Mirva Mäkinen

Mirva Mäkinen is a 33 years old professional dancer, choreographer and teacher from Finland.
Mäkinen have studied movement in different places. She has a Masters degree in Art of Dance (Theatre Academy of Helsinki, Finland) and before that Mäkinen made Masters of Physical Education (University of Jyväskylä, Finland).


(Objekt ID 10851)
Object type Person
Functions Choreographer, Dancer, Pedagog
Nationality Finnish
Gender Female
Adresse Helsinki, Finland
Website Mirva Mäkinen

Mirva Mäkinen friends from contact improvisation scene call her "White rabbit", which was her first CI name, after that Mäkinen have been called "Jääkarhu" (polar bear) and latest one is "Mirvana".

Mäkinen has learned CI, dance and movement by studying, teaching, performing and practicing. She loves to explore her body and she is curious for all the movement possibilities. Mirva Mäkinen finds other inspiration from contemporary dance (release technique), astanga yoga, meditation, aerial dance and acrobatics.

Mirva Mäkinen works as a dance teacher in Kallio high school which is special school for performing arts in Helsinki, Finland. Mäkinen also works as a freelance dancer and choreographer. Her most important teachers has been my dance partners.
Source: Mirva Mäkinen, 27.1.11, http://www.contactfestival.ru/2008/teachers.aspx?id=mirva&lang=eng

Involved in productions (1)
Title Premiere Role
Ung Koreografi i Barents (Stellaris Dance Theatre) Choreography, Dancer