Anne Franks søsken* (Siblings of Anne Frank)

Anne Franks søsken* (Siblings of Anne Frank) (2016) is a theatre production by Agder Theatre in collaboration with Kilden Dialog, Kongsgård Skolesenter, Dramatiske Selskab and Plattform - Norsk Institutt for forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme. It was based on a play by Birgit Amalie Nilssen, devised in collaboration with the cast and others. The production was performed at the theatre's main stage.

Laura Christina Brøvig Vallenes directed it.

Nasrin Khusrawi interprets the role of Jamilah.

The refugees Mona Ayash, Mohmad Begdady, Jwan Mohammad, Ahmad Radwan Alkeder and Taha Mahsen Taiseer, all from Syria, performed alongside professional actors in the production.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 66635)
Object type Production
Premiere 2016
Produced by Kilden Theatre
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period 2016  
Website Kilden Teater og Konserthus, Riksteatret

At the website of Agder Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Anne Franks søsken* (The Siblings of Anne Frank):

"Anne Franks søsken is a brand new production about a changing Europe. The most recent UN report concludes that 65 million people are fleeing war. The wave of refugees we witness, brings forth the worst and the best in us. Online commentaries are filled with hatred and love. Understanding and fear. Fronts are increasingly steeper. Human compassion decreases.

With Anne Franks søsken, we want to transform the numbers of refugees to faces, to bring the online commentaries onstage, and to hold up a mirror to all of us who allow the history to repeat itself."


Agder Theatre,, 29.09.2016,

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Performance dates
June 9, 2017 18:00 – Storegull, Riksteatret, The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret) (Heddadagene) Show
2016 Opening night
Festivals (1)
Heddadagene June 9, 2017
Press coverage

Lillian Bikset, Situasjonsrapport fra et sivilisasjonssammenbrudd (literally: Report from the breakdown of a civilisation), Dagbladet September 28 2016:

"A painful human destiny meets the harsh tone of the online commentary. Her name is Jamilah, and she has been a refugee all of her life. Nasrin Khusrawi plays her with a young girl's directness and temper, as a human who desperately tries to defend her case to people who don't want to listen. (...) Jamilah is a fictional person, but she could have been real. Her story consists of fragments from fates we've all heard of. Some of the input has come from fifteen persons who have personally fled, from Syria, Eritrea, Afghanistan and four other countries. Five of these - Mona Ayash, Mohmad Begdady, Jwan Mohammad, Ahmad Radwan Alkeder and Taha Mahsen Taiseer, all from Syria - stand onstage as performers, with the actors Nasrin Khusrawi, Hege O. Enger and Jon Erik Myre. Members of Odins soldater (literally: Soldiers of Odin, a nationalist group) have also given their input. Birgit Amalie Nilssen has chosen to present the discussion in its most polarised form. (...) Anne Franks søsken* (Siblings of Anne Frank) is theatre with a clearly declared purpose. The production wants to be a reminder of the refugee's human worth, as opposed to bigotry and contempt of humans. It could hardly have expressed this more obviously. 'I am a human being', Khusrawi says, in one of Jamilah's scenes of despair. 'Muslims are lethally dangerous', Jon Erik Myre says, as a nationalist. 'For two years we only ate mud', Taha Mahsen Taiseer, as himself, says. 'I don't have the capacity for any more than my own', Hege O. Enger, as Jamilah's Norwegian neighbour, says. These lines are representatives, this is where the style level is set."

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.