
The solo 1:1 by and with Pernille Holden was a project starting in 2007 at the rehearsal stage of Rom for Dans. The foundation for the project was a physical exploration of demanding space.


(Objekt ID 16678)
Object type Production
Audience Adults
Keywords Contemporary dance
Running period January 1, 2009  

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In 1:1 Pernille Holden examined different ways to be visible and ambiguous in one's meeting with the world. Holden experiences that there are certain ways we want to present ourselves and other sides by us we don't want others to see. She worked on finding physical manifestations of the emotional states and further to transform these.

Holden examined physical terms such as power, force, vulnerability and vulgarity. Through recognising these in the form of positions, gestures or movement patterns she altered, deformed and transformed the different physical expressions.

Is there a long way between vulgarity and vulnerability? Can power be experienced as weak?

1:1 was an examination work regarding identity, being in constant flux and searching for stability in change.

1:1 by Pernille Holden was supported by The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (travel grant/performing arts).

Contributors (2)
Name Role
Pernille Holden – Choreography
Pernille Holden – Dancer
Performance dates
Navember 21, 2010La Poderosa, Las Santas Show
Festivals (1)
No Estamos Solos Festival Navember 21, 2010