Playing for Time

Playing for Time (1976) is Fania Fenelon's novel-memoir of The Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz. The Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz, or the Girls' Orchestra of Auschwitz, was a female orchestra at Auschwitz concentration camp, which was created in June 1943 by a Polish music teacher, Mrs. Zofia Czajkowska, by order of the SS. The members were young female prisoners, whose membership in the orchestra protected them from being gassed in the gas chamber, or from being worked to death.


Wikipedia,, 15.04.2013,'s_Orchestra_of_Auschwitz


(Objekt ID 34153)
Objekttype Originalverk
Originaltittel Sursis pour l'orchestre
Verktype Litteratur
Publiseringsdato 1976
Språk Engelsk
Originalspråk Fransk
Kategorier Roman
Opphavspersoner (1)
Fania Fenelon – Forfatter
Produksjoner (1)
Tittel Premiere
Orkesternatt (Oslo Sinfonietta og Cikada) 1996
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