor (Adjungt Rørlund) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
April 26, 1940 |
Actor (Innflytter) |
Den fattige fra Assisi* (The poor of Assisi) (The National Theatre) |
February 14, 1940 |
Actor (Guido, biskop i Asissi) |
Mot vår (The National Theatre) |
October 3, 1939 |
Actor (Esdras) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) |
September 4, 1939 |
Actor (Piene) |
The Master Builder (The National Theatre) |
September 2, 1939 |
Actor (Knut Brovik) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) |
September 1, 1939 |
Actor (Jeronimus, Lisbeths far) |
Grevinne Mariza (The National Theatre) |
May 20, 1939 |
Actor (Pimpasz, kammertjener) |
Forfengelighetens komedie (The National Theatre) |
April 18, 1939 |
Actor (Filosofen) |
Anna Sophie Hedvig (The National Theatre) |
March 22, 1939 |
Actor (Herr Karmach) |
Hemmeligheten (The National Theatre) |
January 31, 1939 |
Actor (Thierry, industrimagnat) |
While We Wait (The National Theatre) |
Navember 22, 1938 |
Actor (Herren) |
Abraham's Offering (The National Theatre) |
October 19, 1938 |
Actor (Immanuel Mork, kafémusiker) |
Solen blinker (The National Stage) |
May 29, 1938 |
Actor |
Noa (The National Stage) |
April 5, 1938 |
Actor (Noa) |
I moralens navn (The National Stage) |
March 13, 1938 |
Actor (Grosserer Alf Mowitz, tidligere gift med Sussie Krahn-Johnsen) |
Over Ævne II (The National Stage) |
February 25, 1938 |
Actor (Holger) |
Mannen som alle ville myrde (The National Stage) |
January 25, 1938 |
Actor (Opdagelsessjefen) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1937 |
Actor (Kongen) |
Tante Ulrikke (The National Stage) |
December 8, 1937 |
Actor (Student Fredriksen) |
Høit var du elsket (The National Stage) |
Navember 28, 1937 |
Actor (Herren) |
Wien - Budapest (The National Stage) |
September 25, 1937 |
Actor (Franz Schnaheluh, tennistrener) |
Den nystemte (The National Stage) |
June 4, 1937 |
Actor |
Don Juan (The National Stage) |
May 23, 1937 |
Actor (Laurits) |
A Doll's House (The National Stage) |
May 2, 1937 |
Actor (Doktor Rank) |
The Defeat (The National Stage) |
April 20, 1937 |
Actor (Delecluze, journalist) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
March 13, 1937 |
Actor (Bøygen / Master Cotton / Knappestøperen) |
Kongen av Saba (The National Stage) |
February 21, 1937 |
Actor (J. Sebastian Hilfer) |
Jarlen (The National Stage) |
February 16, 1937 |
Actor (Jarnskjegge frå Yrjar) |
Hele byen snakker (The National Stage) |
January 1, 1937 |
Actor (Dr. Knott) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
Navember 18, 1936 |
Actor (Bøygen / Master Cotton / Knappestøperen) |
Mannen uten sjel (The National Stage) |
October 31, 1936 |
Actor (Presten) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) |
October 13, 1936 |
Actor (Doktor Rank i 1946 + 1954) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
April 3, 1936 |
Actor (Innflytter) |
Larsen eller Melodien som ble vekk (The National Stage) |
February 26, 1936 |
Actor (Faren) |
Jeg vil værge mitt land (The National Stage) |
January 19, 1936 |
Actor (Statsminister Frits Berger) |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1935 |
Actor (Heinrich) |
Flukten til Kina (The National Stage) |
December 22, 1935 |
Actor (Bestefar) |
Natten før den siste (The National Stage) |
December 8, 1935 |
Actor (Marki Saint Lac) |
Saint Joan (The National Stage) |
Navember 14, 1935 |
Actor (Inkvisitoren) |
Fedja - Det levande lik (The National Stage) |
May 26, 1935 |
Actor (Ivan Petrovitsch Aleksandrof) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Stage) |
May 4, 1935 |
Actor (Mr. Cummingham) |
Hedda Gabler (The National Stage) |
April 3, 1935 |
Actor (Jørgen Tesman) |
Ishavsfolk (The National Stage) |
March 9, 1935 |
Actor (Berner ) |
Geniet Christopher (The National Stage) |
March 8, 1935 |
Direction |
Maria Stuart i Skottland (The National Stage) |
January 23, 1935 |
Actor (Lord Ruthwen) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Stage) |
December 4, 1934 |
Actor (Per Klokkar) |
Bøddelen (The National Stage) |
October 23, 1934 |
Actor (Bøddelen) |
Skjønne ungdom (The National Stage) |
October 12, 1934 |
Actor (Nat Miller - overtok rollen da William Ivarson ble syk) |
Det tredje rike (The National Stage) |
October 3, 1934 |
Actor (Hannibal Tott) |
Vold (The National Stage) |
March 11, 1934 |
Actor (Ossian Granbäck) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) |
February 19, 1934 |
Actor (Konsul Bernick) |
Vi Hallams (The National Stage) |
February 4, 1934 |
Actor (Paul Hallam) |
Onkel Vanja (The National Stage) |
Navember 17, 1933 |
Actor (A.V. Serebrjakov) |
Søn og far (The National Stage) |
October 6, 1933 |
Actor (Direktør Bang) |
Kanskje en dikter (The National Stage) |
September 15, 1933 |
Actor (Politifullmektigen) |
Broadway (The National Stage) |
September 12, 1933 |
Actor ("Scar"" Edwards) |
Augurerne (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1933 |
Actor (Direktør Hoffmann) |
Selv i tider som disse (The National Stage) |
August 20, 1933 |
Actor (Hartwig) |
Ishavsfolk (The National Stage) |
April 17, 1933 |
Actor (Berner ) |
Før solnedgang (The National Stage) |
March 17, 1933 |
Actor (Wolfgang Clausen) |
The Atlantic (The National Stage) |
February 15, 1933 |
Actor (Martinsen) |
Geniet i storm (The National Stage) |
January 6, 1933 |
Actor (Roland) |
De pokkers pengene (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1932 |
Actor (Professor Tolander) |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) |
December 8, 1932 |
Actor (Sang) |
Du og jeg (The National Stage) |
Navember 8, 1932 |
Actor (Baron Subotitsch) |
Broadway (The National Stage) |
October 9, 1932 |
Actor (Dolph "Porky" Thompson ) |
Hamlet (The National Stage) |
September 22, 1932 |
Actor (Bernardo) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
September 17, 1932 |
Actor (2. Doktor ) |
Bjørgedal (The National Stage) |
September 2, 1932 |
Actor (Styrk Bjørge) |
Willis kone (The National Stage) |
August 31, 1932 |
Actor (Willi) |
Liselotte (The National Stage) |
August 21, 1932 |
Actor (Georg Hartwig, grevens godsforvalter) |
Sigurd Jorsalfar (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1932 |
Actor (Øystein) |
The Land of Smiles (The National Stage) |
May 3, 1932 |
Actor (Ferdinand Lichtenfels) |
Faust I (The National Stage) |
March 28, 1932 |
Actor (Faust) |
Marie Walewska (The National Stage) |
February 26, 1932 |
Actor (Fyrst Poniatowski) |
Brødrene* (The Brothers) (The National Stage) |
January 19, 1932 |
Actor (Doktor Kjell Vester) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1931 |
Actor (Kongen) |
Vi som går kjøkkenveien (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1931 |
Actor (Bech) |
Den glade enke (The National Stage) |
Navember 24, 1931 |
Actor (Raoul de St. Brioche) |
En reise i natten (The National Stage) |
Navember 10, 1931 |
Actor (Nils Bru) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
Navember 7, 1931 |
Actor (2. Doktor ) |
Bjørgedal (The National Stage) |
October 27, 1931 |
Actor (Styrk Bjørge) |
Marius (The National Stage) |
October 11, 1931 |
Actor (Piquoiseau, sjømann) |
Verden går videre (The National Stage) |
September 30, 1931 |
Actor (Boris) |
Trold i æske (The National Stage) |
September 12, 1931 |
Actor (Helmut, greve av Birkstedt) |
Viktorias Husar (The National Stage) |
May 9, 1931 |
Actor (John Cunlight) |
Underveis (The National Stage) |
April 24, 1931 |
Actor (Karsten Trane) |
Souper (The National Stage) |
March 29, 1931 |
Actor (Kommerseråden) |
En-to-tre (The National Stage) |
March 29, 1931 |
Actor (Colleon) |
Fiolen fra Montmartre (The National Stage) |
March 6, 1931 |
Actor (Baron Jacob Rotschild) |
Himmeluret (The National Stage) |
February 18, 1931 |
Actor (Broder Daniel) |
Læraren (The National Stage) |
January 25, 1931 |
Actor (Paulus Hove) |
Askeladden (The National Stage) |
December 21, 1930 |
Actor (Konen) |
Sigurds første flugt (The National Stage) |
Navember 25, 1930 |
Actor (Koll Sæbjørnson, lendemann) |
Helligtrekongersaften eller Hvad man har lyst til (The National Stage) |
October 14, 1930 |
Actor (Antonio) |
Vor lille frue (The National Stage) |
September 21, 1930 |
Actor (Doktor Elliot) |
Atten aar (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1930 |
Actor (Simmons) |
Keiserinden (The National Stage) |
May 8, 1930 |
Actor (Den franske gesandt) |
Hans første hustru (The National Stage) |
April 21, 1930 |
Actor (Murdo Fraser) |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) |
April 4, 1930 |
Actor (Krøjer) |
Topaze (The National Stage) |
March 11, 1930 |
Actor (Albert Topaze) |
Bruden (The National Stage) |
January 28, 1930 |
Actor (Mortimer Travers) |
Den uskikkelige prinsesse (The National Stage) |
December 17, 1929 |
Actor (Page / Terner / Kokkegutten / Skogheksen) |
Weekend i Paradis (The National Stage) |
Navember 1, 1929 |
Actor (Overregjeringsråd von Gierstorf ) |
Reisen slutt (The National Stage) |
October 15, 1929 |
Actor (Kaptein Stanhope) |
Baktalelsens skole (The National Stage) |
September 29, 1929 |
Actor (Sir Robert Surface) |
Sorgen forgik mig ... - Bergensrevyen 1929 (The National Stage) |
May 29, 1929 |
Actor |
Storken* (The Stork) (The National Stage) |
April 21, 1929 |
Actor (Hannes Berg) |
Den lange notti (The National Stage) |
April 7, 1929 |
Actor (Claude Collart, general) |
Deptfordmysteriet (The National Stage) |
March 17, 1929 |
Actor (Centralinspektør Bliss) |
Atten aar (The National Stage) |
February 26, 1929 |
Actor (Simmons) |
The Dance of Death (The National Stage) |
January 22, 1929 |
Actor (Prolog - Diktfremførelse ) |
Stakkars Haselhuhn! (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1928 |
Actor (Generaldirektør Bruckmann) |
Tornerose (The National Stage) |
December 18, 1928 |
Actor (Kongen) |
Mary Dugan-saken (The National Stage) |
October 30, 1928 |
Actor (Galway, aktor) |
Medea (The National Stage) |
October 16, 1928 |
Actor (Kreon, konge i Korinth) |
Tre smaa piker (The National Stage) |
September 19, 1928 |
Actor (Grev Robert von Rambow) |
Den gamle prest (The National Stage) |
September 4, 1928 |
Actor (Hans Peter Andersen, sognefogd) |
De usynlige (The National Stage) |
May 15, 1928 |
Actor |
Eventyreren foran porten (The National Stage) |
May 2, 1928 |
Actor (Ektemannen) |
Paul Lange og Tora Parsberg (The National Stage) |
April 11, 1928 |
Actor (Ramm) |
Gildet paa Solhaug (The National Stage) |
March 22, 1928 |
Actor |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
March 20, 1928 |
Actor (Bonden på Hægstad) |
Cirkusprinsessen (The National Stage) |
February 24, 1928 |
Actor (Baron Rasumowsky) |
De unge (The National Stage) |
February 10, 1928 |
Actor (Knut) |
Bajaderen (The National Stage) |
February 3, 1928 |
Actor |
Mellem Slagene (The National Stage) |
January 18, 1928 |
Actor (Kong Sverre) |
Kaptein Grants barn (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1927 |
Actor (Colfoucoura, høvding for Pampas-indianerne) |
The Witch (The National Stage) |
December 2, 1927 |
Actor (Mester Laurentius, prest til Fjeldberg) |
Kjærlighetens tragedie (The National Stage) |
Navember 18, 1927 |
Storyteller |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (The National Stage) |
October 11, 1927 |
Actor (Oberon, alvenes konge) |
Forbidden Roads AKA El Caudal de los hijos (The National Stage) |
September 23, 1927 |
Actor (Rodrigo De Zarate, don Augustin og Isabels sønn) |
Ambrosius (The National Stage) |
September 6, 1927 |
Actor (Hans Lauritsen, kandidat I teologi) |
Friarar (The National Stage) |
August 12, 1927 |
Actor (Hans Raun, lensmann i Indrefjorden) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
August 6, 1927 |
Actor (Statsraad Barkeland) |
Bedre mands barn (The National Stage) |
June 6, 1927 |
Actor (Lord Rockmere, Marions forlovede) |
Medaljongen (The National Stage) |
March 4, 1927 |
Actor (Den finske sønnen) |
Midnats-Cabaret (The Norwegian Actors' Equity Association) |
February 12, 1927 |
Actor |
Den forjættede dag (The National Stage) |
February 1, 1927 |
Actor (Sønnen) |
Ringen av kridt (The National Stage) |
January 1, 1927 |
Actor (Tschang-ling) |
Elverhøi (The National Stage) |
December 8, 1926 |
Actor (Erik Valkendorf, herre til Høistrup) |
Sommerliv paa Storgaarden (The National Stage) |
Navember 21, 1926 |
Actor (Anders, kaldet "Tullingen") |
Det lykkelige skibbrud (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1926 |
Actor (En officer) |
De Nygifte (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1926 |
Actor (Aksel) |
Kolportage (The National Stage) |
October 10, 1926 |
Actor (Baron Barrenkrona) |
Othello (The National Stage) |
October 1, 1926 |
Actor (Montano, statholder på Cypern) |
Flammen (The National Stage) |
August 22, 1926 |
Actor (Ferdinand) |
Hollænderpiken (The National Stage) |
June 18, 1926 |
Actor, Actor (Minister) |
Jomfru Hook van Holland (The National Stage) |
March 3, 1926 |
Actor (Adrian Paap, kaptein) |
Kassamangel (The National Stage) |
February 14, 1926 |
Actor |
Trollebotn (The National Stage) |
January 15, 1926 |
Actor (Auvor Homsrud) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Stage) |
December 15, 1925 |
Actor (Kongen) |
Storrengjøring (The National Stage) |
December 2, 1925 |
Actor (Billy Sors) |
Den store barnedaapen (The National Stage) |
Navember 15, 1925 |
Actor (Res.kap. Storm, Astrids forlovede) |
Det levende lik (The National Stage) |
Navember 3, 1925 |
Actor (Victor Michailovitsch Karenin, kammerherre) |
Trold i æske (The National Stage) |
August 16, 1925 |
Actor (Helmut, greve av Birkstedt) |
Bajaderen (The National Stage) |
June 12, 1925 |
Actor |
En børsbaron (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1925 |
Actor (Leopold, jagtjunker) |
Vaarbrytning (The National Stage) |
April 17, 1925 |
Actor (Professor Hungergart) |
Tusind og en nat (The National Stage) |
February 11, 1925 |
Actor (Ibn Aja, beduinerhøvding) |
Lilac Time (The National Stage) |
February 2, 1925 |
Actor (Anders Bruneder) |
Sakfører Hellmanns (The National Stage) |
January 23, 1925 |
Actor (Hellmann, prest) |
Madame Sans-Gêne (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1924 |
Actor (Jolicouer / Junot, marchal av Frankrig / de Saint Marsan) |
Kongens hjerte (The National Stage) |
December 21, 1924 |
Actor (Ministeren) |
En kvinde uten betydning (The National Stage) |
December 5, 1924 |
Actor (Lord Alfred Rufford) |
Spele um Else Linborg (The National Stage) |
Navember 18, 1924 |
Actor (Gjermund) |
Mascot (The National Stage) |
October 20, 1924 |
Actor (Hjalmar Storm, sjøofficer) |
Han som faar ørefikene (The National Stage) |
September 26, 1924 |
Actor (En herre) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) |
September 9, 1924 |
Actor (Erik Bratsberg) |
En pokkers fyr (The National Stage) |
August 24, 1924 |
Actor (von Gesenius, hofraad) |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Stage) |
August 14, 1924 |
Actor (Hofmarschal friherre von Passarge) |
Filmens dronning (The National Stage) |
May 29, 1924 |
Actor (Fredy, filmskuespiller) |
Kameliadamen (The National Stage) |
May 2, 1924 |
Actor (Armand Duval) |
Don Carrambo (The National Stage) |
April 9, 1924 |
Actor (Don Carrambo) |
Jarlshus (The National Stage) |
January 27, 1924 |
Actor (Hjalmar Jarl, brukseierens sønn) |
Hollænderpiken (The National Stage) |
December 18, 1923 |
Actor, Actor (Minister) |
Trilby (The National Stage) |
December 4, 1923 |
Actor (Sandy) |
Et vintereventyr (The National Stage) |
Navember 23, 1923 |
Actor |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) |
Navember 6, 1923 |
Actor (Edwin Ronald) |
Ungdom (The National Stage) |
October 23, 1923 |
Actor |
Purpur (The National Stage) |
October 15, 1923 |
Actor (Abbeden) |
Min ven Teddy (The National Stage) |
October 2, 1923 |
Actor (Francois d'Allonne) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (The National Stage) |
September 11, 1923 |
Actor (Richelieus nevø) |
Børsfeber (The National Stage) |
August 31, 1923 |
Actor |
Jorden rundt i 80 dage (The National Stage) |
May 25, 1923 |
Actor (Flannagan/ Overbrahmin ved pagoden i Bundelkund/ en indianerhøvding) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
May 4, 1923 |
Actor (Statsraad Barkeland) |
Scampolo (The National Stage) |
April 18, 1923 |
Actor (Den ukjente) |
Elske (The National Stage) |
March 20, 1923 |
Actor (Challange) |
Rebekka (The National Stage) |
January 19, 1923 |
Actor (Løytnanten) |
En børsbaron (The National Stage) |
January 7, 1923 |
Actor (Leopold, jagtjunker) |
Flammen (The National Stage) |
Navember 21, 1922 |
Actor (Ferdinand) |
Don Carlos (The National Stage) |
October 6, 1922 |
Actor (Markien av Posa, en malteserridder) |
Willis kone (The National Stage) |
September 28, 1922 |
Actor (Willi) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
September 22, 1922 |
Actor (2. doktor) |
The Cousin from Nowhere (The National Stage) |
August 18, 1922 |
Actor (2. fremmede) |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) |
May 12, 1922 |
Actor (Edwin Ronald) |
Brand (The National Stage) |
May 8, 1922 |
Actor (Mann av almuen) |
Det tredje skud (The National Stage) |
April 7, 1922 |
Actor (Alan Churchill) |
De Nygifte (The National Stage) |
April 2, 1922 |
Actor (Aksel) |
Det forgjættede land (The National Stage) |
March 24, 1922 |
Actor (Reginald Hornby) |
Maria Stuart (The National Stage) |
March 17, 1922 |
Actor (Mortimer) |
Den røde kappe (The National Stage) |
March 10, 1922 |
Actor (Ardeuil, fuldmægtig) |
Den frie søn (The National Stage) |
February 24, 1922 |
Actor (Sten Færder) |
En fallit (The National Stage) |
February 17, 1922 |
Actor (Agent Falbe) |
Vasantasena (The National Stage) |
January 28, 1922 |
Actor (En spiller/En kongelig udraaber) |
Den indbildt syge (The National Stage) |
January 15, 1922 |
Actor (Cléante, Angeliques tilbeder) |
Et hyrdespil paa Fladeby (The National Stage) |
December 30, 1921 |
Actor (Otto Juel) |
Pigernes Alfred (The National Stage) |
December 13, 1921 |
Actor (Alfred 1921) |
Brand (The National Stage) |
Navember 11, 1921 |
Actor (Mann av almuen) |
Magdalene (The National Stage) |
October 21, 1921 |
Actor (Finck, grosserer) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
October 12, 1921 |
Actor (Statsraad Barkeland) |
Den røde hane (The National Stage) |
August 23, 1921 |
Actor (Hans Jepsen, husmann) |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) |
May 31, 1921 |
Actor (Edwin Ronald) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
April 22, 1921 |
Actor (En hæler) |
Willis kone (The National Stage) |
April 1, 1921 |
Actor (Willi) |
Man kan aldrig vite - (The National Stage) |
March 2, 1921 |
Actor (Philip, fru Calandons søn) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
December 3, 1920 |
Actor (2. Doktor) |
Pygmalion (The National Stage) |
Navember 2, 1920 |
Actor (En tilskuer) |
En Ungkars Moral (The National Stage) |
August 30, 1920 |
Actor (Bobby Tremlett) |
Maria Stuart (The National Stage) |
February 3, 1920 |
Actor (Mortimer) |
En pokkers fyr (The National Stage) |
April 21, 1919 |
Actor (von Gesenius, hofraad) |
Pigernes Alfred (The National Stage) |
March 9, 1917 |
Actor (Alfred 1921) |
En pokkers fyr (The National Stage) |
October 29, 1916 |
Actor (von Gesenius, hofraad) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1916 |
Actor (Statsraad Barkeland) |
En pokkers fyr (The National Stage) |
October 9, 1914 |
Actor (von Gesenius, hofraad) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
January 9, 1914 |
Actor (Statsraad Barkeland) |