Andrea Spreafico


(Objekt ID 11257)
Object type Person
Functions Artist
Nationality Italian
Gender Male
Website Andrea Spreafico

2006-2008: Post graduate Diplom (MA) in Art and public space at the Academy of fine arts of Nuremberg.
2006: PhD in Philosophy (Aesthetic and Ethic) at the University of Bologna (italy) and the University of Reims (France)

Tilknyttet (1)
Involved in productions (15)
Title Premiere Role
Bad Dante Bad English Bad Opera - Purgatorio I–IX (Spreafico Eckly) June 7, 2022 Text, Direction
Den Skamfulle Dansen () February 24, 2022 Counsellor
Danced Work in Progress (Spreafico Eckly) March 5, 2021 Production manager, Concept/Idea
and yes I said yes I will yes (Spreafico Ecklydemolition Incorporada) October 25, 2020 Photo
Footnote number 12 (Spreafico EcklyTheatre Replacement) September 16, 2019 Concept/Idea, Text, Direction
We have to dress gorgeously (Spreafico Eckly) March 10, 2019 Concept/Idea, Text, Direction
Love & Emotion () February 14, 2019 Dramaturgic assistant
Vive La Phrance (Spreafico Eckly) September 20, 2017 Concept/Idea, Direction
What a classic is and how it performs in (our) time. Paul McCarthy. Rocky. 1976 (Spreafico Eckly) October 22, 2015 Direction, Performer
At the End of Your Fork () October 19, 2014 Direction
Catholic 1991 (Spreafico Eckly) April 25, 2014 Main producer
How Hard Can It Be? (YANIV COHEN VISUAL ARTS) February 7, 2014 Consultant
Kill me baby one more time (Spreafico EcklyYANIV COHEN VISUAL ARTS) March 24, 2011 Co-creator, Concept/Idea
TRY IN THE HOUSE II - 2010 (Carte Blanche) April 28, 2010 Video/Film
TRY IN THE HOUSE I (Carte Blanche) April 17, 2009 Choreography, Choreography