Vampyr-rapport (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 24, 1983 |
Actor (Boris) |
Vera saman (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 13, 1983 |
Actor (Røystene, i Samvær) |
Mysteriet ved Kapteinens hvile (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 10, 1982 |
Actor (Konrad) |
Mysteriet ved Kapteinens hvile (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 3, 1982 |
Actor (Konrad) |
Mysteriet ved Kapteinens hvile (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 26, 1982 |
Actor (Konrad) |
Mysteriet ved Kapteinens hvile (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 19, 1982 |
Actor (Konrad) |
Mysteriet ved Kapteinens hvile (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 12, 1982 |
Actor (Konrad) |
Mysteriet ved Kapteinens hvile (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 5, 1982 |
Actor (Konrad) |
Byggmester Solness (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
December 29, 1981 |
Actor (Knut Brovik) |
Det brennande hjarta (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 15, 1981 |
Actor (Kardinalen) |
Beckett 75 (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 2, 1981 |
Actor (B i Teater 1 / Krapp i Siste Bandet) |
The Witch (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 16, 1980 |
Actor (Meister Johannes) |
Der pesta drog (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 29, 1980 |
Actor (Fortelleren) |
Ein diktar og hans strid (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 21, 1980 |
Direction |
Breath and four (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 31, 1980 |
Actor (B, i Teater I / A (Bertrand), i Teater II / ABC (Lydaren), i Dengong) |
Ridder Runde og hans kamp mot drager og baroner (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
December 28, 1979 |
Actor |
Ridder Runde og hans kamp mot drager og baroner (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
December 27, 1979 |
Actor |
Ridder Runde og hans kamp mot drager og baroner (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
December 26, 1979 |
Actor |
Ridder Runde og hans kamp mot drager og baroner (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
December 25, 1979 |
Actor |
Grenseland (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 21, 1979 |
Actor (Losen) |
Plenty (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 6, 1979 |
Actor (Sir Andrew Charleson) |
En fallit (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 20, 1979 |
Actor (Konsul Ring) |
Ansiktet i skyggen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 18, 1978 |
Actor (Psykiater) |
Ettermæle (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 30, 1978 |
Actor (Kilius) |
Ettermæle (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 23, 1978 |
Actor (Kilius) |
Ettermæle (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 16, 1978 |
Actor (Kilius) |
Ettermæle (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 9, 1978 |
Actor (Kilius) |
Lang lunte (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 27, 1978 |
Actor (Major Parsonson) |
Godt eg fann deg (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 16, 1978 |
Actor |
Revisoren (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 20, 1977 |
Actor (Anton Antonovitsj Skvoznik-Dmukhanovskij, borgermester) |
Semmelweis (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 29, 1977 |
Actor (Professor 2) |
Ingenmannsland (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 23, 1977 |
Actor (Hirst) |
A Reputation Left Behind (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 6, 1976 |
Actor (Kilius) |
Etter brannen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 18, 1975 |
Actor (Mureren) |
Sort Messe (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 14, 1975 |
Actor (Gaudan Cross) |
6 beckett (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 11, 1975 |
Actor (Krapp i "Siste bandet" / Vladimir i "Spel utan ord II") |
Jane Eyre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 3, 1975 |
Actor (Mr. Brocklehurst) |
Jane Eyre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 26, 1975 |
Actor (Mr. Brocklehurst) |
Streik! (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
September 23, 1975 |
Actor (Petter Åslund) |
Jane Eyre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 19, 1975 |
Actor (Mr. Brocklehurst) |
Jane Eyre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 12, 1975 |
Actor (Mr. Brocklehurst) |
Jane Eyre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 5, 1975 |
Actor (Mr. Brocklehurst) |
Jane Eyre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 29, 1975 |
Actor (Mr. Brocklehurst) |
Jane Eyre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 22, 1975 |
Actor (Mr. Brocklehurst) |
Tenk det, Hedda (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 29, 1975 |
Actor (Kriminalsjefen) |
The Dance of Death (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 9, 1975 |
Actor (Edgar) |
Det smedle på Skansen (Rogaland Theatre) |
September 20, 1974 |
Direction |
Midshipman Hornblower (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 14, 1974 |
Actor (Kaptein Pellew) |
Da barometeret stod på Karl Øberg (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 9, 1974 |
Actor (Gustav) |
Den gjerrige (Rogaland Theatre) |
March 1, 1974 |
Actor (Harpagon) |
Small Craft Warnings (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 27, 1973 |
Actor (Doc) |
Fregattar i fjorden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 6, 1973 |
Actor (Nesjemannen) |
Tre søstre (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 2, 1973 |
Actor (Ferapont) |
Den gale frå Chaillot (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 6, 1973 |
Actor (Klutesamlaren) |
Gunnar frå Lidarende (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 3, 1973 |
Actor (Mår gigja, hovding / Gissur Kvite, hovding) |
Brand (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 16, 1973 |
Actor (Futen) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 1, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 24, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 17, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 10, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 3, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 27, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 20, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Sirkulæret (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 17, 1972 |
Actor (Direktør Josef Gross) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 13, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 6, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 5. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 29, 1972 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Det stig av hav (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 23, 1972 |
Actor (Framandkaren / Kapteinen) |
Hertugens memoarer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 23, 1972 |
Actor (Mr. Elliot, bøddel) |
Vennskapets frukter (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 18, 1972 |
Actor (Ordfører Josef Hottheim) |
Som natt og dag (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 15, 1972 |
Actor |
Jorda rundt på 80 dager (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 24, 1972 |
Actor (Diverse roller) |
Dronning i tusen dagar (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 30, 1971 |
Actor (Hertugen av Norfolk) |
Romeo og Julie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 15, 1971 |
Actor (Fyrsten av Verona) |
Romeo og Julie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 8, 1971 |
Actor (Fyrsten av Verona) |
Romeo og Julie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 1, 1971 |
Actor (Fyrsten av Verona) |
Romeo og Julie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 24, 1971 |
Actor (Fyrsten av Verona) |
Samfundets støtter (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
September 7, 1971 |
Actor (Kjøpmann Vigeland) |
Endgame (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 3, 1971 |
Actor (Hamm) |
Mennesket og hans hustru (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 24, 1971 |
Actor |
Montserrat (The Norwegian Theatre) |
May 6, 1971 |
Direction |
Erasmus Montanus (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 30, 1971 |
Actor (Jeronimus) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 18, 1970 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 11, 1970 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 4, 1970 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 27, 1970 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 20, 1970 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Antigone (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 17, 1970 |
Actor (Teiresias) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 13, 1970 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Farlig selskap - God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 6, 1970 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Waiting for Godot (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 7, 1970 |
Actor (Vladimir) |
Uncle Vanya (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 9, 1970 |
Actor (Serebrjakov, Alexander Vladimirovitsj, tidlegare professor) |
Nyttårsnatten (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 1, 1970 |
Actor (Alfonso, en annen venn av Manuel) |
Til Damaskus I (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 3, 1969 |
Actor (Tiggaren / Cæsar) |
Ærefrykt for livet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
August 5, 1969 |
Actor |
Til Damaskus I (The Norwegian Theatre) |
1969 |
Actor (Tiggaren / Cæsar) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 29, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 22, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
Nyttårsnatten (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 15, 1968 |
Actor (Alfonso, en annen venn av Manuel) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 15, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 8, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 1, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 25, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 18, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 11, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 4, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 27, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 20, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
Rosmersholm (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 18, 1968 |
Actor (Rektor Kroll, Rosmers verbror) |
De tre musketerer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 13, 1968 |
Actor (Kardinal Richelieu) |
Den lille heksen - God aften, mitt navn er Cox", 3. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 5, 1968 |
Actor (Thomas Richardson) |
Rosmersholm (The Norwegian Theatre) |
May 1968 |
Actor (Rektor Kroll, Rosmers verbror) |
The Wild Duck (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 18, 1968 |
Actor (Ein blekfeit herre) |
Faust (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 15, 1967 |
Actor (Herren), Actor (2. borger) |
Faust (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 14, 1967 |
Actor (Herren), Actor (2. borger) |
Faust (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 12, 1967 |
Actor (Herren), Actor (2. borger) |
Faust (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 10, 1967 |
Actor (Herren), Actor (2. borger) |
Death of a Salesman (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 4, 1967 |
Actor (Charley) |
Tango (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
October 10, 1967 |
Actor (Stomil, Arturs far) |
La Boutique (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 23, 1967 |
Actor (Rolf Winter) |
Fellow Man (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 7, 1967 |
Actor (Karl Albert) |
Hamlet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 22, 1967 |
Actor (Polonius, fyrste mann i kongens råd) |
Tango (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 17, 1966 |
Actor (Stomil, Arturs far) |
Skatten på Montserrat (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 3, 1966 |
Actor (Beremundo, en røverhøvding) |
- som ein ange av blomar (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 25, 1966 |
Actor (Edgar) |
The King and I (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 18, 1966 |
Actor (Kralahome) |
I Hans stad (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 6, 1966 |
Actor (Professor Hirt, Riksuniversitet i Strasbourg / Ein kardinal) |
Den offentlige anklager (The National Stage) |
October 1, 1965 |
Direction |
Den siste prosessen (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 9, 1965 |
Instruction |
Krosshaugen (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1965 |
Direction |
Smeltedigelen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
August 31, 1965 |
Actor (Viceguvernør Danforth) |
Tenk det, Hedda (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 9, 1965 |
Actor (Kriminalsjefen) |
Saken J. Robert Oppenheimer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 14, 1965 |
Actor (Lloyd K. Garrison, Oppenheimers advokat) |
Saken J. Robert Oppenheimer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 13, 1965 |
Actor (Lloyd K. Garrison, Oppenheimers advokat) |
Our Town (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 25, 1965 |
Actor (Regissøren) |
Eit draumspel (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 22, 1965 |
Actor (Karantenemeisteren) |
En fyrstikk under sengen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 15, 1965 |
Actor (Godsforvalter Psekov) |
Woyzeck (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 17, 1964 |
Actor (Kapteinen) |
Ghosts (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 29, 1964 |
Actor (Snekkar Engstrand) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 1. serie - Nyinnspilling (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 7, 1964 |
Actor (Charles Richardson) |
Herr Puntila og drengen hans (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 6, 1964 |
Actor (Prosten) |
Kristin Lavransdatter - The Cross (The Norwegian Theatre) |
1964 |
Actor (Biskom Halvard) |
Sherlock Holmes - Shoschombe herregård (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 21, 1963 |
Actor (Sir Robert Norberton) |
Kristin Lavransdatter - The Cross (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 28, 1963 |
Actor (Biskom Halvard) |
Sju gleder og sju smerter (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 25, 1962 |
Direction | spel om Adams fal (The National Stage) |
October 24, 1962 |
Actor (Prologus) |
Kongsemnerne (The National Stage) |
May 23, 1962 |
Actor (Nikolas Arnessøn) |
Det hellige eksperiment (The National Stage) |
March 16, 1962 |
Direction |
Prosessen mot Jesus (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 10, 1961 |
Direction |
The Wife - Kristin Lavransdatter (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1961 |
Direction |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 3. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 30, 1961 |
Actor (Kevin MacDonald) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 3. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 23, 1961 |
Actor (Kevin MacDonald) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 3. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 17, 1961 |
Actor (Kevin MacDonald) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 3. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 9, 1961 |
Actor (Kevin MacDonald) |
The Seagull (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 24, 1961 |
Actor (Boris Alexejevitsj Trigorin, forfatter) |
Historia om Vasco (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 18, 1961 |
Actor (General Miravigna) |
Lykke-Pers reise (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 14, 1960 |
Actor (Skomakaren) |
Kongsemnene (Rogaland Theatre) |
February 20, 1960 |
Actor (Bisp Nikolas Arnesson) |
Hamlet (Rogaland Theatre) |
October 23, 1959 |
Actor (Claudius, konge av Danmark) |
Kristin Lavransdatter - The Wreath (Rogaland Theatre) |
January 16, 1959 |
Direction, Actor (Lavrans Bjørgulvsson) |
Insektliv (Rogaland Theatre) |
September 5, 1958 |
Direction |
Kristin Lavransdatter (The Wreath) (The National Stage) |
August 31, 1958 |
Direction |
Boer Boerson Jr. (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 1, 1958 |
Direction |
Himmelspelet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
1958 |
Actor (Gamle-Eirik / Domsmann) |
Himmelspelet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 28, 1957 |
Actor (Gamle-Eirik / Domsmann) |
Flyktningen (The National Stage) |
October 14, 1957 |
Direction |
Og vegine falle so vide (The National Stage) |
August 30, 1957 |
Direction |
Frøken Rosita (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 7, 1957 |
Actor |
Gustav Vasa (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 7, 1957 |
Actor (Anders Persson på Rankhyttan) |
Skogvill (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 5, 1957 |
Actor (Hvitskjegg) |
Skogvill (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 29, 1957 |
Actor (Hvitskjegg) |
Skogvill (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 22, 1957 |
Actor (Hvitskjegg) |
Dronning og rebell (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 15, 1957 |
Actor (Ein passasjer) |
Gullporten (Rogaland Theatre) |
October 2, 1956 |
Direction |
Donadieu (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 2, 1956 |
Direction |
Den ytterste grense (Rogaland Theatre) |
August 31, 1956 |
Direction, Actor (Lavalette) |
Den fjerde nattevakt (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 26, 1956 |
Actor (Dopp) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox - 2. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 7, 1956 |
Actor (Charles Richardson) |
Regnmakeren (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 28, 1955 |
Direction |
De gamles julaften (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 24, 1955 |
Direction |
Donadieu (The National Stage) |
October 7, 1955 |
Direction |
Tobias og engelen (The Norwegian Theatre) |
June 10, 1955 |
Direction |
Yerma (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 9, 1955 |
Actor (Juan) |
God aften, mitt navn er Cox, 1. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 12, 1955 |
Actor (Richardson) |
Mother Courage (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 29, 1955 |
Actor (Vervaren) |
Og vegine falle så vide (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 30, 1954 |
Direction |
Og vegine falle så vide (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 15, 1954 |
Direction |
Asmodeus (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 2, 1954 |
Actor (Blaise Couture, huslærar) |
Den hermetiserte piraten (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 20, 1954 |
Actor (Joachim van der Prahlen) |
Det heilage eksperimentet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 2, 1954 |
Actor (Lorenzo Querini), Direction |
Spelet om Heilag Olav (Stiklestad Nasjonale Kultursenter) |
1954 |
Direction |
Spøksonaten (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 8, 1953 |
Actor (Johansson) |
Gjenta som elska fanden (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 20, 1953 |
Actor (Administrasjonsdjevelen) |
Kongens ord (The Norwegian Theatre) |
June 9, 1953 |
Direction |
Jordguden (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 18, 1953 |
Direction |
Han som fekk leva livet om att (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 6, 1953 |
Actor (Fangen) |
Tjugendagen (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 3, 1953 |
Direction |
Ved himmelens port (The National Stage) |
October 8, 1952 |
Direction |
Miss Julie (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1952 |
Direction |
Jo Gjende (The National Stage) |
May 6, 1952 |
Direction |
Axel og Valborg (The National Stage) |
Navember 27, 1951 |
Direction |
The Lady from the Sea (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1951 |
Actor (En fremmed mann) |
Den innbilt sjuke (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 30, 1951 |
Actor (Diaforus, lækjar) |
Den gode jord (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 21, 1951 |
Actor (Yi, ein likkistesnikkar) |
Tjugendagen (The National Stage) |
February 2, 1951 |
Direction |
Den gale frå Chaillot (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 1, 1950 |
Actor (Oljeleitaren) |
Lat mennesket leva (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 22, 1950 |
Actor (Giordano Bruno) |
Munkeklokka (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 8, 1950 |
Direction, Actor (Eivind) |
Den vægelsindede (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 15, 1950 |
Actor (Eraste, bror til Lucretia) |
Kongsemnerne (The Norwegian Theatre) |
May 12, 1950 |
Actor (Ivar Bodde, ein hirdprest) |
Den lange bryllaupsreisa (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 29, 1950 |
Direction |
Vikingar (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 30, 1949 |
Actor (Frode, sønnen til Gunnhild og Gorm, skald) |
Å ungdoms villmark (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 20, 1949 |
Actor (David Mc. Comber) |
The Cherry Orchard (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 18, 1949 |
Actor (Leonid Andrejevitsj Gajev, bror til fru Ranjevskaja) |
Ein negerhelt kom heim (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 18, 1949 |
Direction |
Baldevin's Wedding (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 22, 1949 |
Actor (Snikkar Hoppe, kalla Luske-Ludvig) |
Tom Sawyer (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 13, 1948 |
Actor (Hooper) |
Christophoros (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 2, 1948 |
Instruction, Actor (Pål Løynum) |
Læraren (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 2, 1948 |
Actor (Tore Eide, timbremann og bonde) |
Peer Gynt (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 2, 1948 |
Actor (Ein framand passasjer / Ein utgamal mann / Framand passasjer) |
Ein månad på landet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 28, 1947 |
Actor (Mikail Alexandrovitsj Rakitin) |
Mitt hjerte og min lyre (Sommerteatret i Frognerparken) |
June 14, 1947 |
Actor (Rothman, fiolinist) |
Insektliv (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 25, 1947 |
Actor (Ein oppfinnar) |
Guds grøne enger (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 8, 1947 |
Actor (Jakob / Profeten) |
Per Svein og lykkesteinane (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 26, 1946 |
Actor (Ein gamal vis mann), Actor (Skomakaren) |
Det lykkelige Skibbrud (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 31, 1946 |
Actor (Skjærsliparen) |
Amulett (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 30, 1946 |
Actor (Ein gjest) |
Ved himmelens port (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 5, 1946 |
Actor (Mann, Konas far) |
Prinsesse Tone (The Norwegian Theatre) |
December 20, 1945 |
Actor (Hoffmann Ihuga) |
Domhuset (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 11, 1944 |
Actor (Domaren) |
Ervingen (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 10, 1944 |
Actor (Olav i Bakken) |
Bra mennesker (Leonardi Teater) |
Navember 20, 1942 |
Direction, Actor (David) |
Napoleon på galeien (Stavanger Fornøyelsespark) |
August 29, 1942 |
Direction, Actor (Even, dreng) |
The Cousin from Nowhere (Sigurths Teater) |
January 29, 1942 |
Actor (2. fremmede) |
Taterblod (Sigurths Teater) |
December 26, 1941 |
Actor (Elias, tater) |
Maktå på Straen (Sigurths Teater) |
March 22, 1941 |
Direction, Actor (Søren Holt, kaptein) |
Hjerter i trumf (Stavanger Fornøyelsespark) |
June 23, 1940 |
Direction, Actor (Pastoren) |