How To Be A Performance Artist?

Pilvi Porkola (f. 1972) deltok på Performancefestivalen 2007 Kunstbanken Hedmark Kunstsenter med performancen How To Be A Performance Artist?. Det er en forelesningsperformance som tar for seg spørsmål knyttet til hva det betyr å skape en performance. Hun reflekterer over hvordan man skal forholde seg til virkelighet og tradisjon.

How To Be A Performance Artist? hadde premiere under Kunstbanken Hedmark Kunstsenters Performancefestival 27.10.2007.


(Objekt ID 46492)
Objekttype Produksjon
Publikum Voksne, Ungdom
Språk Engelsk
Emneord Performance, Foredrag
Spilleperiode 27. okt. 2007  
Spilletid Ca. 30 min.
Nettsted Pilvi Porkola, Kunstbanken Hedmark Kunstsenter
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Pilvi Porkola skriver følgende om performancen på nettsiden sin:

"How To Be A Performance Artist? is a performance lecture I created in 2007. The concept is simple: I’m standing on the stage with a microphone, blowing pink balloons and start by telling about confusion how to be an artist. I found many books how to make research but didn’t find books how to make an art and especially, how to be an artist. So, I wrote an open concept based on 9 “rules” for performance artists, what kinds of ideas to consider when you are creating a performance. All points include a short storytelling part, personal memories and remarks from my life told with soft irony.

  1. Think what you wear
  2. Think what you say
  3. Think what you do
  4. Remember you are not alone
  5. Think what is your relationship to a tradition
  6. Try to manage with your daily life and art
  7. Make a political statement
  8. Work, work and work
  9. Be ready to create your own rules as the performance artist"

Kilder: Katalogen til Performancefestivalen 2007 Kunstbanken Hedmark Kunstsenter.

Pilvi Porkola,,

Medvirkende (3)
Navn Rolle
Pilvi Porkola – Konsept/Ide
Pilvi Porkola – Aktør
Pilvi Porkola – Hovedprodusent
27. okt. 2007 kl. 17.45 – Store sal (Kunstbanken) (Kunstbanken Hedmark Kunstsenter) Forestilling
Festivaler (1)