
Meeting (2013) was a dance and sound production by Magnhild Fossum.

At the webpage of Magnhild Fossum the following, among other things, is written about Meeting:

"What will happen when two dancers and two musicians, two from a traditional background and two from a contemporary one, two Ethiopians and two Europeans, three men and one woman combine their resources and work it out as a performance?"


(Objekt ID 48760)
Object type Production
Premiere January 9, 2013
Produced by Magnhild Fossum Production
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance, Music, Concert
Running period January 9, 2013  
Website Magnhild Fossum

Meeting (2013) by Magnhild Fossum was supported by the Präsidialabteilung of the city of Zürich, the Embassy of Switzerland in Addis Abeba, Alliance Ethio-française d'Addis-Abeba and the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs/MFA (grant for cultural exchange with Southern countries/performing arts)


Magnhild Fossum,, 07.06.2015,

Contributors (4)
Name Role
Melaku Belay – Dancer (Tradisjonell etiopisk dans)
Magnhild Rem Fossum – Dancer (Moderne dans)
Endris Hassen – Musician (Masinko)
Jeroen Visser – Musician (Keyboard og saksofon)
Performance dates
January 9, 2013 18:00 – Alliance Ethio-Française d'Addis-Abeba Worldwide premiere