Kasse-Madsen* (Box Madsen)

Kasse-Madsen* (Box Madsen) by Teater Refleksion (DK) is one of the productions performed during the theatre festival Mini Midi Maxi in Bergen in 2011.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 17517)
Object type Production
Produced by Teater Refleksion
Audience Children (from 5)
Number of events 4
Running period Navember 3, 2011  —  August 4, 2011
Duration 45 minutes
Website minimidimaxi.no

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

On the webpage of Mini Midi Maxi one can read the following about the production Kasse-Madsen* (Box Madsen) by Teater Refleksion:

"One day a box suddenly appears in Madsen's well-organised universe, and his calm daily life is forever disturbed!

He tries to get rid of the box, but with no luck. Soon there are more of them, they grow legs and throw Madsen around as if he was a ball! But the boxes really just wish him well, and eventually Madsen can't do without his new friends. A poetic and beautiful performance for children and adults!"


Mini Midi Maxi, minimidimaxi.no 29.08.11:


*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Performance dates
Navember 4, 2011 10.00 – Lille Scene, The National Stage (Mini Midi Maxi) Show
Navember 4, 2011 12.00 – Lille Scene, The National Stage (Mini Midi Maxi) Show
Navember 3, 2011 17.00 – Lille Scene, The National Stage (Mini Midi Maxi) Show
August 3, 2011 11.00 – Lille Scene, The National Stage (Mini Midi Maxi) Show
Festivals (1)
Mini Midi Maxi August 3, 2011