Afro Euro

Afro Euro  (2007) av Nordic Black Theatre.


(Objekt ID 40150)
Objekttype Produksjon
Premiere 2006
Produsert av Nordic Black Theatre
Emneord Fortellerteater, Dans, Musikkteater
Spilleperiode 2006  
Spilletid 50 minutter
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Jimu Makurumbandis privatarkiv. Giver: Jimu Makurumbandi, 23.04.2014

Viêt Nam News,, 12.06.2014,

Medvirkende (3)
Navn Rolle
Cliff Moustache – Regi
Jimu Makurumbandi – Koreografi
Jimu Makurumbandi – Danser
des. 2006  (International Experimental Theatre Festival) Forestilling
2006 Urpremiere

Bach Lien, Nordic dance troup tells African migrant story, Viêt Nam News:
"Dialogue is limited in the 47-minute experience with actors relying primarily on dance and body gestures to guide viewers through the lives of three young Africans who aim to seek their fortunes abroad by relying on their football or basketball skills. The story begins in an nondescript shanty town where professional sport is seen as a way to escape poverty. [...] It is sometimes very difficult to understand all that is being conveyed by the characters, yet there is enough to understand the emotions."

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