The Year of the Bush

The Year of the Bush (2006) was a performance by Baktruppen.


(Objekt ID 11041)
Object type Production
Premiere September 8, 2006
Produced by Baktruppen
Audience Adults
Audience size 120
Number of events 3
Language Norwegian
Keywords Performance, Theatre, Comedy, Physical theatre
Running period September 8, 2006  —  September 10, 2006
Duration 90 minutes

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In The Year of the Bush Baktruppen got into nature and out in the street.

At the webpage of Baktruppen the following, among other things, was written about The Year of the Bush:

"Because of the funding practice of Arts Council Norway all applicants have to describe their future in pretty detailed ways, if they are to be granted support. Because Baktruppen is unable to decide what to do up to a couple of hours before actually doing so, the artists had to make up fake projects. One was called Natur (literally: Nature). Three years later the Baktruppen members still did not know what this project was to be about. Should they stay in the forest for some weeks to make a production out there? They decided to emphasis inner nature and stayed at home. Norwegians spend fortunes redecorating their homes. But in The Year of the Bush nature confronts us."

Supported by: Arts Council Norway.


Baktruppen,, 03.09.2010,

The archive of Baktruppen, donated by Baktruppen.04.03.2011

E-mail from Trine Falch, 3.1.11

Contributors (8)
Name Role
Øyvind Berg – Co-creator
Trine Falch – Co-creator
Ingvild Holm – Co-creator
Jørgen Knudsen – Co-creator
Per Henrik Svalastog – Co-creator
Bo Krister Wallström – Co-creator
Worm Winther – Co-creator
John Hegre – Sound technician
Performance dates
September 10, 2006Dæhlenenggata 31, Baktruppen Show
September 9, 2006Dæhlenenggata 31, Baktruppen Show
September 8, 2006Dæhlenenggata 31, Baktruppen Worldwide premiere