Amy Jane Stephenson

Amy Jane Stephenson


(Objekt ID 10366)
Object type Person
Functions Director, Performance artist, Pedagog
Nationality Australian
Gender Female
Adresse Melbourne, Australia
Website Amy Jane Stephenson

Upon graduating in Performance Studies, Amy Jane Stephenson moved to northern Norway to teach in a Steiner School and work on artistic projects. She continually explores the arts industry by attending workshops, notably Theatre of the Oppressed with Augusto Boal and his son Julián, International Physical Theatre Laboratory with Sergei Ostrenko, Ensemble Techniques with New International Encounter, and Body Weather with Tess de Quincey.
Stephenson’s performance credits include; Olsens Ballettinstitutt (supported by Arts Council Norway), Six Women Standing in Front of a White Wall (Edinburgh & Melbourne Fringe Festivals), The Big Game (Melbourne International Arts Festival), The Jester Ball (Albert Hall, Canberra), Hangen til… (Tromsø, Norway) and Little Wooden House (Tromsø).
Now based in Melbourne, Stephenson has directed and devised a variety of productions for secondary students and young adults, alongside which she hopes to continue developing her own craft as an artist.

Source: Amy Jane Stephenson, 4.1.2011,

Involved in productions (2)
Title Premiere Role
hangen til...* (The urge for...) (Elin Danielsen Productions) October 4, 2008 Costume, Dancer, Choreography
hangen til...* (The urge for...) (Elin Danielsen Productions) Navember 29, 2007 Costume, Dancer, Choreography
Olsens Ballettinstitutt* (The Ballet Institute of Olsen’s) (Elin Danielsen Productions) Performer