Olav Anton Thommessen

Olav Anton Thommessen is a Norwegian composer.

Olav Anton Thommessen has been members of the boards of Ny Musikk, Norwegian Society of Composers and the governmental council Statens Musikkråd, and he was among the founders of Music Information Centre Norway (chairman of the board, 197985).


(Objekt ID 10232)
Object type Person
Born May 16, 1946
Functions Composer
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male


Wikipedia, no.wikipedia.org, 29.12.2010, http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olav_Anton_Thommessen

Involved in productions (17)
Title Premiere Role
Cassandra (Visjoner Teater) September 21, 2001 Composition
Cassandra (Visjoner Teater) October 7, 2000 Composition
Cassandra (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) October 7, 2000 Composer
Klangfarger (Ning) May 23, 1998 Composer
Rappaccinis datter (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) Navember 22, 1991 Music
A floating world (Bresee Dance Company) September 25, 1991 Composition
Daily news (Bresee Dance Company) September 25, 1991 Composition
Edda-da, Håvamål (Visjoner Teater) June 1991 Composition
Kongsemnerne (The Norwegian Theatre) April 7, 1989 Music
King Lear (The National Theatre) February 24, 1989 Music
Madame de Sade (The Norwegian Theatre) January 5, 1989 Music
Emperor and Galilean (The Norwegian Theatre) September 19, 1987 Music
Aizo (The Norwegian Theatre) September 18, 1986 Music
Romeo and Juliet (The Norwegian Theatre) September 19, 1985 Music
Hermaphroditen (Kungliga Operan, Stockholm) May 22, 1985 Composer
Hermaphroditen (Kungliga Operan, Stockholm) 1985 Composer
King Lear (The Norwegian Theatre) February 24, 1983 Music
Stormen (The National Stage) March 27, 1982 Music
Bleikeplassen (The Norwegian Theatre) January 13, 1981 Music
Artworks (5)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Cassandra 2000, Script, Opera – Composer
Ekko av et ekko 1998, Music, Contemporary music – Composer
Hermafroditten 1985, Music – Composer
Hertuginnen dør 1988, Music – Composer
En cabaretopera om musikk 1979, Music – Composer