Tor Itai Keilen

Tor Itai Keilen is a Norwegian drama pedagogue.

He took part in the theatre production Utafor* (Outside) at The Norwegian Theatre in 2018. Utafor was given two awards during The Hedda Award 2018: The production received the award in the best production for youth category, whereas Svein Tindberg, Faten Mahdi Al-Hussaini, Yousef Bartho Al-Nahi, Siri Marie Seim Sønstelie and Tor Itai Keilen received the award in the special artistic achievement category.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 70027)
Object type Person
Functions Actor, Producer
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male

The Hedda Jury gave the following award for the best production for youth award to Utafor* (Outside):

"This year's winner in the best production for youth category fulfils all the demands of the jury's criteria. The artistic level is high. The production has a distinctcharacter, and it joins one of our most topical current debates. It presents original and challenging material in an artistically coherent way. The winning production succeeds in uniting contrasting and painful experiences in a coherent artistic expression, within which young individualists are provided with platforms for their own voices, while sharing one joint tone. The theatrical effects support the themes, and what lacks words, is expressed through dance and song. With its true, involving stories and its poetic stage expression, the winner expands the understanding of what it may mean to find one's place in contemporary Norway.

The award goes to Utafor."

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason for the special artistic achievement award to Svein Tindberg, Faten Mahdi Al-Hussaini, Yousef Bartho Al-Nahi, Siri Marie Seim Sønstelie and Tor Itai Keilen:

"One should not take for granted that The Hedda Award in the special artistic achievement category will be given out. This year, it goes to a unique theatre event, an example that great things may happen when faith, hope and stamina are allowed to work together. Faith can become theatre and hope can turn into reality. Different elements can be gathered in such a way that the whole becomes larger than the sum of its parts. What happens then is what all art strives for: New reality is made, and understandings grow. This demands enthusiasm, patience and personal courage. It demands that one sticks to one's vision. It also demands that one puts in hard and expansive work in the text and the onstage expression. This year's award is shared by an experienced theatre maker and four young idealists who have dared to confront the unknown within and outside of themselves. They have shared experiences, missteps, sorrows and spite. They have shared joy, humour and triumph.

This year, the special artistic achievement award goes to Svein Tindberg, Faten Mahdi Al-Hussaini, Yousef Bartho Al-Nahi, Siri Marie Seim Sønstelie and Tor Itai Keilen for Utafor."


The Hedda Award,, 18.06.2018,

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (6)
Title Premiere Role
Utafor* (Outside) (The Norwegian Theatre) April 17, 2020 Performer
Utafor* (Outside) (The Norwegian Theatre) April 13, 2018 Co-creator, Performer
Spelet om Emma Hjorth () August 27, 2015 Actor (Arne Jørgensen), Producer
Momo eller kampen om tiden (Teaterhøgskolen) 2010 Light