Title (66) File type Publiseringsdato Download
Flygeblad fra Sampo Teater, Totalteatret, Nordland Teater og Tromsø Danseteaters samproduksjon Salmo Salar (1991). pdf January 1992 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Hålogaland Teater, Nordland Teater og Vega scenes samproduksjon Som før og etter (2022) pdf 2022 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Det er fra politiet (1996) pdf September 19, 1996 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Det eventyrlige Dissosia (2017) pdf 2017 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Dracula (2004). pdf Navember 5, 2004 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Fuglane (2019) pdf 2019 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Fødeselsdagsselskapet (2003) pdf October 1, 2003 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Kjære Cornelis (1994). pdf 1994 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Kollektivt selvmord (2019) pdf 2019 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Krittkorset (1982). pdf October 1982 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Kunne presteenka, så kan vel du... (1992). pdf 1992 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Kunsten å vekke døde fluer til live (2016) pdf 2016 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon LA Strada dell'Amore (1993). pdf February 27, 1993 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Lille Eyolf (2018). pdf March 15, 2018 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Livets Røtter (1996) pdf February 14, 1996 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Monsterunga (2018). pdf October 19, 2018 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Normaliteten (2019) pdf 2019 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Petter (2018). pdf September 9, 2018 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Sona/Zona (2018). pdf May 29, 2018 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Susanne på badet (1995). pdf 1995 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Tigern (2002). pdf 2002 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Til Helgeland - en reise med Petter Dass (1997). pdf 1997 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Tre søstre (2017). pdf October 7, 2017 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon Vårherres klinkekule (2000) pdf October 20, 2000 Download
Forestillingsprogram for Teatret Vårt og Nordland Teaters produksjon Mio min Mio (2018). pdf September 20, 2018 Download
Forestillingsprogram fra Nordland Teaters produksjon Fritt fall fra fjerden (1984) pdf October 10, 1984 Download
Performance program for Nordland Theatre and The Norwegian Touring Theatre's production Can't Pay? Won't Pay!, on tour with The Norwegian Touring Theatre (1999) pdf 1999 Download
Performance program for Nordland Theatre's production Cabaret (1997) pdf February 19, 1997 Download
Performance program for Nordland Theatre's production Can't Pay? Won't Pay! (1999) pdf January 22, 1998 Download
Performance program for Nordland Theatre's production Jeppe of the Hill (2000) pdf February 23, 2002 Download
Performance program for Nordland Theatre's production Jonas (2016) pdf January 22, 2016 Download
Performance program for Nordland Theatre's production Miss Julie (1992) pdf 1992 Download
Performance program for Nordland Theatre's production Peer Gynt (1998) pdf 1998 Download
Performance program for Nordland Theatre's production Stones in His Pockets (2010) pdf June 3, 2010 Download
Photo from Nordland Theatre's production Vett og uvett* (Sense and the senseless) (2011) pdf Navember 30, 2011 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon "Hurra!" (2014) pdf May 2, 2014 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon "Nordaførr" (2009) pdf 2009 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon "Svarta Bjørn" (2013) pdf March 16, 2013 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon "Så rart" (2014) pdf April 26, 2014 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon Affæren (2011) pdf March 30, 2011 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon Den Svarte GRisen (2010) pdf October 21, 2010 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon Dødsforelska (2012) pdf January 14, 2012 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon Katter (1996) pdf October 10, 1996 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon Peder Seier (2006) pdf February 8, 2006 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon Pyjamas for 6 (1995). pdf April 27, 1995 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon The Rocky Horror Show (2007) pdf October 25, 2007 Download
Program for Nordland Teaters produksjon Trø dansen slit helsa (1980) pdf October 19, 1980 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's 20th anniversary pdf 1999 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production A Doll's House (1995) pdf September 14, 1995 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production A Doll's House (2009) pdf 2009 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production A Midsummer Night's Dream? (2014) pdf January 16, 2014 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production Dancing at Lughnasa pdf January 24, 1995 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production Death and the Maiden (2015) pdf January 15, 2015 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production Frankenstein (2015) pdf March 12, 2015 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production Hedda (2012) pdf April 24, 2012 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production Pippi Longstocking (1995) pdf September 29, 1995 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production Shirley Valentine (1996) pdf April 23, 1996 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production The Glass Menagerie pdf October 15, 1993 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production The Tempest (2014) pdf Navember 8, 2014 Download
Program for Nordland Theatre's production Victoria (1993) pdf May 11, 1993 Download
Program fra Åarjelhsamien Teatere og Nordland Teaters produksjon Klemetspelet (2015) pdf 2015 Download
Program fra Nordland Teaters produksjon Brødrene løvehjerte (2003). pdf 2003 Download
Program fra Nordland Teaters produksjon Jeg forsvinner (2017). pdf 2017 Download
Sesongprogram for Nordland Teater 2019-2020 pdf August 2019 Download
Sesongprogram for Nordland Teater Høst 2018. pdf August 2018 Download
Sesongprogram for Nordland Teater våren 2017 og Vinterlys festivalen 2017 pdf Navember 2016 Download

Nordland Theatre

Nordland Theatre is a Norwegian regional theatre, based in Mo i Rana and responsible for touring the municipalities of the county of Nordland.

Nordland Theatre was established in August 1979. From then until 1986 the theatre was ruled by communal meeting under an interim board, as a subdivision of The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret). In 1981 Nordland Theatre became a limited liability company owned by the county of Nordland and the municipality of Rana.

The theatre's first complete production, of The Broken Jug by Heinrich von Kleist, opened in January 1980. At the time, the theatre had already performed two intimate musical productions as test projects.


(Objekt ID 2666)
Object type Organization
Also known as Nordland Teater
Organization type District institution
Main focus Theatre
Established July 31, 1979
Email post@nordlandteater.no
Website Nordland Teater

Contact information

Address PB 1263, 8602 Mo i Rana, Norway
Email post@nordlandteater.no
Telefon 75134848

Other information

Legal entity Limited liability company/AS or ASA
Org nr. 930 743 437
Member of Association of Norwegian Theatres and Orchestras

During the period from January 1, 1979 to December 31, 1986, Nordland Theatre was led by communal meetings. Since then, the following persons have been artistic directors of the theatre:

January 1 to December 31 1987: Bodvar Moe, Geir Næss and Stig Bang

January 1 1988 - December 31 1990: Wolfgang Kolneder

January 1 1991 - December 31 1991: Bjørn Skjefstad

January 1 1992 - December 31 1992: Thorbjørn Gabrielsen

January 1 1993 - December 31 1996: Thom Bastholm

January 1 1997 - March 31 2000: Frode Rasmussen

April 1 2000 - December 31 2007: Thor-Inge Gullvåg

January 1 2008 - December 31 2012: Reidar Sørensen

January 1 2013 - December 31 2022: Birgitte Strid

Nordland Theatre is among the Norwegian theatres where the administrative director is registered as the head of the theatre, in The Brønnøysund Register Centre.

Are Nakling is the administrative director of the theatre. He has held the position from 1998.

The theatre's venue was inaugurated October 15 2005. The Nordland Theatre venue has three stages or halls: Hovedscena (the main stage), Blackbox and Teaterkaféen (the theatre café).

Nordland Theatre presents an annual average of 6 to 8 productions, in addition to arranging the youth program UNGENordland and the festival Vinterlys (literally: Winter Lights).


Nordland Theatre, http://www.nordlandteater.no, 11.10.2010

Press release from Nordland Theatre, nordlandteater.no, https://nordlandteater.no/nyheter/to-nye-%C3%A5r-til-teatersjefen?fbclid=IwAR1Q0MWyQ9wjs623hDkMTa0KUIedPWixMJxHgZ8ew1QqbvzQtTNsKHdDtmQ, 07.12.2018

The Brønnøysund Register Centre, www.brreg.no, 06.12.18, https://w2.brreg.no/enhet/sok/detalj.jsp?orgnr=930743437

Co-productions (11)
Title Premiere
Torn & Rose – January 22, 2025
Torn & Rose – October 12, 2023
A Doll´s House – September 16, 2023 – Plexus Polaire
A Doll´s House – September 1, 2023 – Plexus Polaire
Torn & Rose – August 30, 2023
Elsa Laula – February 6, 2017 – The Touring Theatre of Trøndelag, Åarjelhsaemien Teatere AS
1930 - The Dictator – April 15, 2016 – Statsteatret
Elsa Laula – February 1, 2013 – The Touring Theatre of Trøndelag, Åarjelhsaemien Teatere AS
Elsa Laula – 2012 – The Touring Theatre of Trøndelag, Åarjelhsaemien Teatere AS
Romeo og umulig kjærlighet
Contributors (13)
Ketil Kolstad – Theatre director (fra January 1, 2025)
Birgitte Strid – Theatre director (fra December 31, 2012 til December 31, 2024)
Reidar Sørensen – Theatre director (fra December 31, 2007 til December 30, 2012)
Thor-Inge Gullvåg – Theatre director (fra April 1, 2000 til December 30, 2007)
Are Nakling – Managing-director
Frode Rasmussen – Theatre director (fra December 31, 1996 til March 31, 2000)
Thom Bastholm – Theatre director (fra December 31, 1992 til December 30, 1996)
Thorbjørn Gabrielsen – Theatre director (fra December 31, 1991 til December 30, 1992)
Bjørn Skjefstad – Theatre director (fra December 31, 1990 til December 30, 1991)
Wolfgang Kolneder – Theatre director (fra December 31, 1987 til December 30, 1990)
Stig Bang – Theatre director (fra December 31, 1986 til December 30, 1987)
Bodvar Moe – Theatre director (fra December 31, 1986 til December 30, 1987)
Geir Næss – Theatre director (fra December 31, 1986 til December 30, 1987)