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Stig Amdam

Also known as: Stig Ryste Amdam

Stig Amdam (born in 1961) is a Norwegian actor, playwright and director.

Stig Amdam graduated from The National Academy of Theatre in 1983. He played a couple of roles at The National Theatre the autumn of 1983. In 1984 he became employed by The Norwegian Theatre where he made his mark with his interpretation of Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party.

In 1989 he came to The National Stage. He has been there since, and interpreted playwrights as different as Shakespeare, Lars Norén, Henrik Ibsen, Sam Shepard, Yasmina Reza and Molière.

He is also a playwright and director, and debuted as such with Hundedagar* (Dog Days) at Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre) in Molde. He personally directed Simon's Story staged at Hordaland Theatre, which was nominated for The Hedda Award 2009 in the category of best production for children and youth, and in 2010 he was Norway's candidate for The Nordic Drama Award. His radio play Hawk and Dove won silver in Prix Italia in 2008.


(Objekt ID 4414)
Object type Person
Also known as Stig Ryste Amdam
Born June 16, 1961
Functions Director, Actor, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Adresse Bergen

Stig Amdam was nominated for The Hedda Award 2012 in the best leading actor category for the role of Mikkel Borgen in The Word, directed by Ola B. Johannessen, and for the role of Henry Law in When the rain stops falling, directed by Svein Sturla Hungnes, both at The National Stage. He was nominated for the same award in 2018 for his interpretation of the role of André in The Father, produced by The National Stage the same year.


The Hedda Award, 29.05.2012, http://heddaprisen.no/pub/heddaprisen/main/?&mid=1031&aid=1030

The Hedda Award, www.heddaprisen.no, 18.06.2018, https://www.heddaprisen.no/nominerte/2018

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Affiliations (1)
Artworks (11)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Id 2004, Script – Author
Ras 2006, Script, Drama – Author
Et bedre sted 2011, Script – Author
Hauk og due 2008, Script – Author
Dyveke 2012, Script – Author
Fjordmann* (Fjord Man) Script – Author
Hundedagar 1999, Script – Author
Simon's Story 2008, Script, Drama – Author
Skipet de Zee Ploeg* (The Ship de Zee Ploeg) Script – Author
Sytten somrar Script, Drama – Author
Exit 1994, Script – Author